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Larry Ellison and Oracle are really doubling down on the comically evil, mustache-twirling tying-women-to-traintracks cartoon villain shtick.

Police drone/camera use is getting worse yes, but I am more concerned of AI doing deep-packet inspection and traffic correlation on packets at ISP/IXP level across the western world, creating a semi-global passive adversary and actually breaking Tor.

Perhaps, we are living in the twilight stage of anonymous internet in any form.

I want the "shit never happens" enjoyers to get back to me in 10 years.


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the internet of the future probably won't even include web browsers. like how you click on particular apps on your phone it's going to be that way on desktop. you'll have a selection of buttons that take you to tiktok or youtube or other approved service and everything else is going to be similar to wordpress where anyone with an id will be able to make their own webpage hosted somewhere on google's servers no more registrars, no more private hosts, no more fringe operating systems everything is going to be a service they'll make ai handle all the backend and real analytical programming knowledge will be quietly swept under the rug so that very few people would be able to break it


i like oracle they give me completely free vps servers i've been using for years without any interruption at this point


i dont wanna give oracle my credit card information https://crippled.media/free-speech-vps-providers-put-to-the-test


i have been hosting something with user generated content for years and the site gets spammed with cp regularly and i didn't even get an email from them


its definitely logged conspiracy that law enforcement can differentiate between an actual criminal and you who more than obviously and self-evidently had contact with that cheese pizza by accident but automated systems can flag you and put you on watchlist and yadda yadda


as a hoster you aren't legally liable for what a 3rd party posts on your site as long as you eventually delete law breaking content


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Yeah that's real cool and easy to say if you aren't American AKA the most tyrannical country (in practice) to ever exist.


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you're being overly dramatic
the same is true for usa (section 230)
also did you just ip stalk me to check if i am american or not


No I just know you're not.

>muh penis code section 420

They do whatever the fuck they want.


ip stalker whatmin….


>nuh uh
great argument


but everyone knows it's some thirdie from serbia who runs this place


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I have root access with SSH, admin on Vichan, and I (and only I) fully control the domain.

But I don't host the server.





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