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frieren my beloved


shaped charge for piecing tank armor
gonna somehow blow apart a boulder

boy i sure hope someone got fired for that blunder


Are you a Hamas otaku?


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i ignored ai stuff for years but i just used it a bit and the ai spit out a fully working caddy config doing exactly what i wanted and all i did was just roughly explain the concept of what i was trying to achieve, why is this allowed whatmin


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It's a good thing, it's no different than a human manually looking through documentation and references but it takes 100x less time.

I used to look up "how to do X in bash/python/javascript" and now I just ask AI.

I still know what I'm doing, and I could've done it myself by looking at docs/references/stackoverflow, but why the fuck would I? Copy/pasting the entire thing is usually a very bad idea bad though.

I don't understand wanting to be a luddite about AI, my only problem is people uploading their ai-generated slop images everywhere, especially the autists that think anyone wants to see 1,000s of their vanilla stable-diffusion slop.


to be honest i don't think i would be able to do this by just manually googling, but this might more to do with how shitty google search has become over the years more than anything
what i am most impressed with is i didn't even specifically ask how to do X , i just asked how to resolve something in very broad strokes and it kinda just knew what i wanted to do and offered me multiple ways of doing it


>my only problem is people uploading their ai-generated slop images everywhere
too late
look at >>369
zoom into the pattern on the top of her leggings
do you think a real person drew random lines like that or do you think they traced it from an a.i. image?
also the lace on her hip is floating on nothing
also check out the odd spacing of the buttons on her shirt
notice her necklace is also a shirt button
her bottom row of teeth are phasing into her bottom lip
also her left leg looks kinda off
all acceptable mistakes for an artist, but not mistakes an artist at list level should be making all at once.
The floral pattern on her pantyhose more than enough to be fully skeptical. It is just too bizarre and clearly not designed by a human mind.


You might be right

It's not as bad if it's I can't tell right away. Generic stable diffusion is instantly recognizable (and awful).


As far as choco pies go, ota's latest entry is dressed rather well


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designated ai board


bet the gothic lolita autist was overjoyed


anybody saved the thumbnail?


isnt that watmin




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