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 No.5502[View All]

This is the official (100% Bulma approved) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
294 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I hope I'm reborn as a cute nice anime girl like a keion or a tamayura or a gochuumon.


Reincarnation doesn't exist, you die and go to the Abrahamic heaven, where you will look like an ideal form of yourself.

Or if you're too fucked up you can choose from a set of defaults, number 12 looks just like you.


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Exclusive picture of /what/cummer maid!


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exclusive picture of the /what/train


wish i had big boobies like that since my bf likes them but i'll always be flat chested sigh


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I only missed one note..one note..


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Half these songs go too slow even when I ramp the speed up.


Have you tried osu?


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Nope but I want to, it's pretty fun training my fingers to move faster…all I need to do is figure out what the metre signature the song uses and the BPM with it and all I do is count while synchronizing my fingers to the rhythm.

Songs that uses a repetitive OONCE are the best for practice.

Good example of an OONCE (some people might know this song since it's old as fuck..)


I'm too scared to talk to any of the steamfriends on steam like 1hgooebly and a_friendo and wimmybunne. /what/ should I doushiyou?


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wow rude


Just ask them if they want to play geemus with you!


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usagi ga inai! wwww



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i think he just wants to erp


no, that's not true, i only want to be friends with them and play nice games and talk about nice things and stuff.


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japanese super usagi


sorry to bring terrible news but a_friendo and wimmybums are both dead RIP


wimmybun was online one day ago! a_friendo seems to be dead though… I wanted to play more wixoss with him too…

I can be your steam /what/friendo, just post your id!


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I'm sorry, it was a bad idea to post about it. I'm too scared to post mine here and I'm too busy to try to make friends right now but I want to when I get more time in 8-10 weeks. I'm really sorry. Please accept this picture of a bee on a 2hu nose.


That's okay, don't be sorry!
We can become steam friendos once you have more time!


uhh you can talk to me I'm not scary or anything


wimmy is a gentle, rude and professional erper he has a phd in erp science and works hard everyday to get better and teach others

when you add him on steam remember he loves to be called by nicknames based on his name like willyluls or wimmybum or wimmycums and your best way to approach him is buying him some hot otaku games like huniepop i spent around 40000 mexican pesos but now she is my best friend forever

eleven facts about wimmy
- his favorite console is the ps4
- he is a little girl around 13 years old
- wimmy killed the leader of the most dangerous band of her county and brought peace to the world
- his motto is 'don't erp'
- on lonely nights likes to ride his horse along the beach
- his personality changes when he gets on his bike
- he is studying to be a vet in the best university of new mexico
- sometimes his dad likes to check his steam chats to be sure nothing wrong is happening to his little daughter
- his dad will also speak with you on mic he is a friendly foe


"things i'd do to wimmy"


play doctors with him


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stop talking about me


play tree of savior with him


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I wonder if You got me on your friends list…




I hate that there are nice /what/friends, probably right now, masturbating by themselves because they're lonely while there are cute /what/friends that would love to make them feel good but but they can't because they're also lonely.


They could always use the /what/cummer maid for their cummer needs.




don't do it


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My hatred for women is reaching Elliot Rodger levels. They're stupid emotional creatures that were given enough power to destroy entire countries.

>hurr durr I'm "liberated" because I want to go to college and work

They're so retarded they got tricked into thinking that being a NEET with a man who takes care of you is "oppressive". 99% of women have no place on a college campus, but they now outnumber men on colleges now by a significant margin.

Maybe I should be glad, all these dumb used up whores can sit there in their 30s with their college degrees, and maybe even a career, and then still try to keep up with the female mindset of always having to date a man of an equal or higher social status than herself. There simply won't be enough Chads out there who make enough money for them. They will end up miserable in the end.

Even if it wasn't this way, there's not even enough jobs out there that pay enough for a man to financially support a family by himself. You used to be able to just go get something like a factory job with no education at all and then you could afford to raise a family and invest savings.

This is only one of the many things that is leading society to it's destruction. I wonder if it really is a conspiracy from international elite capitalists to destroy white people, or it's just how things turned out.


Does that mean you accept your homosexuality?




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gao! ww ciken




not cuet ciken….



What happened to a_friendo? I want to play wixoss with him…


ded, with rain like time in the tears.




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honto da


I'm sure he's just on vacation….


Yeah, a journey just like elsy and rabi lmao he ded dude FUCKING LOL


flower anon went on a journey too….


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