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File: 1736637514633.jpg (397.46 KB, 1280x720, c4e0530f50bfe3f33ff88ab1cf….jpg)


whatmin i finally figured out how vlans work in openwrt what should i host on my 10 year old mini pc now that it's isolated from the rest of my home network and ready to be exposed to the internet
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502 error/blank page


that's odd, it used to work
it starts working when i bring down the vpn tunnel and bring it back up again, but then it seems to stop working again…
no idea why that is happening
i'm using frp to forward traffic now instead…


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It works now


what do i do now…


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Oreimo trading cards

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wish this happened to my workplace
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what a cute voice


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cant find a job and also mentally ill and also going to be homeless soon and also afraid of the ai spam bots and also afraid of the spy network


wish i was unemployed


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have you considered installing tile


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>I bet this used to be like $1000 back in the day
that isn't actually the price it's a broker fee you pay them so they try to buy the domain from the guy who's currently squatting on it, you'd probably need to pay even more money

>Isn't running your own email server basically impossible to send emails with?

well, kind of, or rather, most ISPs block SMTP ports on residential connections, and so do a lot of VPS providers
but even if there's no technical reason stopping you from sending outgoing emails, your IP reputation provided it's not already just outright blacklisted will most likely have such a poor reputation that most mail providers will autofilter it as spam if not outright reject it
you can build reputation, but it's far easier just to have your mailserver route emails through a SMTP relay which has a trusted reputation

.tk is a spammer domain because you could literally get it for free, it's .ru tier




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guys i still haven't settled on a tld do you want me to remain friendless forever





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merorin was here, you guys are faggots

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December 16th
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please watch what channel in a well lit room and don't sit too close to the monitor


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more like twat channel


why doesn't otamin do as I say


we turned otamin into a nazi now you can't post more than 1 link and even that can get you autobanned for 28 weeks while at the same time the board is flooded with porn/twitter/reddit/gnfos garbage

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go to a doctor whatmin


the whatch doctor

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It is the season.

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post em if you got em

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