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remember installing final fantasy (forgot which one maybe VIII?) on my mom's work thinkpad as a kid in the the early 2000s
having games be on like two cds wasn't that uncommon but this came on like a dozen of them you had to swap out during installation
i remember thinking how shit the gameplay was after playing a few rounds of combat, uninstalled the game promptly after


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turns out it wasn't a thinkpad, i confused it with one of mom's other laptops from that same era
i still have it, it's an asus l3400
literally the only information i could find about it is from some ancient review site that stopped updating in 2013
i wonder how sites like this still continue to run despite being seemingly abandoned for an entire decade


remembered septerra core


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anyway, the review is from 2002, so i assume that's when the model also got released

look at that I/O list, modern laptops don't even have ethernet ports nowadays


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The golden age games have combat that is very much "press X" for the beginning hours.

It took me a while to realize this, but a large part of the fun of turn-based JRPGs is customizing and then seeing the result in battle.

If you take away the customization/roleplay aspect, turn-based combat suddenly isn't good.

For example in 7, you can select the materia loadouts and it matters because the materia takes so long to level up, you have to decide what materia you want them with and stick with it.

For some reason humans think "I chose to put points in magic and now they do bigger magic damage numbers" is fun.


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Paramore FFX AMV


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Onegai Teacher AMV


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Imagine the smell


deep brown eyes devoid of any soul

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