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Those are 3,000 year old cartoons.


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i don't remember this scene being like this…
also whatmin's gonna freak


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Tiktok unbanned

They said Trump would save them and then 12 hours later Trump saved them, wow!


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one thing i like about floor living is being able to roll about and stretch at whim
love stretching out and getting those vertebrae pops have done it several times today feels so good

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i run a self-hosted xmpp, matrix, and email server despite having no one to talk to
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do you think you are a targeted individual


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the target


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are the bots in here with you right now?


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self-hosted mumble server
no microphone or friends

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ran out of snus now jonesing for a fix dammit
i flippin ordered real early but it got presumably stolen at the border and never arrived
should get a refund and sent again but that will take another two flippin weeks or so
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thank you for your hard work


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almost bought a vape today
went to the shop feeling very low and miserable from work and suck spied their products then just moved on and got a coke and a pie instead and by the time i had finished both i was feeling ok again
this is typical of such cravings that will persist for some time


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Vape like what kind of vape, nicotine juice or cannabis?

My Slurricane #7 S1 seed has sprouted, I killed 4 seeds in a row before this so I'm happy about it.


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isnt that watmin




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Is this the new COVID 2 electric boogaloo?

They need to stop developing bio weapons.


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love a good pandemic


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japanese as a language is reclining


post gondola gondola dragon pls


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wow I almost understood everything

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wmin what is she saying


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Something criminals something nature something what's more important, art or la vita?

See I have close to zero understanding of Spanish but can still understand a good portion of what they're saying because I speak English.

Anyway dude needs to calm down, all these paintings are covered in glass random faggots can throw soup on them all day.

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feelio when you stumble upon an old /jp/sphere poster and they are not doing too well…

he's living your dream life now whatmin
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File: 1732960386586.mp4 (86.8 KB, 900x900, a9de55b59a956fb399b7a87aa2….mp4)

The Australian (the other one).

Doesn't Australia have the most generous welfare system in the entire anglosphere?

>he's living your dream life now whatmin

I want to be high tech homeless with good equipment and money.


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he drove his shitty suzuki swift up a mountain road and bashed the sump till it broke and lost all the oil then proceeded run the engine until it seized LOL


13yo don't have thighs as meaty as this


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Absolutely insanely beautiful biome for just being some random non-cherry-picked road


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yeah, i thought australia was just a desert

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whatmin i finally figured out how vlans work in openwrt what should i host on my 10 year old mini pc now that it's isolated from the rest of my home network and ready to be exposed to the internet
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File: 1736692423346.png (18.52 KB, 460x220, 2025-01-12-092946_460x220_….png)

502 error/blank page


that's odd, it used to work
it starts working when i bring down the vpn tunnel and bring it back up again, but then it seems to stop working again…
no idea why that is happening
i'm using frp to forward traffic now instead…


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It works now


what do i do now…


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Oreimo trading cards

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