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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1479049754557.png (487.13 KB, 720x540, akarin.png)

 No.10239[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (100% comfy) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1479051436725.jpg (318.99 KB, 780x610, 1450333466290.jpg)

Getting comfy with frens!




no it's not, it's a drawing of two anime girls.


did you make the thread? or did assmin steal it from you again?


File: 1479076147659.png (2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-13-172758_1920x108….png)

Dem GPU drivers.



Not gay don't click.


pls watch it, very ii~


*makes a /what/post*


I think I've failed a unit this semester. I don't think I can finish it in time anymore.

I'm really disappointed and sad, but I'll keep trying for a little bit longer.


I start working today, /what/. I'm really anxious about it, but hopefully everything goes well and I can start fixing this mess of a life.


when that new movie by shinkai gets a proper release we should all watch it together because it'll be sad but ii ne and include lots of nice music and sunsets and trains no doubt, just like all of his other movies なので!


my first days of any job were always yukkuri because they just showed me around the site and showed me the really basic stuff for the job and I think most places would be similar for entry-level positions so it's daijoubu


Don't give up! You just need to try harder!


hang in there!
do your best!


File: 1479158323891.mp4 (460.58 KB, 1000x1000, Cw6CWNuVEAAHhZn.mp4)



File: 1479162590207.mp4 (9.98 MB, 1280x720, Tutturu~.mp4)



This is a /what/friend in an oversized pullover…


File: 1479163404114.jpg (72.4 KB, 1280x720, 1377627470695.jpg)

Looks like we got a Fags;Gayte fan here.


File: 1479167428947.mp3 (2.52 MB, 03. skit ~sound clash!!~.mp3)



prove it. show me a photo of a whatfriend who looks that cute


File: 1479175173524.jpg (Spoiler Image, 77.42 KB, 600x600, IMG_1433.JPG)

There aren't any there's only fags that look like dani or denis both hideous btw denis and this guy have a ton of resemblance to one another


why is there a sadface on the pullover


>put ice cube in hot coffee
>it floats to one side
>the coffee grounds in the bottom of the glass move to the opposite side in a pile

What is the scientific basis behind this?


File: 1479244596204.jpg (34.72 KB, 809x563, [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Prec….jpg)



File: 1479245029290.mp3 (11.94 MB, 05. Ganba Reimu feat. ytr.mp3)






File: 1479281343915.jpg (Spoiler Image, 204.03 KB, 1280x897, 4ce33b19f6cf52142c3b4c6afd….jpg)



watching a little bit scary movie, ww scary!



which moobie?


It was 1408 but it got more silly and less scary towards the end and the director's cut ending isn't as good as the theatrical ending.


Do you think wishing someone a nice day on an imageboard actually does anything?

I had a bad day today, but I wonder if it actually would've been better if a /what/friend wished me a nice day or maybe it just would've been the same.


Hey guys, just testing out the new weeb name generator I implemented so my website stays competitive and I still get my ad revenue.

Next I'll roll out some more file attachment features.


- /what/min


remoob it


Shut the fuck up. No one cares.



What was the post? Don't list to that one mean guy.


It was a stupid post, just like him.


I thought it was an interesting perspective


File: 1479408918007.png (838.79 KB, 930x824, __ayatsuji_tsukasa_amagami….png)

I finally got a new whip!

I can't wait for all the fun I'm going to have with it now…


I'm sure it does! Wishing someone a nice day might make them feel ii ne and then they won't be sad for the rest of the day!
I hope you will have many nice days in the future!


Tie it around your neck and hang yourself with it.


File: 1479412376712.jpg (271.45 KB, 2000x1250, Higurashi - 40.jpg)

Your knowledge on S&M related kinks/objects must be elementary level at most if you think all whips are bullwhips. The one I have is from the riding crop family so there's no way it can be tied.

If we're in the same room right now I would hit you with it for being so stupid…


Regardless, you should hang yourself.



If you're hitting people for being stupid you should probably hit yourself first


File: 1479415496606.jpg (306.79 KB, 1013x1433, __kirima_sharo_phantom_thi….jpg)

Autoerotique asphyxiation isn't my thing but it sounds like it might be yours…

I only sub for my BF so I wouldn't for you.
Thanks admitting you're stupid though by saying me before you.


I'm into beating queers to death.


None of what you said made any sense.


File: 1479416628745.jpg (299.79 KB, 1920x1080, Yume Nikki - 88.jpg)

Details? How would you do it? Be as graphic as possible…

Work on understanding connotations and you'll understand, hopefully.


No I think you're just stupid


>Details? How would you do it? Be as graphic as possible…
I would mercilessly punch them in the face until their faces caved in and their brains are destroyed.


File: 1479418532721.jpg (148.67 KB, 1920x1080, Yume Nikki - 99.jpg)


Nice, really nice.


File: 1479430102986.png (494.63 KB, 600x694, 1474481415291.png)





what happened to akaribbs?




Someone on the /nennen/ got a scarf from his internet friendo. I wish I had an internet friendo that I could give something nice to!


You could give your love and friendship to me…


File: 1479443287192.gif (2.97 MB, 500x281, 1gify.gif)



I told you what would be ded this yr 4 sho


File: 1479467091338.jpg (58.22 KB, 1280x720, 1353709610336.jpg)

>whatfriend adds me on Steam
>We have hot as fuck ERP where we both pretend to be boys
>We both cum explosively many times
>He gifts me Penumbra: Overture afterawards with a heart emoticon in the gift messege

How do I tell him I already own the Penumbra collection..?


that sounds like a bad weeb game he's obviously breaking up with you


Penumbra is a horror game, I'm pretty sure it was made by the same guys that did Amnesia too but idk…


File: 1479476335861.jpg (Spoiler Image, 372.96 KB, 1200x900, 1.jpg)

one of my steam friends sent me this after i put on my anime avatar and teased him

what does it mean


big cummer!


that's mikes


That's Mikes and he shows his dick to anyone who asks.


/what/ a slut!


that's like twice the size of mine


File: 1479498695032.jpg (127.03 KB, 640x480, 1471822722541.jpg)



fake and gay


tsun gf are you here~


File: 1479510606067.jpg (222.21 KB, 576x1024, 1458895503591.jpg)



why is /what/ dead??


Don't know, I think the owner of mooo.com might have sold the domain.


but now the jingle sucks, you can't have .info
grrrrrr and why isn't akaribbs on .info?



what dash ch dot mooo~ dot info slash what slash!


what do you mean, aren't we posting on it right now?


the REAL /what/, not this fake phishing /what/.


Don't enter your /what/ gold account details otherwise they'll steal them!


it's too late
go on without me


File: 1479535595845.jpg (86.22 KB, 720x540, 5.jpg)

The mooo.com domain appears to be fixed.


/what/ happened to /t-p/



usotsuki. tell mooomin that you don't pay him for a shitty .info TLD.


It's fixed, you just need to clear your DNS cache.

Open cmd.exe and type "ipconfig /flushdns"

Hit ctrl+shift+del in browser, clear cache, restart browser, and try again.




>had dream where girl pretends to be nice to me and we plan to have sex
>she tells me to meet her somewhere really vague tomorrow
>I tell her that's too vague, let's exchange phone numbers
>gives me obviously fake phone number, I tell her
>she walks away, gives me the finger
>I suddenly understand she was just messing with me

She's not even real but she was a bitch.


wtf why doesn't the link up top work then


Because it hard redirects to what-ch.mooo.com/test-php

Doesn't matter, the old mooo.com domain is working now.


File: 1479586399393.gif (2.43 MB, 700x400, 3e0979982c932d2aa6e807c64f….gif)

I had a dream about a girl that ""sucked"" my ""dick""


File: 1479588185080.png (754.97 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot from 2016-11-19….png)

steaming hot erp with whatfriend


File: 1479588846076.jpg (142.06 KB, 850x850, 1466329251328.jpg)



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File: 1479590378019.png (2.93 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-19-161746_1920x108….png)



File: 1479590514406.png (2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-19-161854_1920x108….png)

Population over 1 billion, like stuffing an entire populace into a clown car.


I'm a scrawny shorter guy does whatmin like me?


File: 1479590647938.jpg (905.3 KB, 1600x1869, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg)

Or like stuffing my dick in your asshole…


File: 1479590880627.jpg (Spoiler Image, 302.41 KB, 709x709, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg)

No, whatmin only has eyes for me


sharing is caring


i feel cucked knowing whatmin is erping with other people and not me…


File: 1479594251739.jpg (556.45 KB, 1000x1200, 1476115187056.jpg)

I'd share his holes with you, but only after I'm done with them.


I'm not ERPing with him.


I wish I was a celebrity and people would post about worshiping parts of my body


File: 1479594842864.png (1.2 MB, 1000x1400, 1475985919258.png)

Yeah, we don't roleplay. It's the real thing.


File: 1479595529997.mp3 (8.87 MB, 09 Boobs A Lot.mp3)


jay bauman likes pineapple on his pizza, and so do i


why doesn't my /what/ tab have the cute little madotsuki pattern fav icon anymore??


idk, mine does and it's where it should be:


File: 1479635396281.webm (1.71 MB, 120x152, awate suwako.webm)

I have to do 14 packet tracer labs, 7 cisco chapter exams (that I can just cheat on), a final exam and a practical exam in 1 week, AAHH

plus a whole another unit AAAAAHHHHHH


um am I supposed to know what the hell this nerd is talking about


its just nerd shit




Can't wait for the great fag purge



where are my gothic lolitas



up your ass with broken glass


they should be in my bed instead



isnt this cp because hes underage?


you forgot the (thats three o's!) part


I miss the good old days before Dani posted his disgusting face and we could all pretend he was actually a cute girl.


File: 1479708263837.jpg (86.28 KB, 1280x720, [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precu….jpg)

pretending people are anime girls can't possibly be healthy


I didn't say I was pretending he was an anime girl. That must've been what you were doing.


i pretend all posters are the anime girls they post because why would i want to talk to gross hairy men in my free time


File: 1479718730526.jpg (640.99 KB, 1944x2592, 1465702493277.jpg)

Are you serious? You wish you were as cool as me.


File: 1479722529779.jpg (115.43 KB, 1200x1198, cover.jpg)


File: 1479723455869.png (706.16 KB, 702x859, 1461351418460.png)


what a slut, you can see straight into her b00sy!


annya isnt a slut take that back.


File: 1479743476448.png (103 KB, 382x466, 1459817791683.png)

Whole lot of gay going on here today.


File: 1479749848177.jpg (673.05 KB, 1280x1808, index_03_1.jpg)



/what/min i'm a scrawny guy do you wanna flirt and hug?


No but I want to beat you to death.


File: 1479756818192.jpg (46.22 KB, 480x480, hacka doll 3 (hacka doll) ….jpg)

ok if you want to..


Back off imposter


Fuck off, queer. I'm the real whatmin.


File: 1479757630833.png (521.08 KB, 400x576, jason coon.png)

>i'm also black


There's a picture of me over here >>10496


That's a picture of me


Are you me?


You're not Jason Coon, I am


Is this possible natty?




anybody know any stories about inventors, i'm in the mood to be inspired.


very funny ww


File: 1479766512665.jpg (Spoiler Image, 322.68 KB, 380x540, poorlittle.jpg)



i'm thugzilla


File: 1479779719802.jpg (344.83 KB, 600x1438, hishikawa rikka and kenzak….jpg)

check out this cute pic



I'm gonna watch that new Shinkai movie at the movies in a few days by myself and cry by myself.
I'm going to go to the small and comfy cinema instead of the big one too. I hope they're not already booked out!


don't cry at the movies it's embarassing


I cried watching Titanic in the cinema when I was a little kid.


I've started getting teary eyed watching and reading media I don't like it


i threw up burger king watching titanic when i was a kid because of the camera angles when the ship is sinking.


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File: 1479850923208.jpg (208.84 KB, 1280x931, morrowind_balmora_by_saito….jpg)

My comfy zones are not even in the physical plane of existence.


File: 1479850986304.jpg (161.56 KB, 936x1200, 1466634941363.jpg)

Nobody wants to be liked by you


File: 1479852155219.webm (259.85 KB, 712x476, gothloli kick.webm)


I've reinstalled Morrowind again with all the cool graphical revamp mods. Its ambiance really is special, Oblivion and Skyrim don't even come close


me on the left


Pretty sure Balmora's river doesn't have boats, they can't even pass through the bridge.


The boat can fit through the two center arches because they're a little taller. I know this because I'm an undine.


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File: 1479910418258.jpg (37.57 KB, 414x656, 1468458290764.jpg)

I heard Fitzthislewits is actually MechaGamezilla putting on a silly voice is this true


post the one with yui doing the silly thing in the shoppe!


bees make a 「bzzt」 noise ww
「bzzzt」 w


File: 1479912246096.jpg (Spoiler Image, 323.27 KB, 600x839, 1464621115195.jpg)

You mean this one?


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File: 1479927776449.jpg (36.97 KB, 500x471, shibuya rin and shimamura ….jpg)


cute as HECK!!





File: 1479933967668.gif (275.68 KB, 500x375, 1439638962699.gif)

>yfw you realize /what/ is a dictatorship, not a democracy


yeah it's a DICKtatorship because of all the FAGS


anybody watch any love stories? Just watched Hitched was p. good


File: 1479944034372.mp3 (8.55 MB, Aealo.mp3)



i cant wait to see lalaland ryan gosling is my favorite


File: 1479983670126.jpg (54.88 KB, 498x702, hellowherearetheflowers.jpg)





looks good


futaba_anzu genderswap

>Nobody here but us chickens!

sigh, I just wanted to see a stinky NEET cummer…


open up *whips it out*


File: 1480034722588.jpg (936.83 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20161125_014410.jpg)

eating sausages rn


way too much tomato sauce


File: 1480049570886.png (Spoiler Image, 124.68 KB, 411x282, shot0029.png)

This camwhore is literally the mother of that little girl from the one meme posted on 4chan.


File: 1480050018995.jpg (57.15 KB, 600x600, serveimage.jpg)

This one


She looks like she belongs in Gummo. I wonder if 4pq is related.


File: 1480051273201.mp3 (9.68 MB, Kim Jung Mi - 1973 Now (s.….mp3)

found this nice korean song


North Korea literally produces better music.



Sounds like a intro to a cheesy 80s cop show or something.


North Korea is a 90s action movie, but I'm serious I actually like this Moranbong band.


Hello, I am pro hacker. I just hackered all your dickp*cs.


what did you think of mine?


pls be a cute girl


File: 1480089140315.png (186.04 KB, 2000x2000, 56345751_p4.png)

When he adds the cute hidamari giggle into his mix and it makes you feel all nice and gooey inside. (× ╹◡╹ ×)

pls listen



Very [pink]ii ne[/pink], thanks for sharing!


/what/ was down due to area-wide outage in Comcast's service.


stinky idol cunny…


i'm so disappointed what did not die


File: 1480177622302.mkv (38.09 MB, [Jumonji-Giri]_[AnY]_Futak….mkv)



File: 1480190345615.jpg (136.17 KB, 1200x1600, 1479949833735.jpg)

>frozen autist


Great video every /what/friend should watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7ZN8wGIxBI


I hope things get better for you anon


eating ciken suop


Seeing a whole cooked Turkey corpse really makes me realize what I'm eating.

I'm not that grossed out by it, but it makes it very obvious that you're eating the muscle fibers of an animal, you can see all the tendons, veins, etc.

The only thing that grosses me out is it reminds me of the one picture of a cooked human corpse I've seen online, it might have been fake but it doesn't matter because it looked very real.


Have you never seen whole uncooked animals or something?


Quite different from seeing them cooked and ripping off pieces of their muscles to eat.



>This is my first video that is age restricted because the MeMeMe is a hentai video. Any embarrassing or uncomfortable comments will be deleted like: Sexy, hot, and stuff like that. Note that I am 16 year old turning 17 not 12.

lol, thank you Japan


doo doo do doo doo do doo dee dee doo doo doo do doo doo doo do doo dee doo


File: 1480212791419.jpg (73.51 KB, 960x1010, 59032436_p0.jpg)

I had a lot of fun watching the new Shinkai mobie. There was a lot more comedic relief and funny e*chi parts and panty shots than what I thought there would be and it felt a little different to his usual stuff, but there was also lots of sunsets and trains and pretty landscapes and lovers being sad and lonely like in his other movies so it's not too different.

I didn't cry like I thought I would, I think that was because there was a little more comedy and stuff. Or maybe it was because I was surrounded by lots of other people and I didn't want to cry. Or maybe I'm just older now and it just doesn't hit me as hard anymore like way back when I first watched 5 cm/s. The ending (in tone/style) was definitely different to Shinkai's earlier stuff.

It was really fun though I liked it and I was talking to some friendly hairy weeb dork before the movie started and I didn't realize he was that big of a dork until the end when he said the ED singer was singing in the same regional dialect as the girl in the movie and I was thinking "Only massive dorks would think about that".

Then after the movie ended I went to the train station and went back into the CBD and got a drink at a bar I like waiting for the next bus home and then I saw there was a few bands playing soon so i waited for them but it wasn't a very good band and the drums were too loud but the guitarist was enthusiastic and then i asked the other guitarist when the other band was playing and he said "next" but i didn't know how long that would be so I had to wait more and then the other band started playing and they were cool I liked them.

Then I had to catch the last bus of the night because they took so long to start playing.

Then I went home.

Sometimes I listen to this whenever I have to catch the last train or bus home.


I could tell you more about my little journey but I think I've typed enough for now. It was a nice journey and I really want to finish my course and do my projects before I get another job again.

I hope you enjoyed reading it. Matashita ne~


cuet post please tell us more when you can


File: 1480222609823.jpg (177.19 KB, 1600x1200, knowyourmeme.jpg)

I think I'm finally starting to grow out of 4chan.

Maybe it's just temporary.


nice post i hope to hear more of your adventures


Your name is hipster trash, the story is way too rushed even for a movie, the let's save the people and time travel plots are getting old.


File: 1480259321472.jpg (42.86 KB, 350x439, 1480029575614.jpg)

good. leave.


File: 1480269159742.png (556.82 KB, 900x806, hishikawa rikka and kenzak….png)



File: 1480269815963.png (656.01 KB, 972x1200, __caster_fate_extra_and_fa….png)

This was for me


How do I convince girls to save up their money to purchase elegant and complex outfits?


/cgl/ whores already do that themselves.


True that many on /cgl/ do, but I'm focusing on targeting people who do not in order to increase the amount of people who do.


Convince them that its a worthwhile investment for whatever reason, much like with any hobby.


File: 1480308786640.png (75.63 KB, 694x1200, betsubees betsuknees.png)

wwwwing with your /what/friends!!




File: 1480320770297.jpg (631.68 KB, 2560x1600, 1449871215750.jpg)

*chuu* *chuu* How nice~!

I hope all /what/ friendos are having a nice week this last week of November!


Who is this cuteposter?




File: 1480357417986.jpeg (526.72 KB, 1000x1200, 0587091b640f22ffcffb53c05….jpeg)

I got a nice fancy new Kindle for an early Christmas gift from my BF and now I gotta think of something for me to get him. I'm thinking of getting an emerald ring with a Art Deco design.


its just pronounce ぬ


File: 1480372278923.jpg (49.6 KB, 469x557, [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precu….jpg)

I wish I had a special someone to give me cute gifts for Christmas…


File: 1480373504016.png (480.55 KB, 390x910, 60cb9aab6c85154b632e854b63….png)

If I had the resources I would get everyone I liked here exquisite gifts.


it's wi


File: 1480375265709.jpg (301.76 KB, 485x500, pierre (idolmaster and ido….jpg)

The only gift I want is you..


File: 1480379748419.gif (1.66 MB, 400x225, 137974047145.gif)




I'm 110% sure that the blonde one is a dude or Emma Watson.


You're pretty bad at detecting traps, no guy has that bone/facial structure.


anime never looks kawaii in irl all the outfits are too static


I was making a joke Captain BuzzKill.


you can see kyouko's pantsu, kyaaa!!


File: 1480386134931.jpg (291.86 KB, 1291x1721, 12493795_435627346635466_7….jpg)

My favorite is still these cosplay babes!


do you think their b*ssies are hairy and stinky and worn-out from fr*gging




File: 1480408464317.mp3 (7.06 MB, 01 Satan Is Real.mp3)



File: 1480411750416.png (533.09 KB, 854x480, garlic lolita.png)

>garlic lolita


Downloading obscure movies from some Ukrainian guy


File: 1480436131306.mp4 (9.72 MB, 352x288, The Electric Hellfire Club….mp4)

Praise Luzifer.


Upload them


File: 1480438842139.mp3 (5.43 MB, 03 The Christian Life.mp3)

Begone, heathen!


File: 1480440466885.mp3 (11.04 MB, I'm A Sinner - Madonna.mp3)

Saint Anthony, lost and found
Thomas Aquinas, stand your ground
All the saints and Holy men
Catch me before I sin again.

I'm a sinner, I like it that way.

Jesus was the first scarecrow.


File: 1480487965535.png (309.02 KB, 640x552, 1480474729513.png)



God intentionally designed the geographic isolation of Japan, knowing that the far-eastern location and natural barrier of ocean surrounding it would lead to the cultures it has developed, and allow it's people to retain their genetic homogeneity even in the current post-modern globalized era which is destroying white people.

It is different than other islands in terms of size, climate, and location. It is the perfect size/location for allowing humans to develop in a homogeneous bubble, or their own little world. The humans that live there also happen to be fairly intelligent on average, and genetically prone to a considerate personality.

In the next coming decades once the west has become majority non-white, Japan will be by far the most advanced and safe human civilization. The rest of the world will be envious of their low crime rates and safe cities.

It's obvious that the geographic structure of land on Earth is not a random accident. It has been designed that way. The Tibetan plateau and Himalayan mountain range for example is no accident.


Post template please.


File: 1480496491672.png (48.51 KB, 640x552, 1480474729513.png)


File: 1480506646517.png (119.91 KB, 640x552, w.png)



Very ii ne!


you can't have a /what/ harem that's immoral!


What's immoral about it?


which anime girl is that?


File: 1480525888976.png (300.28 KB, 850x600, what meetup.png)


( >,<)


did anyone get pregnant in the /what/ meetup?




Of course not, /what/friends always use protection!


File: 1480549687882.png (666.23 KB, 2304x1296, 1480466495760.png)



go back there


Help! I can't find the movie /what/-ching thread. I don't like it when I lose threads in the great /what/chive just because /what/min doesn't want to have a hidden catalog page. Does anyone still have the link?


What is an exact word/phrase that occurred in that thread?


"rizon" would've been mentioned and I doubt anyone has mentioned it in other threads.


But I don't think rizon was in the OP and I can't remember the title very well so it makes it hard to just scan the pages…


it had the touhou picture where they were under a kotatsu if i remember right




Here's the shell script I wrote for finding threads with a word/phrase, this works on other tinyboard/vichan sites too.

For example this is the command I used to find it.

tgrep -d what-ch.mooo.com -b what -p 50 "rizon"

I'll add catalog support, I agree we need it.


it's prurient


File: 1480613408807.mp3 (5.46 MB, 3S' Stupid, Sadistic, and ….mp3)



doesnt the mod page have a grep functionality or is that only tinyboard


Yes, the shell script is just as easy for me to use though.


File: 1480655152302.jpg (44.21 KB, 600x437, Chq6PnMU4AM5YyH.jpg)

yeah i guess




my internet is really choppy right now, I think I'll just do a quick cum and fall asleep.


File: 1480723863693.gif (1 MB, 500x211, 701-Donnie-Darko-quotes.gif)

Youth Committee is back and now I play a even bigger role, I'm going to help with the suicide prevention center and I'm also in charge of making the logo for their reaching out web page.

A lot of work but I know I'll enjoy it.
I'm also getting paid for my work which is nice.


Get a real job, homo.


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I'm going to be a woodworkers apprentice next fall and hopefully be real woodworker.


They let a sexual predator handle the youth committee?


I'll bet you're a "woodworker" fag.


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He could work my wood…


File: 1480726874018.gif (1.91 MB, 494x640, 1476341320790.gif)

For that it is low-rate compressed wood tables for you.

You can have mahogany wood though.



>japanese people

The ones that took 200+ attempts like at 7:00 have to be a joke, lmao if it took him 200 tries for that.


Name a better manga than Alice in Borderland


My Balls


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>10 hours into grandia 3
>playing at normal pace
>just now getting to first real dungeon

The dialogue is very cringy, literally "believe in the power of love"-tier. I like the combat system though, but I've been trying not to use things that are too OP. For example I have an item/move combination is basically "one shot kill every enemy at this level". The boss fights are much harder than normal fights, the boss fights require a lot of strategy and can get pretty difficult unless you're some kind of nerd who is grinding too much and using the most cheap gear/moves possible.

The loli is also the strongest character by a pretty good margin.


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I'm your demon lover; Incubus.


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I found a book that has a collection of F. Scott Fitzgerald books.

I'm going to start with Winter Dreams first..


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The Madoka OST (most of it) is perfect to read with.


File: 1480794183962.mp3 (15.41 MB, 01. sakamoto hiromichi - u….mp3)

Just found this album in my music folder that I never listened to. I'll post the first song here so my what tomodachis can give their judgment on it.


rebellion ost is better


It started off kind of spooky and nice and there was a nice change in tone around the halfway point. But then, around the 7 min mark, they started with their vocals which I thought were kinda silly and not as nice and ruined it for me, but idk you might like it more than me.


Hey guys, /what/min here. I activated the catalog, you can access it through your /what/ gold account control panel.

It only returns the first 5 threads though.

I'm also thinking about rolling out a /what/ gold premium currency so that you can get all the /what/ gold features that you want faster and easier than ever before.


- /what/min


thanks buttmin


/what/'s the maximum file attachment size allowed on /what/?


500 TB


It starts out nice, it's good until the 4:50 mark but it gets progressively sillier the longer it goes, sounds like circus music at the end…It feels disjointed. Is the whole album like this?


The album is Zero-Shiki by Hiromichi Sakamoto if you're interested.


ooh this sounds like kashiwa daisuke/worlds end girlfriend stuff i like it a lot thank you



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When you go to suck his dick and he says he hasn't cummed in one week and 3 days because of work exhausting him…


is that the new /what/ spoiler image??


File: 1480955960300.png (198.23 KB, 512x512, eating-jizz copy.png)

I could see it working as one, if the font and spacing is done right.



This was universal in a period where global communication was impossible. Humans all liked THICC?


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Japanese gangster


File: 1480996682419.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-05-215743_1920x108….png)

Obviously a fan of Back to the Future




That actually looks pretty good.


Really want to fucking die right now holy shit I'm not even memeing


Don't die!!!


Do die


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File: 1481049233692.png (3.16 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-06-132016_1920x108….png)



( ゚∀゚)✂╰⋃╯






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noodly anime girls….


( >,<)


*spits in your mouth*


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( ゚∀゚)✂╰⋃╯


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One time a Korean girl asked me where a particular bus stop was and so I showed her the way and we talked a little bit as we were walking and she told me she was working and studying but she was looking for a new job and I said I saw a job vacancy at a cute costume shop down the road but I don't think she understood. She was really friendly and pretty.

Also, the costume shop used to have a really cute dress on display out the front with a strawberry print pattern on it and it was red and white and reminded me of Ichigo Mashimaro but then one day it wasn't on display anymore and I got a little bit sad.




>In Shintoism the Ainu legend is that a sharp-toothed demon hid inside the vagina of a young woman and emasculated two young men on their wedding nights. Consequently, the woman sought help from a blacksmith who fashioned an iron phallus to break the demon's teeth. The legendary iron phallus is considered that enshrined at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan, and there the popular Festival of the Steel Phallus (かなまら祭り) is held each spring. Also, prostitutes considered that praying at that shrine protected them against sexually transmitted diseases.

Japan has a very long history of weird shit.


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Where's Nevada-tan?


nips aren't gooks tho, next you'll call them chinks…


gooks, nips, chinks, what's the difference?

They are all slanty eyed crooks.


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that's a bat girl


no it's neko


it's a bat those are bat ears


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whatever nerd


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meow meow :3




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lol did he suck a lemon


/what/ a load of shit


Don't even THINK about making your own thread /what/min or I swear to god…………..


I'm out of spirits right now I apologize. Perhaps tomorrow I'd have the willpower to kill myself.


I don't want you to do it but if you good luck & stay well

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