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 No.8982[View All]

This is the official (winter edition) /what/ blog thread. If you have something to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
301 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Kill me with your smooch.


weeb girls are always so slutty..


I bet elsy and remi-anon have extremely cute feminine handwriting.



Who the HELL are elsy and remi-anon?


two homos who pretend to be girls that other fags erp with.


Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
What does that even mean?
I'm somewhere in between


lmao pissmin is having a meltdown






a bunch of posts got deleted, you can try to piece it together by looking at /trans/ if it piques your 'tism.


/trans/ was not the board i thought it would be…


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Based kissmin owning and banning the spergs.
Need to post there more often didn't even know frog posting was auto banned.


>Newcomers you need to remember that it's your job to adapt to Pissu and not the other way around. I don't want to start deleting stuff because people won't assimilate
Lmao what a fag


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Uhhh, you know they literally have Peepee banners right?



can't sleep need to rest


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now I just have to tape this to a wall somewhere busy and I'll have irl friends in no time!

wish me ganbare /what/!!


Why hide your email when you already posted it here hundreds of times?




That's not chuuupyon if that's what you think!!





This is so hot


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Dolls are cute but robo ones scare me

T. I own three


How much of an incel autistic do you have ty be to buy one of those


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cute doll


phew it's just a cute! doll robot
i thought he was gonna pull out his c*mmer and hotglue her


Stick to fumos kid


WTF is a"fumo"

It's a fucking stuffed animal doll stop with your fucking cringe weeb terms


i could fucking kick your ass if i wanted to


Okay incel


Bro you're such a malder lmao


malder n (plural malders) A historic unit of volume, equivalent to the amount of grain that one was allowed to mill at one time.



Search engines can't save you



GameStop IS an essential business 👨‍💼👩‍💼 that should be kept open 👐📭 during these trying 😥 times. 🕗🕕🕜 How else am I supposed to get a copy of Animal 🐱🐶🐰 Crossing 🚸🤞 New 🆕️ Horizons 🌅 so I can pay 🤑💸💷💰 off my "debt" 😏😩🤤 🤜💦 to Tom Nook 🦝 with or without his consent? 😋😳🥴🤭 I know I'm supposed to social 👫👬👭🗣 distance 🚶‍♂️🙅‍♂️🚫 right ➡️👉 now, but how am I supposed to survive without Thomas putting his deposit 💳💰 into my town's 🏢🏫🏘 sperm 💦 bank? 🏦🏧 I will NOT 🚫 be able to survive ☠💀 quarantine 😷🤧 otherwise! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ Therefore, GameStop 🎮 should stay as open as much as Nook's 🦝 "Cranny" 🍑🍆 will be in a few minutes 😋😘😝🤪😳🤤😩😖😏


Why not just order it on Amazon?


delivery drivers aren't paid enough to be essential


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This is Karin from Street Fighter, she does the rich girl "Oh ho ho" thing.



Left a dislike


Owned that fucking pedo


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