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File: 1741386498728.webm (16.5 MB, 760x720, Ballad of the Carpenter [….webm)


>whatmin's sensibilities: the song


File: 1741391430050.jpg (176.18 KB, 1400x990, sample-e228d832f2211877a28….jpg)

Are they subtlety trying to draw comparisons between the gospel narrative and communist thought?

I would actually say there's very little to nothing in the gospel that I could draw comparisons to.

The direct quotes from Jesus are mostly about the workings of a non-physical realm explained in Earthly metaphors (it's like rising bread… it's like a seed… etc.)


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how is referring to the 12 apostles as a "working committee of 12" and framing the entire Jesus narrative as a class struggle "subtle"


File: 1741393748568.webm (4.07 MB, 1200x632, Should I ever be a soldie….webm)

anway whatmin what have you done in your life to advance the cause of worker's liberty


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I get it, but the gospel itself really doesn't have anything of the sort, the narrative is very distant from all Earthly matters in general.

The closest thing I could think of is sort of the opposite, the jew clergy asks Jesus if you should pay taxes (to Caeser), and he says yes.

It's pronounced Yuluis Kaeser btw.


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idk early christian communities were pretty egalitarian and communal in nature

>It's pronounced Yuluis Kaeser btw

i know, but veni vidi viki will never sound good even if that's how classical latin sounded like

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