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File: 1732929376006.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 52b6d076f88d9c5e14246ffd47….png)


feelio when you stumble upon an old /jp/sphere poster and they are not doing too well…

he's living your dream life now whatmin


File: 1732935456273.png (601.53 KB, 1163x875, ddd18fe203012d0e8c9a883f2d….png)

the pajeet?


File: 1732960386586.mp4 (86.8 KB, 900x900, a9de55b59a956fb399b7a87aa2….mp4)

The Australian (the other one).

Doesn't Australia have the most generous welfare system in the entire anglosphere?

>he's living your dream life now whatmin

I want to be high tech homeless with good equipment and money.


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he drove his shitty suzuki swift up a mountain road and bashed the sump till it broke and lost all the oil then proceeded run the engine until it seized LOL


13yo don't have thighs as meaty as this


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Absolutely insanely beautiful biome for just being some random non-cherry-picked road


File: 1736795582966.jpg (4.35 MB, 4624x3468, 1732998995793.jpg)

yeah, i thought australia was just a desert

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