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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.24694[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (10% juice from concentrate) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1522033889932.mp3 (8.75 MB, 01 - Tokyo Waffle#.mp3)

(ノ> ◇ <)ノ♪


File: 1522035752506.png (1.36 MB, 1700x2000, 67824122_p0.png)



How do I talk normally and stop being scared


you didn't bulma i hate you


File: 1522038850790.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.65 KB, 362x263, 1520432770068.jpg)

If you're intelligent, maximize your vocabulary and understanding of language, Speak in an articulate way, think before you say something. Be confident that you are probably smarter than whoever you are talking to.

You'll still be weird but that's because "normal" people think you talk like pic related.


I already got tokyo waffle, i think i found it on /ota/ maybe but I'm not sure, but someone nice posted it a couple years ago!

You gotta emulate normal people. I don't really have trouble adjusting my way of speech, but maybe you can try watching videos on youtube where someone is being interviewed or something.

I do however sometimes get scared when talking with people, so I often rehearse things I might want to say by just talking to myself when I'm alone and that makes me less scared when I need to use it in a real conversation.


/what/min why is this akarin spoiler really small compared to normal akarin spoiler?


File: 1522039411444.gif (283.61 KB, 354x266, 4e433dfbffdcbda4717dd8a1a6….gif)

Sorry.. We can go back to posting Bulma Briefs next thread.

I changed the spoiler thumbnail size.


File: 1522040356469.png (30.16 KB, 160x160, spoiler.png)

Is it too small?


I don't usually check J-list but I did just now and I saw a product being sold for six times what it was being sold for on AmiAmi, disgusting.


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Hate dumb American meme translations.


File: 1522046414130.mp3 (1.66 MB, 14 God Bless America (Live….mp3)


I hate myself


File: 1522052337843.gif (611.11 KB, 600x338, mugiplay01.gif)

>they name her Mugi
>she doesn't play a moog
What the heck?


Not Japanese enough, can't make bank on that sweet partnership deal.


Then why don't Yui, Azusa, and Mio use Ibanez or something?


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What's up




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post the imouto obento one!


File: 1522090038937.png (3.09 MB, 1191x1684, 67907841_p0.png)


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virus, don't click


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mugi butt



File: 1522099368712.webm (13.1 MB, 640x360, DPRK.webm)

is this true?


very cute and ii ne… (´・ω・`)


why did you make akari small?

/what/min HAET akari???


is this real


File: 1522102073390.jpg (171.31 KB, 456x576, '~'.jpg)

please dont take away the size from akari


/what/friendo makes you obento full of love


File: 1522102263639.jpg (287.37 KB, 905x1280, 1b32651046eb28308aeaa88a62….jpg)

Yes. I wish I was born North Korean.

Guaranteed job, guaranteed wife and kids, guaranteed my own property, sense of true purpose, I would be appreciated by society, sense of camaraderie, no feminism, racially homogeneous, collective goal to advance society and make other's lives better, rather than a capitalist rat race where you try to bring others down, and EVERYTHING revolves around money.

Very low crime, high trust society, the propaganda and brainwashing isn't as bad as in America.

There's only 3 things that are better in America.

- Free speech
- Internet access (You wouldn't know what you're missing)
- Digital media

That's it, literally EVERYTHING else is worse as an American, unless you're in the top 10% of wealth or so. I want a NEET, homeless, and wageslave uprising.


I fucking hate Teenmin.


Guaranteed starving also lmao


>Guaranteed job, guaranteed wife and kids, guaranteed my own property, sense of true purpose, I would be appreciated by society, sense of camaraderie, no feminism, racially homogeneous, collective goal to advance society and make other's lives better
You know why you believe this is happiness? Because you've been brainwashed. Fuck off back there ar9kpolincelgnfosteenminbro.


> I want a NEET, homeless, and wageslave uprising
Epic, teenmin, simply epic. Get in here my based r9kpolincelwizchanbros. Weebs out teens in.


Leave ota /what/een. Teenmin, do something you worthless piece of shit.


listening to 未来の僕らは知ってるよ


At this point I would rather go to hima and what than ota.


File: 1522104871599.png (26.57 KB, 740x445, teenmin.png)

Teenmin, unban me you piece of shit.


File: 1522105013601.png (7.76 KB, 768x195, teenmin.png)

Teenmin unban me you piece of shit. You rangebanned me BECAUSE YOU ONLY WANT YOUR BASED INCELSPOLR9KGNFOSNOUBROS I still pos tthere but this just shows how much teenmin is ateen. He banned m ystatic IP because he's a fucking tene.


File: 1522105090130.gif (1.4 MB, 732x533, 1517992105497.gif)

I'm 100% sure you don't have a static IP but I'm not going to explain it to you.


Fuck tenemin. Whatmin sorry for bothering you blame teenagermin for this. Later.


it hass beeen the same IP for months and even though I reset my router didn't work. I have two internet points here from the same ISP with different ranges and i managed to change the other point's IP by changing MAC address but the router from the point im using right now is given by the ISP. I know he rangebanned me becuase when I tried to post on my beach house which is dynamic I wouldn't be able to post when it was the same range.


I like hima but i hate the discordbro teengang.


I like /what/ but I don't like that you post here.


what kind of authority do you have to say that to me? whatmin is the coolest min since i have been here complaining and he has never banned me. i love oy uwhgatmin.


I wish all admins would be like whatmin so we could have a better atmosphere going on.


I don't need any authority to say anything to a retard such as yourself.


whatmin is the only admin who knows what take it easy means


If you call me a retard again you better be prepared to take one straight to your ugly face.


I wish you knew what it meant so you wouldn't spam your shitty posts.


teenmin is mad because he can't ban me on /what/ hehehe


I wish I could post on /qa/ but I am rangebanned.


I like to roleplay as a frogbro and I am also known as the based instigator. Actually it's not my range rather my ISP that's banned.


I'm so bored and since this is the blog thread I think I will play love live. if anyone wants to join I made the new blog thrad on /q/a/



I would like if someone bumped it for me so I don't need to do the shady shit with the tor nodes to post.


>OP called his /b/ros to bump this thread, so here I am
based bumpbro, arigatou



Can someone post the kill yourself teenmin pasta or just call teenmin out?

Kill yourself, teenmin.


i hate meronorms, glad the sites down but now theres no containment for them


I love love live sunshine so muc.


Can you stop making so many posts ITT? You're posting way too much.


Are you whatmin?





File: 1522107589124.jpg (531.51 KB, 1366x768, [Erai-raws] Love Live! Sun….jpg)

How do girls wear skirts when it's cold and snowing outside? Don't they get cold down there? Do they use more than one layer of panties


File: 1522107694904.jpg (449.19 KB, 1366x768, [Erai-raws] Love Live! Sun….jpg)



They let themselves get cold so they can have handsome studs such as myself warm them up.


I love you guys :3


File: 1522108088635.png (2.35 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0002.png)

Japanese girls have to stay cute no matter what.

In K-On Yui shares her scarf with Ui, because she's cold, despite the fact that she's wearing a skirt with bear legs.


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File: 1522108427265.jpg (605.99 KB, 1366x768, [Erai-raws] Love Live! Sun….jpg)

But that happens in real life, doesn't it? Schoolgirls go to school wearing skirts even in winter!


What's really keeping them warm is their sisterly bond.


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incestual love


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You will never know this feel


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I thought the guy at the bottom was going "wwwwww"


Fix the akari filter right now!!!


can whatmin this spamming guy already? i know you're a sissy who never does anything but he has even less of an internal filter than dani and is turning his site into his personal toilet


What spam?


What's up with those tiny girls


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File: 1522179241182.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.98 MB, 1280x720, Japanese amateur masturbat….mp4)

Check out this hairy Japanese pussy. I wonder what it smells like.


Wtf I thought it would be a cat that's so gross ew


File: 1522180097687.jpg (584.34 KB, 740x740, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7….jpg)

Jesus fisting Christ WHY are people attracted to those things? It's like looking at the mouth of a Predator looks like it would eat me alive.

I haven't felt the need to puke this bad since the last time I saw the front page of 4/jp/….


Yeah I was just thinking if I had to choose between eating that and sucking a cock, I mean I'm straight but like it's so gross


Yeah I am not even gay or anything but a cock at least has a well defined symmetrical outline and isn't just an orifice, the vagina looks like a roadkill in comparison…


File: 1522190618968.jpg (415.71 KB, 1000x1000, 4f577c0c875d0cbca9487a4f18….jpg)

You're not straight if that pussy doesn't look good to you.


How is gothic neko staying upright when she's only holding his shirt and he's only holding her legs?

That means the weight of her torso, arms and head are being supported by the strength of a shirt. The shirt would've surely ripped immediately…


seems like we got a smartpants around here


File: 1522197706576.gif (1.51 MB, 491x750, ece82958f0477cb421bf2feb74….gif)

i'm actually 100% straight i just sometimes wonder what it would be like to be a cute anime girl and get cuddled by a boy


t. resident /what/ physics expert


go back to your uranium filled cancerhole retarded 4channer


/what/min just ban him forever, it's clear he won't stop otherwise!


Stop with the exclamation marks you passive aggressive fake nice faggot you're probably been nenmin kill yourself




anigirls weigh like 40 kilograms tops
given that it's the undernourished chuuni we're talking about here she's probably like 25 kg or something




Suck my dick!


She would be dead if she was 25kg.


japanese women are folded over one hundred times, it makes them really light


I used the vacuum cleaner to catch like 5 flies because someone left the door open.

It was really weird, i expected to have to catch them in mid-air because there's no way i can swat at them with the vacuum hose thingy, it's too bulky. But once i turned it on, they just sort of sat down on a surface and they didn't even move when the vacuum got close to them and it was like they were just sitting and waiting for their turn to get taken out one by one.

Maybe they thought it was a black hole that would take them somewhere nice!


nice onee-chan gf


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i was at the movie theater, the small sodas at this theater are 6 god damn dollars. so the entire time im watching the movie i'm dying of thirst. after the movie was over i looked around and i see someone left a large soda cup (10$) wait till no one's watching and take it. threw away the lid and straw and refilled the soda. felt good man. now every time i go to the theater i just wait for people to leave and i steal their cups and refill, along with eating the leftover candy and popcorn.


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I just want to let you guys know that I didn't kill myself!!
And also, the other day I went to bed and when I woke up it felt like I pulled a muscle in my mid-back. It hurt too much to stand up for several hours… today it didn't hurt as bad but it was still pretty bad. I REALLY hope the pain goes away soon.
I've gotten really into Samyang spicy chicken ramyeon. The first time I ate it it was the hottest thing I'd ever consumed, and I woke up at 4am to vomit. The next time I had it I found I was able to handle it much easier, and also other formerly spicy foods had become blander. I enjoyed the rest of the package and went to buy more, but I accidentally bought a pack of Samyang 2x spicy chicken ramyeon which is twice as spicy as the name implies. Unlike the regular spicy chicken ramyeon, the 2x involves draining the water from the pot and stir-frying the noodles at the end. It is very hot, and hard to eat without a lot of water and some plain crackers on the side to cut the spice. Tonight I experimented by not draining the water, and it actually halved the spiciness, so it was basically the same as the regular spicy chicken ramyeon, but not as good cause the noodles are different and it doesn't have the same flavor toppings. ANYWAYS, this was fine and all but I decided to drink most of the water at the end cause I still felt hungry and didn't have much else to eat in my house. And so off and on tonight I am suffering from intense stomach pains as I attempt to digest the liquid fire that I decided to drink.
My back hurts.
My stomach hurts.
I tried to get tickets to see my idols a couple weeks ago, but they were all bought before my eyes.
My heart hurts too.
Thank you for listening (´・ω・`)




File: 1522444665603.jpg (2.06 MB, 2220x3106, __araragi_karen_and_ararag….jpg)

Everclear (95% alcohol) is legal in NJ. I am drinking it diluted in beer. I can't believe it's legal, when otherwise we have some of the most strict and stupid laws in the country.

The liquor store clerks look at you weird when you buy it.


her face looks weird there


wtf is she stepping on a person


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remi-anon is sick again…

post a video of something you recorded in japan!


My SD card with all my Japan photos and videos became corrupted and now it's all gone… please accept this video I just recorded instead



File: 1522467514318.jpg (145.68 KB, 1000x1000, 1457190409667.jpg)




oh nOOooO!!!

Have you tried one of those recovery tools for SD cards? Maybe it'll work for you! You should always back up that sort of thing.

I hope you can go to Japan again and make lots of new nice memories in the future!



File: 1522532384719.jpg (387.2 KB, 844x1250, b8a8b0ca5ab7d1ab1b546e6216….jpg)

Nice picture


File: 1522555806967.jpg (139.72 KB, 527x616, aaa.jpg)

Ha! That guy deleted the thread where he stole my img. I win again.


File: 1522558092198.png (191.35 KB, 666x401, youtube jp.png)


This girl jumped off a bridge.

Would she even have sex with me first? Unbelievable, girls would rather kill themselves than have sex with me.


Was this a real ad


Uh I just didn't want that video up anymore


File: 1522559381787.jpg (114.83 KB, 467x423, ok.jpg)

Whatever you say.


File: 1522559733327.jpg (192.57 KB, 1440x810, 1522241652470.jpg)

is that the vagina sign




File: 1522561422790.png (905.9 KB, 1366x768, 1770.png)


File: 1522564188640.png (211.84 KB, 1143x930, 2018-04-01-022718_1172x104….png)

Is this the lamest 4chan April Fools prank ever?


What did the Jewnip do last year


File: 1522564654943.png (751.43 KB, 1909x679, pol 2018 april fools.png)

I don't even remember previous years but I know they were better.

4chan's collective reaction to this belongs on /r/cringe.


4chan is literally part of the normie collective consciousness nowadays, literally everyone knows it from hypernorm stacies to boomers


How does it determine which team you're on? I'm Team Creme, by the way.


/b/ 2.0


File: 1522580258174.jpg (362.73 KB, 1366x768, whathic frenlitas.jpg)

an in-IRL-life photo of the /what/hic frenlitas


well /pol/ is an embarassing board for embarassing retards so


You could say that about any board on any chan site(not this one, of course).


its happening on every board on the site


Rabbit rabbit.


I forgot to say Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit. Last month I did too and Merorin went down and Sean died…


Wow! Keep up the good work!


fuck you!



What a strange looking dog.


It's back up.


all boards on 4chan now are just subboards of pol


Truly is a day of Resurrection.


beep beep boop


In fifteen years Nazi Germany will be America


miss noodles…..


I miss him more


/nen/min autosage'd my april fools thread, wtf? that's hella rude.


File: 1522707295408.webm (878.32 KB, 640x360, pls rember.mp4.webm)

happi day


File: 1522707417573.mp4 (2.48 MB, 1440x1080, sitting in the car-9s_-Kx5….mp4)

Nanners makes me mad here for some reason.


Do you think guide doggies actually understand what they're doing for their blind friendo? Or do you think they just act out what they've been trained to do because that's all they know in their life?


They know


Do any of you guys have depression


that's ii ne and very nice of them, they are very friendly.
i think guide doggos should be honorary members of /what/.


Shut up


Wow rude!!
You keep this up and you won't be allowed on /what/ at all mister.


Stop talking like that it's making me sick


If you're feeling sick you should try sitting down somewhere nice and comfy!
I hope you feel better soon~


Do you really I thought you wanted whatmin to ban me


File: 1522731984599.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.78 MB, 640x360, (ASMR) Todd Howard Seduce….webm)

This is pretty hot.


File: 1522783224852.jpg (133.11 KB, 420x315, turtle.jpg)

they've always been


pedo dog



File: 1522814634532.webm (2.71 MB, 480x360, Souji x Yosuke ペルソナ4 Soci….webm)

Atlas always cut out the best content.


File: 1522815015721.jpg (89.21 KB, 600x800, 922388bb4bbd2014f5b684cd51….jpg)



File: 1522818619242.webm (320.25 KB, 480x360, out.webm)

What is this from?

It almost looks like a Kannagi edit.


I just got chased by the neighbors' dogs while going for a run. Again. And everyone looked at me funny. I'm fucking sick of it. They literally watch me while I'm getting chased by those stupid dogs with the most vapid, soulless expression. I hate those stupid, beady-eyed boomers who act like they just walked out of an Updike novel. I hate how they look at me like I'm some kind of pervert for trying to go for a walk, for trying to enjoy the fact that I'm throwing away money a simple luxury like living somewhere where I don't get palpitations every time I see the silhouette of a bicycle in the dark.

I remember the first time I encountered them, I was going for a walk, and the husband, a fat, greasy middle-aged man with red t-shirt was walking the doqs without a leash. I was on the other side of the road when his dogs ran up to me and started chewing on my shoes. I screamed at him, and he didn't even react, like some kind of zombie. He didn't even walk down the street or call for his dogs–completely lifeless. After staring at him for what has to have been minutes, I pushed the doqs out of the way with my feet–not kicked them, pushed them. And then he reacted: "Those are my dogs, man!" Yeah, those are your dogs, man, and they're currently gnawing on my feet. I was being harassed by his shitty dogs, and somehow in the depths of his tiny, imbecilic brain, that was some kind of affront to him. I fucking hate boomers.


File: 1522821897871.jpg (28.08 KB, 640x450, sup.jpg)


File: 1522821954249.png (1.3 MB, 1247x673, risa!.png)

Take it easy, pal.


File: 1522841565676.jpg (292.91 KB, 1049x704, japan dining table.jpg)



File: 1522841602071.jpg (341.25 KB, 1185x718, european dining table.jpg)



I gotta confess I like the European one more.


File: 1522866093193.png (820.64 KB, 1024x868, get out of jp.png)


is this lofi hiphop mix - beats to chill & study to girl?



this is 2018's version of vaporwave


File: 1522882445002.jpg (186.51 KB, 700x930, 68074261_p0.jpg)

No, it's my wife.


File: 1522890256396.webm (598.29 KB, 360x360, rember happy day.webm)



Lololol freaking everyone listens to this!!!!


That's not a bad thing


hello meet the wætfriend


In the Taisho Era, the gentry had European style houses and furniture and their daughters dressed and behaved similar to flappers.


File: 1522913216016.png (2.18 KB, 622x27, forum.png)

nice old forum


File: 1522922375801.jpeg (422.38 KB, 1500x2250, _DSC4441.jpeg)



File: 1522923430841.jpg (141.31 KB, 912x719, 1365430331542.jpg)




File: 1522950360582.jpg (114.69 KB, 818x1024, DX_Vn3jU8AIG5rb.jpg)

Whatmin confirmed gay


I am not attracted to this at all.


File: 1522956231827.webm (419.9 KB, 640x360, those are some nice thigh….webm)



Are her thighs made of sandpaper?


What's your favorite type of cock


File: 1522973807371.webm (5.66 MB, 640x360, 15228568961400.webm)





Yeah I'm pretty amazing


File: 1523062334529.webm (493.91 KB, 480x270, always rember......webm)



is watching 1-2 episodes of anime each day considered "binging"?


File: 1523081708259.mp3 (14.17 MB, 01 - Grand Hotel.mp3)

Here's a song for you whatmin


I wouldn't say so. Even 3 episodes is like watching a single episode of a non anime show.


I can't stop listening to this song. It's perfect.


Whatmin why are you so bad at programming Trevor's so much better he's proving a stupid degree makes a difference why can't I play mpee three on bruiser


Yeah that song really good like some Bohemian Rhapsody feel


There's no shame in not being as good as the elite computer genius known as T-sama.


Audio format support depends entirely on whether the browser or software you're using supports it.

The website itself has nothing to do with it, they're just serving you a media file. If your browser can't play MP3 that has nothing to do with the website.


Shut up literal retard


He's not he didn't even start programming till he was 25


Uh oh. You better hope Trev doesn't see that or he'll hack you and wreck your shit.


File: 1523137658863.png (151.26 KB, 1046x344, 2018-04-07-171748_1046x344….png)

>Chad enters /tg/


File: 1523170952577.jpg (137.68 KB, 647x720, 3d5d748a7bfef075ba599e9956….jpg)



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long hair + cute dress = perfect


File: 1523211559365.jpg (49.02 KB, 500x281, 1523185904105.jpg)



this is the /what/ kissing song!



File: 1523252268802.jpeg (562.08 KB, 1200x1710, image (4).jpeg)

Where are the joints?



File: 1523281064126.png (13.21 KB, 241x77, elsy.png)

nice quads elsy, keep it up!!


File: 1523282865230.png (35.31 KB, 924x460, what.png)




File: 1523291769088.mp3 (11.95 MB, 02 Nocturnal Me.mp3)

Alright whatmin. This song ISN'T for you! DON'T listen to it!!!


File: 1523306406651.jpg (491.88 KB, 800x800, 9318944.jpg)

whats that?


File: 1523314402718.mp3 (7.89 MB, 01 Looking for Atlantis.mp3)

Ok, whatmin. This song IS for you. Please listen to it


LC!!! ( >,<)


I liked that thread not too long ago that had that image of misaki through the door peephole and she was knocking on the door saying she's like a state-sponsored mandatory sex partner as part of the nation's breeding program.

Very ii ne thread.


File: 1523381715251.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 640x360, cyber date (funhaus).webm)



Are they bullying him? Like he's Jeb?



I want the blonde girl to bully me


whitman, https is borked


ok it works now



For anyone who doesn't know, I'm using a self-signed certificate and most major browsers like Firefox/Chrome will give you a warning when trying to access this site through HTTPS.

There's nothing unsecure about it, the encryption and purpose of HTTPS still completely works.


File: 1523467464425.webm (1.63 MB, 640x360, astolfo plushie goes on a….webm)



One of the supplements I'm taking is giving me headaches and leaving a garlic taste in my mouth


which supplement?


Trying to figure that out so I can stop taking it


Which ones are you taking? I could help maybe.



File: 1523508326120.mp4 (10.59 MB, 1024x768, out2.mp4)

I got this deagle ace. I haven't got CSGO footage I felt like recording in a long time, so I decided to try and figure out the best way to record my desktop, and more specifically CSGO footage.

- Use CSGO TV, not the normal demo viewer
- OBS using XSHM is far better than ffmpeg x11grab for recording. It's really great, I never used OBS before. FFmpeg x11grab is unbelievably choppy and results in low fps.
- I still encoded afterwards and added a gamma filter with ffmpeg




bretty good


umm everyone knows mkvs are better…


Mkv is a container. Webm would be the ideal format.


Looks like you were using an xray vision cheat though.


so is mp4…



File: 1523559406770.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.47 MB, 640x360, Funhaus - Ping Pong Ching….webm)



What is on the guy with the red shirt


everyone knows whatmin is a cheater




What's the shirt of


File: 1523742973176.png (1016.62 KB, 776x1200, d5fde9f9dcb2a9b41f760e53a4….png)



What's the anime on his shirt


File: 1523744306114.jpg (68.59 KB, 413x280, ....jpg)


stpuid fucking retrd



File: 1523744531570.webm (1.76 MB, 480x480, pancake.webm)

baste flipping touhou


File: 1523744634135.png (240.28 KB, 525x536, waa waa.png)


File: 1523752085591.mp4 (1.53 MB, 480x480, maki talks about whatcums.mp4)

(ノ> ◇ <)ノ♪


what is this from?


File: 1523764783604.gif (21.65 KB, 200x200, demon_lord_etna_animated_s….gif)

As a gush guzzler myself I can confirm this truth, it really is more of a mindset type of thing and the hole eating fruit doesn't actually change it much, it's more placebo in that case.


Where did you meet guys to have sex with


sdriously is this from a twitch streamer???


File: 1523769839126.gif (106.08 KB, 300x369, 1446710561324.gif)

POF: Plenty of Friends


Doesn't sound like Maki at all.


Are you saying that talking tomato twirling her hair isn't maki?


He's right, Maki is the girl who spits out all times, definitely.


The girl you see is Maki (you can tell from how pretty she is) but they put some other girl's voice over in.


Whose voice is it


I spent all my NEETbux on lottery tickets, I should be able to build the /what/beesion real soon!


File: 1523819506530.gif (424.17 KB, 464x381, loli pounding.gif)


File: 1523854449834.gif (62.31 KB, 127x138, 1446621233217.gif)

Nice, I've been looking for that for my sprite collection.



File: 1523862354517.gif (436.89 KB, 500x375, 1523855345559.gif)


File: 1523863931815.png (Spoiler Image, 582.07 KB, 800x938, 0036.png)

post it here!



File: 1523866266707.gif (1.65 MB, 323x330, dans.gif)



File: 1523868507468.png (1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 2018-04-16-044524_1920x108….png)

Sitting in bed with this wireless keyboard and trackpad, keybinds for efficient window management and volume control in openbox/Linux, watching on a 40" TV, desktop 25ft away in other room.

Feels comfy


If you had efficient keybinds, you wouldn't need a trackpad, you dolt.


40 inches at 25 feet seems like it would be too small.


My desktop PC is 25ft away. Really long HDMI cord. Also have a USB extension cable.

Mouse/trackpad is just faster for a lot of stuff. I use whatever is faster. Navigating websites with only keyboard? lmao



File: 1523871880509.jpg (29.27 KB, 359x347, 1523868050223.jpg)

*Serves you a warm glass of estrogen enriched pee* mhmm?


I literally get less pay-per-click linkbux-type shit/viruses when I follow thumbnails on a russian public tracker than i do from all the nyaa fap clones.


I am an incomparable whomoOOO


i typed in ii ne and inu and this was the first video that showed up!

spoiler: the doggos don't really do anything…


kawaii inus doing nothing is very ii ne


あの。。。one of those inus is a neko….



it's just a nekoinu!


that's ii ne too!!


File: 1523947946108.webm (3.13 MB, 640x360, Golden Time - My Boyfrien….webm)



What is wrong with this man? Why!?


He lost his memory.


So? Why would he reject that perfect girl?

Amnesia doesn't make you gay…


mai wotto furen kyun >v<


Oh, you mean the blonde guy. The girl was clearly a ho, and as we all know, ho's ain't shit.


I'm gonna watch an anime girls, wish me luck whomofrens!


gwambbate kwudashai


File: 1523988911690.jpg (Spoiler Image, 379.95 KB, 1062x1500, 07.jpg)



I feel like visiting my grandmas and playing with my dog again soon


She might be dead any day now, and you'll never get that chance again, so do it while you can.


Fw I have relatives that are going to die soon and I went to go to their funerals out of respect but don't want to see my immediate family because I disowned them and left forever so I don't know what to do when it happens I think I'm just not going to go


After typing this out I realized I should be more concerned about seeing them while they're alive. My aunt is in a nursing home I think I will go visit her on my own but I don't know the exact address, if I do that I won't feel bad about not going to her funeral


File: 1524002330073.jpg (178.05 KB, 750x1000, __ikezawa_hanako_katawa_sh….jpg)

I had a dream that I was 21, and I had a 15 year old girlfriend, who was Eliza/Ciara (an underage attention whore from /r9k/). I kissed her.

I went to her house, her parents hated me.

Her dad accused me of being a criminal, but I told him I had no criminal record, and then he got me a good job.

It was a pretty vivid. Way better than real life.


Go and visit your aunt and bring some chocolates


i need to figure out a way to get her address without my faimly finding out i got it


what if no matter what I do the emptiness and loneliness never goes away for as long as I live?


itll go away if we find companionship


File: 1524035051873.jpg (27.05 KB, 379x470, IMG_20180417_234449.jpg)

I can't take it much longer


File: 1524035353670.gif (330.6 KB, 640x480, bup1.gif)

take it easy nothing really matters


I know how you feel just try


File: 1524037647971.png (649.15 KB, 1907x1908, Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at ….png)



Poo in loo freak at it again.


Don't call me a freak


File: 1524076592654.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.74 MB, 480x272, Stop Calling me a Homo.webm)

K' homo…


There's nothing wrong with being homosexual


James Comey thinks that the term “mass incarceration” is offensive…

This whole time I thought that putting millions of people in cages for decades largely because they are black or brown or poor was the offensive part. Silly me. https://t.co/6Eiw7k5XbX


>because they are black or brown
That's not why they're in prison, it's because they commit far more crimes than white people, or East Asian or Indians, both of which aren't white but very few are imprisoned in America.

Talking about crime rates of course, not total numbers.


They are targeted retard



ok homo


dumb whomos


i put a choco spread on my toast and then i eat it!!
i hope you enjoyed reading my blogpost


I have a special sauce you can put on your toast. Let me get some for you.



i read this in the rhythm of that one death grips song
i put a choco spread on my toast and then i eat it!!
i go on /what/ and tell my frens about it!


Nigga you post to caps dat


i fucking hate anime girl birthday threads, they're fucking stupid as shit because the anime girl doesn't even fucking real and exist and doesn't even read it it's dumb stupid grrrrr


They're real though


are you jealous because no one made a thread about your birthday? just tell us so we can give you a happi birthday too!


File: 1524188165191.png (287.63 KB, 1705x632, 2018-04-19-213445_825x632_….png)


Second warning in one day. Just ban me pussies lol


You must have a lot of free time.



File: 1524190827612.jpg (792.82 KB, 780x1108, d0f2494b49871cb154cb8510aa….jpg)

Why because of my image editing skills?

It takes me like a minute in GIMP to crop two screenshots, put them together, and create a transparent layer underneath and bucket fill it.

Keeps my mind sharp.




TL;DW: In America in the early/mid 20th century, due to a practice called "redlining", people that lived in certain neighborhoods ("red zones") that happened to be mostly black practically could not get loans from banks or the government.

Most suburbs that were in "green zones" were openly racially exclusive to white people.

So white people were preferentially given home and business loans by banks and government programs. Thus they got valuable property, and the property value increased over time, the wealth generated allowed them to open more businesses, invest their money, buy better houses, send their kids to college, and continue to build wealth.

Yes blacks are biologically dumber than whites, but the only reason blacks act so bad in America is because they were given a nearly impossible obstacle to overcome in capitalism.

Now aside from generational wealth leftover, which is mostly held by white people, we have racial equality in terms of economic opportunity.

However someone born into a wealthy family still has an enormous advantage and privilege when it comes to economic opportunity.

A white person and a black person that were born equally poor both have the same opportunity in American capitalism though, the black person even has an advantage due to affirmative action.

But white people aren't happy.

Capitalism is becoming unsustainable.

White people are the niggers now.

Anyone who wasn't born wealthy is the nigger now.

You're given a practically impossible obstacle to overcome in capitalism. Because now you're the nigger.


File: 1524219855522.jpg (43.58 KB, 350x450, 1524014822493.jpg)

I wrote this myself btw, this is not copy/paste from somewhere.

I spent over an hour writing this post.


It's a great demonstration of your double digit IQ.


Owned that racist


Don't talk to me, shitsofag.


File: 1524223914633.png (335.1 KB, 581x401, h.png)

I'm rewatching Eureka Seven. They gave this fucking kid a receding hairline.


Don't tell me what to do retard


Fuck you.


suck my cock fag boy


*bites your dick off*

Heh. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you mess with me. Oh wait, you won't think twice because you're too stupid to think. Retard!



Looks like you're too stupid to read in addition to being to stupid to think!





File: 1524254429464.gif (107.9 KB, 345x398, BBCT_Jin-Kisaragi.gif)


Very well put to together, shows how classism is the true issue in America.


There all cleaned up.

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