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File: 1737501098066.png (61.53 KB, 600x500, 9db3110f247a293212587abce3….png)


whatmin when will the technological singularity happen so we can all start living in fully automated luxury communism i can't stand my job anymore


File: 1737503327717.mp4 (3.4 MB, 720x1280, f349b06dcbd12218178a396f0f….mp4)

The general public normalfag zeitgeist lags behind 4chan about 5-10 years.

So when /pol/ was becoming chud central in 2013-2016, it wasn't until just now that we see mainstream corporations dropping DEI and regular white girls shit talking Indians (women are the deciders of cultural norms).

Right now 4chan is becoming anti-capitalist tankie central, so in 5-10 years it will catch up and everyone will realize capitalism doesn't work and the system needs to be radically changed at least in regards to social safety net floors for housing/food.


>see mainstream corporations dropping DEI
isn't that just soulless corporations ass kissing who's currently in power because they think it will bring them more money
anyway i don't want to talk about freaking american politics this thread is about unfathomable exponential technological advancement that will eliminate the concept of scarcity


i liked the tomoko getting futa doubled team pic more……..


i love futa award


yes they are "technically" dropping dei because it's been replaced with something else with a different acronym


File: 1737560582369.jpg (169.75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(1).jpg)

does this look like trump? it looks like a different person


Yes? If that's a doppelganger that's the best one there is.

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