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 No.24694[View All]

This is the official (10% juice from concentrate) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
306 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I feel like visiting my grandmas and playing with my dog again soon


She might be dead any day now, and you'll never get that chance again, so do it while you can.


Fw I have relatives that are going to die soon and I went to go to their funerals out of respect but don't want to see my immediate family because I disowned them and left forever so I don't know what to do when it happens I think I'm just not going to go


After typing this out I realized I should be more concerned about seeing them while they're alive. My aunt is in a nursing home I think I will go visit her on my own but I don't know the exact address, if I do that I won't feel bad about not going to her funeral


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I had a dream that I was 21, and I had a 15 year old girlfriend, who was Eliza/Ciara (an underage attention whore from /r9k/). I kissed her.

I went to her house, her parents hated me.

Her dad accused me of being a criminal, but I told him I had no criminal record, and then he got me a good job.

It was a pretty vivid. Way better than real life.


Go and visit your aunt and bring some chocolates


i need to figure out a way to get her address without my faimly finding out i got it


what if no matter what I do the emptiness and loneliness never goes away for as long as I live?


itll go away if we find companionship


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I can't take it much longer


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take it easy nothing really matters


I know how you feel just try


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Poo in loo freak at it again.


Don't call me a freak


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K' homo…


There's nothing wrong with being homosexual


James Comey thinks that the term “mass incarceration” is offensive…

This whole time I thought that putting millions of people in cages for decades largely because they are black or brown or poor was the offensive part. Silly me. https://t.co/6Eiw7k5XbX


>because they are black or brown
That's not why they're in prison, it's because they commit far more crimes than white people, or East Asian or Indians, both of which aren't white but very few are imprisoned in America.

Talking about crime rates of course, not total numbers.


They are targeted retard



ok homo


dumb whomos


i put a choco spread on my toast and then i eat it!!
i hope you enjoyed reading my blogpost


I have a special sauce you can put on your toast. Let me get some for you.



i read this in the rhythm of that one death grips song
i put a choco spread on my toast and then i eat it!!
i go on /what/ and tell my frens about it!


Nigga you post to caps dat


i fucking hate anime girl birthday threads, they're fucking stupid as shit because the anime girl doesn't even fucking real and exist and doesn't even read it it's dumb stupid grrrrr


They're real though


are you jealous because no one made a thread about your birthday? just tell us so we can give you a happi birthday too!


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Second warning in one day. Just ban me pussies lol


You must have a lot of free time.



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Why because of my image editing skills?

It takes me like a minute in GIMP to crop two screenshots, put them together, and create a transparent layer underneath and bucket fill it.

Keeps my mind sharp.




TL;DW: In America in the early/mid 20th century, due to a practice called "redlining", people that lived in certain neighborhoods ("red zones") that happened to be mostly black practically could not get loans from banks or the government.

Most suburbs that were in "green zones" were openly racially exclusive to white people.

So white people were preferentially given home and business loans by banks and government programs. Thus they got valuable property, and the property value increased over time, the wealth generated allowed them to open more businesses, invest their money, buy better houses, send their kids to college, and continue to build wealth.

Yes blacks are biologically dumber than whites, but the only reason blacks act so bad in America is because they were given a nearly impossible obstacle to overcome in capitalism.

Now aside from generational wealth leftover, which is mostly held by white people, we have racial equality in terms of economic opportunity.

However someone born into a wealthy family still has an enormous advantage and privilege when it comes to economic opportunity.

A white person and a black person that were born equally poor both have the same opportunity in American capitalism though, the black person even has an advantage due to affirmative action.

But white people aren't happy.

Capitalism is becoming unsustainable.

White people are the niggers now.

Anyone who wasn't born wealthy is the nigger now.

You're given a practically impossible obstacle to overcome in capitalism. Because now you're the nigger.


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I wrote this myself btw, this is not copy/paste from somewhere.

I spent over an hour writing this post.


It's a great demonstration of your double digit IQ.


Owned that racist


Don't talk to me, shitsofag.


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I'm rewatching Eureka Seven. They gave this fucking kid a receding hairline.


Don't tell me what to do retard


Fuck you.


suck my cock fag boy


*bites your dick off*

Heh. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you mess with me. Oh wait, you won't think twice because you're too stupid to think. Retard!



Looks like you're too stupid to read in addition to being to stupid to think!





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Very well put to together, shows how classism is the true issue in America.


There all cleaned up.

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