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Why do girls do this?
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![](/ota/thumb/1648856548150.png) do they do this?
She claims she's autistic btw.
>>562198Find some pictures of a homely looking female that you would assume is too ugly to get a bf and make a tinder. Prepare to be pilled.
You simply cannot compete on there unless you're very attractive and at that point you won't be bothering with this dumb discussion to begin with.
>>562207>small brainSays the guy who can't even interpret posts correctly
It's not about it being a 'secret', it's about an increasingly large percentage of women gravitating to an increasingly small percentage of men, and online dating facilitating this, by making it easier than ever for women to find and date men who conform to their standards that grow higher every year.
>>562211Yeah then what
"Hey uh I know you have 5 Chads you're currently rotating through and 200 guys on tinder you're currently messaging but I was hoping you would ignore my face long enough to entertain a conversation of which will involve me doing all the work and you giving one word answers as you stare at your phone because your female brain determined in 300 picoseconds that I am not worth breeding with because my face bones aren't sharp enough."
Women literally hate ugly men now. Just look at the shit they post all day on the internet.
>>562217Last month? I'll be sincere with you, 0. Because I'm not a failed normalfag who's trying to get laid. Do you want me to tell you about all the women I've dated? Be careful, I have prey eyes, a weak jaw, I'm non-white, under 6'0", and poor, so it might make arguing with me pretty hard.
>>562216I don't really care about beauty, I've just been on the internet long enough to know what people think the checklist is for mating.
>>562218Sounds like you're just a regular normalfag, that's not really better.
Just less annoying on the internet probably.
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Post the pic prettynorm post the pic post the pic mog me I'll kill you
>>562236Likewise, I couldn't care less what some literal self-proclaimed norm thinks. All I have to say to you is gtfo.
>>562240I'm not turt. Honestly I have my doubts he's even cel. But he's not literally coming on here saying he's banged a bunch of chicks and spouting norm idiocy.
Plenty of mental freaks get laid on the reg
Looks or status is where its at
You can have excessive looks or excessive status to make up for a lack in the other
>>562258What does that even mean
You don't just walk up to them like NPCs in a video game
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>Just approach women bro, that's literally all it takes. Do you have social anxiety or something?
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>>562266But there are based on effort and age.
I'm one of the strongest gymcels on the planet and have done all of the lookism fixes and have plenty of money and a stem degree and a new truck and a motorcycle and etc and at my age only 3% of people are virgs including the severely disabled and yet the mere image of my contemptible face is enough to drive women sterile scientists have concluded that I can't even be classified as a hominid and there are no signs of an extant female of my species we are NOT the same.
And those foids were late 20s at the youngest and would only come in my office to blog about their dumb boring foid lives because no one else was around so I would stare at my computer while going wow mhmm yeah
>>562269Call me that irl and I'll snap you like a twig
>>562270He was downgraded from apprentice to friend he sends me care packages last time it was a box of hygiene products he's a nice guy once you get past the pretending to be gay and the poor trolling
>>562267>I'm one of the strongest gymcels on the planet and have done all of the lookism fixes and have plenty of money and a stem degree and a new truck and a motorcycle And you call others norms?!??!!
Check yourself before you wreck yourself ubernorm
he's right you're just a norm that refuses to fuck in order to pretend you're cel
you are anything but an actual cel
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>>562274My point is if any of these so called cels put in a quarter of the effort I have they would be slayers it is only I who stands at the pinnacle of truceldom none are more repugnant to the opposite sex than me
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