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File: 1479049754557.png (487.13 KB, 720x540, akarin.png)

 No.10239[View All]

This is the official (100% comfy) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
308 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 1480952817272.png (210.68 KB, 512x512, eating-jizz.png)

When you go to suck his dick and he says he hasn't cummed in one week and 3 days because of work exhausting him…


is that the new /what/ spoiler image??


File: 1480955960300.png (198.23 KB, 512x512, eating-jizz copy.png)

I could see it working as one, if the font and spacing is done right.



This was universal in a period where global communication was impossible. Humans all liked THICC?


File: 1480996471649.png (1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-05-225345_1920x108….png)

Japanese gangster


File: 1480996682419.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-05-215743_1920x108….png)

Obviously a fan of Back to the Future




That actually looks pretty good.


Really want to fucking die right now holy shit I'm not even memeing


Don't die!!!


Do die


File: 1481049196405.png (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-06-132147_1920x108….png)



File: 1481049233692.png (3.16 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-12-06-132016_1920x108….png)



( ゚∀゚)✂╰⋃╯






File: 1481101594835.jpg (516.6 KB, 1200x791, 59685268_p10.jpg)



noodly anime girls….


( >,<)


*spits in your mouth*


File: 1481134986958.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.22 KB, 451x592, [CureCom] Fresh Pretty Cur….jpg)



File: 1481135017383.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.83 KB, 494x628, [CureCom] Fresh Pretty Cur….jpg)




( ゚∀゚)✂╰⋃╯


File: 1481170680138.jpg (379.37 KB, 1404x1377, gooks.jpg)



One time a Korean girl asked me where a particular bus stop was and so I showed her the way and we talked a little bit as we were walking and she told me she was working and studying but she was looking for a new job and I said I saw a job vacancy at a cute costume shop down the road but I don't think she understood. She was really friendly and pretty.

Also, the costume shop used to have a really cute dress on display out the front with a strawberry print pattern on it and it was red and white and reminded me of Ichigo Mashimaro but then one day it wasn't on display anymore and I got a little bit sad.




>In Shintoism the Ainu legend is that a sharp-toothed demon hid inside the vagina of a young woman and emasculated two young men on their wedding nights. Consequently, the woman sought help from a blacksmith who fashioned an iron phallus to break the demon's teeth. The legendary iron phallus is considered that enshrined at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan, and there the popular Festival of the Steel Phallus (かなまら祭り) is held each spring. Also, prostitutes considered that praying at that shrine protected them against sexually transmitted diseases.

Japan has a very long history of weird shit.


File: 1481212877922.png (757.83 KB, 1083x1280, 1464207382537.png)

Where's Nevada-tan?


nips aren't gooks tho, next you'll call them chinks…


gooks, nips, chinks, what's the difference?

They are all slanty eyed crooks.


File: 1481220941610.jpg (316.06 KB, 1800x4092, asahina mirai (mahou girls….jpg)



that's a bat girl


no it's neko


it's a bat those are bat ears


File: 1481221621890.jpg (128.98 KB, 1000x800, kurokawa eren and seiren (….jpg)




File: 1481222149074.png (233.38 KB, 529x750, tart and yamabuki inori (f….png)

whatever nerd


File: 1481225538909.jpg (29 KB, 325x172, 017.jpg)



File: 1481225669768.jpg (445.55 KB, 654x731, 0051_cr.jpg)


meow meow :3




File: 1481231743412.jpg (13.81 KB, 300x196, ramen-noodles-300x196.jpg)


File: 1481232067102.jpg (86.51 KB, 1024x548, GjavAXy.jpg)


lol did he suck a lemon


/what/ a load of shit


Don't even THINK about making your own thread /what/min or I swear to god…………..


I'm out of spirits right now I apologize. Perhaps tomorrow I'd have the willpower to kill myself.


I don't want you to do it but if you good luck & stay well

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