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File: 1734932144806.jpg (397.27 KB, 1132x1440, 1734930107404.jpg)



File: 1735005544046.png (75.7 KB, 1919x605, image_2.png)

whatmin why haven't you bought this yet you could give everyone their own what-ch.com email


File: 1735005681567.png (25.44 KB, 739x331, image_3.png)

wth when you actually click on it says that the domain is taken


File: 1735007180389.png (250.05 KB, 1919x883, image_4.png)

whatmin which tld should i get for a personal email i'd post online in order to get friends


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I bet this used to be like $1000 back in the day

Isn't running your own email server basically impossible to send emails with?




>I bet this used to be like $1000 back in the day
that isn't actually the price it's a broker fee you pay them so they try to buy the domain from the guy who's currently squatting on it, you'd probably need to pay even more money

>Isn't running your own email server basically impossible to send emails with?

well, kind of, or rather, most ISPs block SMTP ports on residential connections, and so do a lot of VPS providers
but even if there's no technical reason stopping you from sending outgoing emails, your IP reputation provided it's not already just outright blacklisted will most likely have such a poor reputation that most mail providers will autofilter it as spam if not outright reject it
you can build reputation, but it's far easier just to have your mailserver route emails through a SMTP relay which has a trusted reputation

.tk is a spammer domain because you could literally get it for free, it's .ru tier




File: 1735384694817.jpg (64.34 KB, 640x480, 525aa79be04d67bbbcfc7f19bc….jpg)

guys i still haven't settled on a tld do you want me to remain friendless forever





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