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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.9062[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (0% shittu) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


general threas are fuckinig boring. put a funnier picture on at least


They're meant to serve a purpose, and the thread itself being funny is not one of them.


all of your funny anime pictures are waiting for you on /ota/, including shouting face with big mouth, funny faec, and even aho baka face.


File: 1476437004753.gif (87.08 KB, 209x172, 1476370271095.gif)

BORING tards


thread is already at 50% shittu…


tard fags


File: 1476451575780.mp3 (6.62 MB, Z-Rock Hawaii (Ween & Bore….mp3)



can you post the hinagiku gotta poop face


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File: 1476508110843.png (293.41 KB, 1267x878, 2016-10-15-010608_1920x108….png)

>Google finding new ways to torture me with Captcha

I had to click like 20 times to cover the street sign in a highlighted area. They obviously designed this garbage with touchscreen users in mind.


File: 1476515843692.jpeg (73.14 KB, 680x680, image.jpeg)

>to access chaturbate.com


I got my new girlwatch but the metal links rip the hairs on my arm whenever the watch moves around and it hurts. Do I need to wax my arms to wear the watch?


elsy will be back one day, i'm sure…


File: 1476551648344.png (766.94 KB, 956x720, image.png)

You don't like camwhores?

Professional western porn stars do nothing for me, but 100s of average girls getting naked on webcam desperate for money does. Most of them make barely any money, and that's largely their fault because they're too stupid to figure out what guys like. Some of the better ones do make a living off it though, but you still don't have pay anything to see them.


I have very hairy arms and I had this problem when I first started using watches, but I found that with time it just stopped


How'd you lose your arm hair?


>with time


>You don't like camwhores?
No, I'm animesexual.


File: 1476578457134.jpg (56.25 KB, 626x650, 1475485036739.jpg)



I didn't, the watch just stopped picking on them.


Is she actually retarded or is she being ironic and shit?


File: 1476598815134.png (236.52 KB, 397x480, duhhh.png)


post akari duhhh.png!


File: 1476609701015.jpg (240.65 KB, 1024x1305, 1476609586001.jpg)

How much longer until we can move into the /what/beesion?


no one would actually live in it because all /what/friendos are too shy and timid to even think of moving into a place like that, especially if it's really far away for them. there are probably /what/friendos that struggle to even leave their room or apartment or w/e without being overwhelmed by anxiety.

it's just how things go.


Maybe just a few /what/frens could move in at first and then the more shy ones will follow after they hear about how ii ne it is!


( >,<) [ • ‸ • ] (・´ェ`・) (「・ω・)「


File: 1476652060588.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-10-16-151159_1920x108….png)

Another match with globals, but I'm almost sure green and purple on my team was cheating, and pretty suspicious about their top fragger.

I just want SMFC, that will be the equivalent of pre-rank-update global. I'm pretty sure global (currently 0% of the player population lol https://csgosquad.com/ranks) is nothing but cheaters now.


File: 1476661935008.jpg (40.4 KB, 640x480, [Anime-Keep]_Mahoujin_Guru….jpg)

Anyone that associates with goons/somethingawful is irredeemable scum. You're definitely right about the green guy.


File: 1476673530256.jpg (1.95 MB, 2241x4257, 1476621866897.jpg)

If only I had money then girls would like me and I could get a wife. No matter what you look like or what else you do girls will never want someone with no money.

Even if I get money:

>get money

>get wife
>she cheats on me
>she faces no legal repercussions for it
>divorces me
>takes my kids
>takes half my money

I can't wait until western civilization collapses from MGTOW.


Even if you had money no gender would like you. You would just end up like that gentleman guy last year


If I had significant money/income then I could EASILY get a wife through the internet.

Just post up an ad saying that I have enough money to support a family, and that I'm looking for a submissive housewife. All I'd have to do then is wait and filter girls until I find a good one.

If I just had money this would be easy, the only hard part is picking a modern female who is a virgin, and actually has the capability to stay with one man for the rest of her life and not cheat. That's incredibly rare now, but I think it's possible with the help of the internet and a decent financial status.


File: 1476702644613.jpg (111.43 KB, 913x913, Ct-I5xZUIAAMTWe.jpg orig.jpg)

You can be broke as hell and still get a GF. In fact it's usually girls that spend money on me, not the other way around. Spend more time working on your appearance and social skills, overworking yourself for the sake of a gold-digger isn't going to make you happy.


Can someone remind me why autists like >>9207 don't just end themselves?


all /what/ birls are the type that dress like a slovenly delinquent in short skirts and stuff but are actually innocent because they're all massive virg weeb losers.


Why don't more girls dress up in cute outfits like this?


Are you in high-school/college or do you have some level of income? It doesn't count, you're not a NEET.

A homeless person or a NEET who lives with his mom has ZERO chance of getting a wife even if they look like a 10/10 model with good hygiene.


File: 1476716552585.jpg (69.77 KB, 468x652, homeless ronin.jpg)

Pretty sure this guy could get any girl he wants.


Probably because he's not actually homeless.

Even if he is, let's see his wife.



File: 1476718511497.jpg (116.2 KB, 1280x720, [BlurayDesuYo] DanMachi - ….jpg)

I'm a NEET on bennies. So long as you're not a pathetic fuck that leeches off of or lives with your your parents most women don't care.


1) He only had a wife before he was homeless
2) He didn't have a wife when he was homeless
3) He is not poor/homeless now

>Since his virtual fame, Mr Cheng, who has been left shy and withdrawn after his experiences, has received offers to appear in advertisements and he has also worked as a catwalk model.

>His caring fans have also donated 100,000 yuan (£10,000) to help him get his life on track.

If women weren't so stupid they would realize that leeching off the state for a fake disease is equally/more pathetic as leeching off your parents.


File: 1476722824574.mp3 (11.59 MB, 09. Not Waving, But Drowni….mp3)



100% OJ got some new dlc!


someone post an orenji juusu girl!


File: 1476742224811.jpg (655.43 KB, 1300x1075, __hime_qp_and_suguri_100_p….jpg)

( >,<)


I just found out why I always get razor burn on my neck. I thought my hair grew down the whole way but it actually kind of tapers at like a 45 degree angle from my windpipe to my collarbones so I've always been slightly shaving perpindicular to my hair so if I let it get to long it caused a lot of irritation


is there a backwards comma so she can look the other ways towards her cute friendos


File: 1476783782406.webm (5.95 MB, 1024x768, out.webm)

They don't know about how long range the auto shotty is.


( >,<) (>ˎ< )

( >,<) (>ˎ< )

( >,<) (>˱< )

( >˲<) (>˻< )

( >˼<) (>˛< )

probably none of these would work on t-p though…

maybe view with different encodings or on different browsers too.


File: 1476793961732.png (400.89 KB, 724x1253, rip.png)



>Swaziland is critically affected by the HIV and AIDS disease. As reported in the 2012 CIA World Factbook, Swaziland has the highest HIV infection rate in the world (25.8% of all adults; more in other reports)

You can buy dirty nasty brick weed imported from this country for $1 a gram, "Swazi Gold".




they didn't have body armor for those right?


Just checked, all of them had full armor except the scouter in the first clip.


File: 1476820228784.png (1.91 MB, 1920x1040, hitler 3D anime.png)



How do I stop being g*y for /what/friendos?

God won't forgive me like this and then I'll never get to see elsy in heaven…


It's not gay if you're a birl!


File: 1476894021434.mp3 (6.23 MB, Diamonds Are Forever .mp3)



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Dick sucking can be additive.


hyaku paasento orenji juusu


File: 1476933027491.mp3 (9.59 MB, 01 Friends.mp3)

This is the official song of /what/.


tiny pathetic NEET c*m…


File: 1476936620986.jpg (703.07 KB, 2100x1945, whatfren and whatfren.jpg)



You don't have to take girlmones if you don't want to, because I love all of my /what/friendos for who they are!


my orenji juusu is queued for an update, i wonder what's happening with it!


They added new cards and Halloween costumes!


Do /what/frens play hyaku paasento orenji juusu? Maybe I should make a thread about it on /nen/, I met some nice frens playing fighting games over there…


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Anime released in the past several years isn't even the same thing as anime released in the early 2000s and before.

I'm not even going to say "anime is dead", but it's not the same thing, anime released in 2000-2005 is a completely different medium. It has some creativity and comforting charm to it, while watching even the best of newer anime is basically like watching the equivalent of reading /a/. /a/ speaks in very cliched tired "memes", and the anime speaks in cliched tired tropes, brainless dialogue, and shells of soulless characters selected from a set of pre-designed archetypes.


Yeah pretty much the reason I hate most anime and 99.9% of the anime fan base don't really talk about it though out if sight out of mind and when people do complain it just brings the thing the hate into the spot light which is ironic


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lol shut up nostalgia losers


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Like this is a funny joke, he is searching for girls with a "douching rod". You would have to know what dowsing is to understand.

I might still be able to enjoy new shows that are basically softcore porn, but I don't like the art style.

I'm not sexually attracted to those designs at all, they feel too flat, too clean, too similar.


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File: 1476985168777.jpg (129.74 KB, 1440x1080, 1451282179854.jpg)

So I was doing my boyfriend's laundry when I found his birth certificate in one of his pockets and saw that we both have the same middle name and his last name was one my mom had referenced in the past. I then remembered that one day he joked about how funny it would be if we're related in anyway.

Add that up with the fact that I have two last names and I hold no psychical traits from my other family members but I do with him.
I'm really hoping I didn't have sex with a possible family member but at the same time it doesn't bug me.

Also I hope who I was talking to on /ota/ is doing better.


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File: 1476990742625.webm (11.52 MB, 1280x720, Aoki Flamme.webm)

I need to step my game up…

You do as well.


File: 1476990885684.gif (1.35 MB, 640x360, high speed anzu.gif)


Zomg your fingers r so fast


File: 1476991738371.jpg (193.39 KB, 1920x1080, 138043582034.jpg)

Not really…

How about yours? I hear people who are good with their fingers can jerk people off really well.



no one cares, shut up gross fag degen.


I went to the church foodbank earlier, when I signed in and showed my id the girl at the counter asked, "oh do you have Anzu's ID as well?". I was thrown off for a second then remembered how I put down anzuchangs name on the family form when I first registered (and even correct bday, but i moved the year back so it wouldn't look pedo when I claimed she was my gf living with me) half a year or ago so I could get more food. I said no I forgot and they didn't care, I got a big package of bearclaws and lots of other yummy pastries in addition to the regular canned good, bread, potatos etc.


Is punkin scissors worth watching as an anime depicting early modern warfare?


File: 1477011910746.jpg (243.22 KB, 783x756, 1427611810369.jpg)

What happens next time you go and they ask for Anzu's ID?

The church girl probably thinks you think she's retarded. I mean you having a girlfriend, let alone one named Anzu? She knows dude.


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I'm not too sure since I'm only on the 3rd episode right now but it's been pretty good so far.



well this is the first time out of dozens of visits its happened, its probably been their official policy all along but the different volunteer staff people never cared. if it happens again which Im 99% sure it won't, I'll just say I forgot again and what most likely they will continue to not care, its not like theres any shortage. worst case scenario is I just end up getting a little less than I normally do which isn't a big deal at all. Ive got quite a surplus already in case society breaks down.


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File: 1477068978688.mp3 (5.13 MB, Friends.mp3)



File: 1477072329584.png (566.59 KB, 720x540, dude vaporwave lmao.png)

Is the wakaba mark sometimes used in Japan as an innuendo/reference to virginity?


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RIP ancient fansubbers, I will miss your superior Xvid/mp3/avi with hardsubs releases.


File: 1477080091222.jpg (1.22 MB, 5152x2896, DSC00203.JPG)

So I thought I would test my camera on doing outdoor pictures at the park.

Most turned out well…



File: 1477080139668.jpg (1.75 MB, 5152x2896, DSC00205.JPG)



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Nice seeing mushrooms right after the rain.


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Shit, just realized I could have made this as its own thread.


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Looking at the others I think only the next 4 turned out well enough.


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File: 1477081345822.jpg (2.12 MB, 5152x2896, DSC00224.JPG)



Very nice pictures, what geographic region of the world are you in? I'm guessing NE North America?


File: 1477082175905.jpg (89.92 KB, 850x475, marisa_mushroom_by_shadowf….jpg)


I'm in the Southwestern area of Ontario in North America.


File: 1477090528109.jpg (200.97 KB, 566x1006, image.jpg)

Cute ring white boi, you wanna borrow some video games?


File: 1477091642781.jpg (47.5 KB, 853x480, 1396486772796.jpg)

Nah, I don't own a PS4 only a PS3 and PS2.

Nice Neon Genesis Evangelion poster though.


I only care about remi-anon's photos and videos…


File: 1477099798095.mp4 (10.65 MB, 968x544, We-Are-The-Rising-Suns.mp4)

I drift…


groace denis posts



Played with this grill gamer carried to LEM. She has 200 friends and many comments, like:

>i'll buy you whatever you want.

>u r a great player as a girl nice to see them playing good at this game it's so rare :)


Why delete post about piano songs? I want to hear them.


wow dude thanks for telling us !!!

its so cool you reminded us you are retarded :))))


Are you…. actually a girl?


File: 1477143763485.png (198.53 KB, 600x570, i am cri.png)

someone called her ugly and then she replied with "[You] have bacne. Good luck with life." and now I'm really self-conscious because i had lots of spots on my back and my back when I was a teenager and now it's all scarred and it makes me super sad and she said "good luck with life" because it probably means i'll never be able to have a partner because as soon as they see my back they'll think it's gross this sucks i fucking hate this i never wanted it to be like this

and also my god damn vcenter can't connect to my vdr appliance and i don't know what i should doushio because it's due on monday maybe i messed up the vswitch interfaces or something idk anymroe i'm just really upset about everything i just i just don't accept this at all zen zen just please stop i don't want this i can't i dont' i please where is sunday flower friendo where please come back and elsy please please pelase i'm' tired i miss friendo tried go sleep sad cry


Is it severe? I have bacne too but it doesn't bother me that much.


Where was this said?

Eventually the acne on your back will clear up, and the scars will lighten and you can just tell girls the scars are freckles.


don't cri!


just bee yourself!


Please end you life


A /what/fren won the "whack-a-live!" contest! Sugoi!


I think you're actually a girl.


Thought I'd do a family member a favour and look after dogs when their away for the week end, never again, Why would anyone have dogs the house smells and they shit and piss everywhere bark at everything and wont stop licking my fucking face


dogs that were properly trained don't shit or piss or bark or lick everything. blame the original owner for not taking the time to actually teach the dog anything.


we will whatch the new shinkai movie when it gets released and it will be really pretty and bittersweet probably with lots of trains and sunsets like normal.


dogs are more useful to the world than you can ever hope to be. they provide company and entertainment while you are just a whiny faggot with an attitude problem whom no one likes.


stop projecting


Dogs collectively do more good than any individual though. They must help at least tens of thousands of blind and sick people and do all sorts of practical work for the farming industry and law enforcement agencies. It's a real shame though that not everyone takes on the responsibility and bothers with training their dog properly and taking the time to care for it.


buuhhh buuhhh you are projecting i'm so mad buuhh


It literally just shat on the fucking bed, fml into the cage you go


my doggy is house trained so he doesnt do those things and he doesnt bark except sometimes one time loudly when someone is at the door. he also smells like smoked meat which is nice.


i've had bacne since high school and it still scabs and stuff its awful.


why dont you put the dumb dog outside, its an animal thats where it belongs.


It's winter, it's chilly outside


File: 1477302433746.jpg (29.22 KB, 217x337, eeehh.jpg OR what_should_i….jpg)



File: 1477307582154.jpg (Spoiler Image, 459.35 KB, 1240x1754, whatfriend.jpg)

Just sneakily took this SEXY AF in real life photograph of a /what/friend trying on makeup.


way too slutty


File: 1477318655310.png (485.68 KB, 853x480, robot.png)

This is the future.


why do they have a mirror behind and in front of them


Me taking the picture



>planetarian: live action movie


File: 1477353181238.png (113.98 KB, 300x200, 1437548838457.png)

Me and my boyfriend went to East Side Mario's for my bithday today, planning even more fun things later…


no one cares fag loser lmao



Im sure twitter or fagbook or whatever normiephone attention whoring platform would love to hear about it


key girls are really cute


you too!


File: 1477401565467.jpg (62.18 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg)

Me n much bf liek da 1 whu fuggs meh

Die stupid ugly queer


File: 1477412193132.png (1.05 MB, 888x1052, shot0031.png)

This was originally a panned scene so I had to take multiple screenshots and stitch them together to see the full frame the creators drew.


File: 1477414327109.jpg (325.94 KB, 1534x2048, Cu-e44JUAAAI-Fx.jpg large.jpg)

yeah shes really cute.


why did she tie up the ferret?


Anime girls work in mysterious ways bro don't question it


File: 1477430465603.png (405.01 KB, 888x480, shot0044.png)

Magical girls need a pet animal companion, but the ferret thing didn't want to go.


File: 1477443369213.jpg (98.67 KB, 835x473, Yomawari.jpg)

kowai kawaii game, maybe hgooglyt will stream it if we ask him politely…


gooey hates all of us now


goobly heates everyone now… the darkness consumed him…


dark gooey…


File: 1477456061641.jpg (57.76 KB, 501x295, rip elsy.jpg)



can anyone check if he's logged onto steam recently? otherwise it's pretty much confirmed that he died for real at this point.


File: 1477513731121.mp4 (21.49 MB, 1280x720, Just Another Day On _t-p_.mp4)

Deleted this off of my Youtube since me and my BF want to rework my channel into something for his music production with me making the videos in the future.

Posting it here if anyone wants it.


File: 1477515944170.webm (Spoiler Image, 128.47 KB, 720x480, ran.webm)



1 hour ago


Post some of your faggot boyfriend's dope beats.


You know you can create multiple channels. Why doesn't he just create his own dedicated channel? Are you both too retarded? lmao


I don't bleave you…


キタ━━━( >,<)━━━!!



186 days ago…..


File: 1477586712130.mp3 (1.94 MB, Unaswered.mp3)

Here you go, this is one we did together.

We don't want separate channels because we doing everything together.


File: 1477587946930.mp3 (2.34 MB, The Boy Next Door.mp3)

Only posting the two.


I wasn't lying, it really did show 1 hour ago at that time, maybe Steam was bugged. It shows 187 days now.


File: 1477670301435.jpg (62.18 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg)



File: 1477677193274.webm (Spoiler Image, 368.61 KB, 640x480, hakase.webm)

Girls like this actually exist.


That's a beaut right there boy I tell you what


wtf that poor anime


What the fuck?? these are garbage!


File: 1477686707927.png (1.9 MB, 733x1034, 1422244678040.png)

Well I think they were done with elegance but I'm sure the music you have yet to share sounds just amazing too I bet….not really..


File: 1477688383264.jpg (62.18 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg)

Delusion is a strong emotion


File: 1477688883079.png (168.14 KB, 600x600, 1458537145905.png)

So is animosity and jealousy.


It's really REALLY fucking dumb to suggest that you can't criticize something unless you can do it better.


File: 1477721397829.png (891.53 KB, 960x720, image.png)

Actually no, it's perfectly valid to discredit any nonprofessional critism as total rubbish and the one done in the previous post wasn't anything I personally would see as critism anyway it was more akin to 3rd grader ripping on the nerdy kid because he knows he'll never do better in life, ever.

And if you're going to rip on someone it would be nice if you didn't come off like you're 12 years old like the garconanokin I saw while walking home from buying milk yesterday.

How's that for critism? I think it was to your taste.



I see, you can only call my post shit because you're a professional fucking shitposter.

Bravo, worthless trash.


Perhaps it should've read as "opinion" instead, as in: it's really fucking dumb to dismiss someone's opinion on the basis that they can't do better.

I can't cook well but I don't need to know how to cook just to have the opinion that burnt toast tastes shit.

Likewise, I don't need to be a great composer to think that some music sounds good to me and some other music sounds shit to me.

Does that make sense?

So when you dismissed that other poster's opinion that it was garbage because they might not be able to make better music, it was really dumb of you and just made you look like an idiot.

Though I do agree with you that criticism from experts should be held with more weight than from someone who isn't, I'd say that's only admissible if you were to take specific and technical advice from their criticism when their - literally - expert opinion might be advantageous. Of course, not all criticism is of a technical and constructive nature.


Fucking owned that queer.


uh this is a bully free zone


gays arent human beings so its fine to bully them


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I just can't help it because they make it so easy all the time….


File: 1477765589110.png (1.13 MB, 1440x1080, shot0037.png)

Should I try to watch Read or Die?


I think you should rather read it


File: 1477771737520.png (188.03 KB, 700x700, 1413191442284.png)

That's a good 1.


File: 1477805563224.jpg (465.3 KB, 700x990, tumblr_mz6qb3ZCTO1re8kupo1….jpg)

Oh boy, a steam sale! Gonna buy some games that I won't play and pretend I have friends to play them with.


dont buy games pirate them


steam is in cahoots with the NSA to spie on you


File: 1477808834685.jpg (124.03 KB, 346x411, friendship bracelet.jpg)


File: 1477821407724.png (681.75 KB, 1280x720, shot0064.png)

The face of a man who streams N64 Evangelion speedruns at 3-6AM.

This game seems to be entirely cutscene + quicktime events too, I'm not even understanding how you can speedrun it.


I'm sure a lot of /what/frens would be happy to play steam games with you!



akaribbs has a cute 404 page. do you remember when /what/ had a cute 404 page?

i literally fucking despise you /what/min



But why doesn't it show for the error page?


File: 1477871409112.jpg (229.94 KB, 773x575, 005.jpg)

yeah /what/ is shit, /what/min is terrible, everyone here is intolerable, why i even bother with this shithole? i must have some deep seated masochistic tendencies


but i love you…


holy FUG i thought he lost the image which would be a decent excuse but now i know he just hates me and mugi


I changed it because the (animated) 404 image would appear on deleted thumbnails.


Respond to my thread shitmin


Fucking norm complaining about his eccentric goth lolita gf, really makes me angry. I'm sure it's just a norm thing anyway and he doesn't really feel that way, why are norms so annoyingly obtuse with tier feelings


There's a really cute Ichigooey Mashimooey on the nennen right now…


キタ━━━( >,<)━━━!!


shut up please


File: 1477954270492.jpg (582.75 KB, 1280x1830, 05_IMG_0003.jpg)



whomos are g*y wwww


some freeleech stuff on what.cd rn!


Grab me a couple things bro I need some punk rock albums any would do arigatou


For all intensive purposes I think I'll just need an album or two of the misfits because they're so popular and I've never even heard any of their stuff I think that's the only one I can think of now

Thanks again bud


Taking your time to get me those albums bud… maybe I should ban you? Range sound ok?


Banned let that be a lesson to those who dare defy me


I'm not your bud, friend.


File: 1478000863696.png (551.86 KB, 1366x768, Skjermdump fra 2016-11-01 ….png)



I'm not your friend idiot




uhhh did this human waste just reply to me


please wear skirt and thigh highs and step on my dick


>Guiness book of world records


No one is allowed to go on any great journeys anymore - it's a form of bullying…


This is oppression


Okay, I'm sorry. You can go on great journeys, but you need to take photos and share them with your /what/friends on a regular basis while you're on the journey, otherwise we might think that you're d**d and you always have to say when you're likely to come back home.


But what if I die in the middle of the journey and can't tell /what/ that i'm dead?


File: 1478102882784.jpg (200.03 KB, 795x598, 1470058952491.jpg)


The image.


File: 1478146600544.png (937.48 KB, 1368x936, 2016-11-02-001025_1920x108….png)

truly you are my greatest ally in this game, dog


File: 1478187925606.jpg (64.05 KB, 659x720, 5688-120344776.jpg)

Cute boy.


File: 1478188192600.jpg (107.65 KB, 1276x720, 5ccfe15d55cb530a73385e4b92….jpg)

Cute boy with messy hair…


yae is hot


File: 1478201019133.png (390.64 KB, 803x588, 2016-11-03-151430_803x588_….png)

>update mesa
>Dolphin's Vulkan backend now works with open-source drivers on my RX460

I think it's because of these two commits added just yesterday.


Fixed a major issue I was having with Dolphin. Works perfectly aside from noticing one graphical glitch in a game, and my entire system irreparably freezes up forcing me to reboot sometimes. It seems to happen randomly after I play some gamea long enough, and I've found one method of loading up a certain level of a game that will freeze my system every single time.


File: 1478209700237.png (143.83 KB, 500x263, 3809961-2529942797-large.png)

Cute boy with injures.


Want to netplay?


I just want to be a Japanese anime school girl in the early 00s with a silly-shaped face and a stupid hair style.


Sure, if it works, what region of the world are you from? I'm from East Coast US, if we're too far away it's basically unplayable.


We need the same version of dolphin, can you use this one?


I'm in the midwest which should be close enough. I have no problems with that build.


File: 1478227564194.jpg (316.59 KB, 655x816, 1455838872074-2.jpg)

That super hot ERP with whatmin on /test/ where he made me beg for it is gone. does anyone have the transcript.


Make sure you don't have a memory card enabled, make sure you have cheats enabled, and turn on "Netplay Community Settings" cheat for Melee.


Traversal link, please respond.


Sorry, didn't see you posted. I joined the thing.




File: 1478240928630.jpg (71.23 KB, 1280x720, cocoa sick.jpg)

I'm really sick and my head hurts and i've been p**ping and it's gross being sick is awful i hate this and my nose is itchy and running and my eyes are watering.


I'm going to delete a load of porn off my drives and replace it with nice anime girls doing anime things. I'd like to try the mountain loli anime i've heard about maybe.


File: 1478244932378.jpg (101.76 KB, 1280x720, [Vivid-Taku] Gochuumon wa ….jpg)


File: 1478249869264.jpg (2.6 MB, 1500x2121, 1472198528775.jpg)

whatmin is fapping


Please, let me take care of you!


I think I'll watch an episode of Tamayura and go to bed I think.


It's six am how are you barely going to sleep I'm about to clock in


Are you really this retarded?


File: 1478267689940.png (364.87 KB, 1121x1600, Yumekui_Merry_v02_p013.png)

whatmin cummed


File: 1478268057689.jpg (597.71 KB, 2729x2210, 1467342575988.jpg)

I can now dumbell bench 152lbs, more than my bodyweight!


File: 1478268202965.png (338.89 KB, 1122x1600, Yumekui_Merry_v02_p007.png)

shitmin give me affectionn


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File: 1478268387716.png (473.16 KB, 1000x792, __shinon_sword_art_online_….png)

shitmin stop lifting cute boys dont have muscles. you're intimidating and gorilla not cute


File: 1478269083819.jpg (60.63 KB, 500x466, 0a4bae37bd3449fe4ec1d14112….jpg)

It's for girls and actual homos to find attractive, not "homos" who like feminine features


File: 1478269235345.jpg (161.9 KB, 800x800, 1457028985895.jpg)

I shared your pics with my gf and she doesnt like it either. seriously stop lifting.


You will not trick me gains goblin, I know your girlfriend isn't even in the same dimension.


File: 1478269901725.png (1.19 MB, 1000x1617, 1465807133338.png)

>shitmin lifting dumbells, breathing heavy, panting & working up a scented sweat in the nether regions

all that new potent boyspunk… where does it go..?


File: 1478270684248.jpg (321.41 KB, 1920x1080, 1478190160675.jpg)

crummy cummied at least 20 times to the thought of shitmin doing the mating press on my oiled up boycun, while dressed in a gay skirt. sometimes shitmin has a skirt too, and dresses like an anime girl i like, but boys clothes are fine too.


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How am I retarded for knowing the time


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Pepe no…


Pepe a real nigga cuh


File: 1478305641188.png (360.83 KB, 701x800, 1478279217080.png)

Hey guys, check out this smooch i found on nennen.




that's an adult woman kissing an underage child wtf


That's impressive for a hungry skeleton. Or are you a muscle gnome?


File: 1478314093494.png (15.75 KB, 520x387, super troll.png)


Turbo manlet.




No, they're two cute /what/friends…


You go up to a whomo and you say "Hey baby what's a birl like you doing in a place like this" and you put your average-sized arm around his shoulders and squeeze him tight, not enough to hurt, just enough to let him know that you're stronger than he could ever hope to be and that you could physically overpower him at any moment so he should just get his girlyboy birlpussy pounded by you.


uh I saw a lolita in the OP image and thought it was a good thread nevermind


i don't really like the memes on t-p right now…. :c


- add pineapple
- call it "Hawaiian"

americans think this is okay…


File: 1478404058902.jpg (100.57 KB, 600x647, 759b0175e847526d98b2e0922c….jpg)

Smash fren are you there? Do you want to play again tomorrow evening or night?


Yes tomorrow, maybe it won't be as laggy this time. I'll post a netplay link or you can.


I'm playing bf1 via PS4 if anyone wants to play with me


Okay. Have you tried any of the dolphin builds on Anther's ladder? I heard they were more optimized for smash netplay.


want to suck a /what/ dingaling…


im playing the new blazblue if anyone wants to play


Only qt's allowed


my favorite 4pq is a DEAD 4pq, lmao


File: 1478448044040.png (321.44 KB, 720x540, akari nape.png)

Akari nape.




Same build as last time.


File: 1478478386932.png (22.67 KB, 453x678, pls.png)

my servers can't ping across the serial interfaces, they can only ping up to the egress serial of their respective gateways but can't get across to the other one. I don't understand, I've configured everything meaningful.

i looked it up on google and someone said that the ping was expected and that i need to wait for an ARP reply before getting a successful ping. My ARP tables don't show the other router. He might as well have said "you need tobleave" because i don't understando at all zenzen. what should i doushio?


Not working, try connecting to me.



Post the serial interfaces configuration (clockrate, ip address, etc.)


File: 1478481813558.jpg (130.44 KB, 800x800, 1451766592095.jpg)

A show interfaces command is fine, don't post the whole show running-config.


File: 1478482031248.gif (2.48 MB, 474x446, 1432506598038.gif)


Sorry, /what/ went down so I got food. Try this 978701fa


Sorry to ask this, but could you upgrade to 1250?

You really do need the same exact versions I guess.



1250 doesn't have a windows download, and I don't know how to build it. Should we try the newest version? It's up to 1259


Yeah install 1259




I don't think it would be a mistake like that, i think it's something that I've just forgotten about. Do I need to enable RIP or something? Because I set the addresses down anyway and it still doesn't work.

idk i'll just submit it and hope he doesn't really look at it because it's like the first of about 20 that i need to do and they're only going to get harder and i'm really shit i don't know i'm scared i don't want to fail forever


why is saying the alphabet backwards an alcohol test like it''s p. fucking hard when you'[re not drunk


When you're drunk it's because when you focus on saying the alphabet backwards you can't focus on standing up so you start to wibbly wobbly whatfrens.


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No it's not that I think it's about how you process your thoughts or something I forgot


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File: 1478549999359.mp3 (3.06 MB, 04 Wild World.mp3)

Always makes me think of this song b/c of the similar title.

Also I was surprised when I learned that that was the original version, as opposed to the Gary Jules one. The songwriting's good but the music is too typical 80s and sucks the life out of the song.


could you find out, i'm curious


File: 1478571263564.png (2.57 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-11-07-210541_1920x108….png)

That's some next-level farm tech Japan.


thats a community center not a farm look at the description


That's not the community center.

Even if it was, it's still also a farm. Most Japanese towns outside metropolitan areas have a rice field or garden for almost every house.


what's so high tech about it though?



that's a retaining wall to stop landslides during earthquakes and heavy rain……


That makes sense, but what are those white things?


I'm did all my laundry today, but now I'm really tired, so I'm sharing most of my bed with my laundry…


File: 1478598468447.png (848 B, 117x42, Kbps.png)

56 kelvin bits per second.


that's a great idea make it dirty so you don't have to wear it again! cutting out the middle man.


File: 1478671413051.png (166.37 KB, 2000x2000, wide.png)

i found a wide cocoa…


Sometimes I wish we wouldn't have to have elections. Politics turns people awful.


it's better to talk about the wide cocoa-chan than comment about politics…


She's very cute. Do you have a wide Chino-chan to go with her?


File: 1478696222400.png (209.33 KB, 2000x2000, wide.png)

please enjoyee


i didn't give my information for the birthday thing and now i'm starting to regret it..


I enjoyeed this a lot.



Same, wonder if it's too late.




I'm sick of all the cunts talking about politics and it's making me angry


File: 1478804792374.jpg (99.87 KB, 1024x576, c21ce6497602cba27945465a6f….jpg)

Anime girl ERP is the greatest thing since moot invented imageboards.


File: 1478807862318.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.66 KB, 552x550, 1478743875994.jpg)

This is what women think men think is attractive.


she looks cute on the left, homely-cute is an underrated aesthetic. beats having all girls look like sasha grey


Answer this question, are you a Virgin? Your answer will depend if I take your response serious or not


>homely-cute is an underrated aesthetic
No it's not only low test beta males think this is attractive


these two posts are just sad really really sad i can't even laugh at how bad they are you people need jesus


Stay mad ugly loser virgin


File: 1478819988099.mp3 (4.92 MB, 01-04 - stay ugly.mp3)

stay ugly 4 me


uhh sorry to disappoint but i lost my virginity at 19 you have mental issues bad ones get help.


GROSS, don't quote my post you disgusting non-virg. I only listen to pure virg ugly whomos.


you havent been going to therapy like your meant too i can tell


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If we ask really politely, I'm sure someone can draw a picture of ren-chon with her chicken on her head playing with chino-chan with her bunny on her head.


File: 1478825856799.jpg (48.9 KB, 720x480, pumpkin.scissors.06.jpg)

This anime…


File: 1478825954615.jpg (48.88 KB, 720x480, pumpkin.scissors.06..jpg)

Is going on my top 10…


What % power should I use my microwave at??


Over 9000


File: 1478829221967.jpg (411.39 KB, 1280x720, solo wing.jpg)

/what/min just del /t-p/.
the fag-bullies have no grasp on coherency and the fags themselves have no grasp on reality.

just delete the whole thing and start again from zero.


what's /t-p/


test-php, it looks like some kind of IRC chatlog.


a post got del'd


File: 1478891688359.mp3 (15.3 MB, Ghost Whisper (Ghost in Th….mp3)



how do i beecome a delicate /what/flower?


dress in gothic lolita clothing


going to watch a mobie soon, i don't know which one though.


i will make a new thread when this one falls near the bottom of the first page, so DO NOT make one yourself /what/min otherwise I'll get grrrr!


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Hitler should've won, I would've been born as a beautiful ubermensch with plenty of lebensraum.

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