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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.215[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (0%) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


there's no blogthread and my left arm has been hurting all day I think I'm going to have a heart attack, it was nice knowing you all


You probably just need some water and rest, I have weird pains like that all the time.


is that bulma


is it bulma


File: 1459747111497.png (300.3 KB, 640x480, bulma.png)




bulma! bulma! bulma!!!


File: 1459752154437.jpg (790.21 KB, 600x1154, 119e287fa20972a9b80870e4d5….jpg)

Bunny bulma!




Guys I'm sorry I don't think I can delete /what/, it made me too sad.

I wasn't trying to trick you guys I really did plan on deleting it.


Thank you for changing your mind.


I'm sorry I don't think I can kill myself yet, it makes me too sad.

I wasn't trying to trick you, I really did plan on killing myself.



That one is nice! I never really played IV much though, so I don't really recognize it.

I quite like Aria di Mezzo Carattere on VI, it was one of the first things I tried learning on the piano but I could only ever really play the right hand and left hand separately - i was too uncoordinated to play both together and then i gave up on the song and forgot the whole song. Now i can't play any of it except maybe the chorus or opening couple of measures.


Got any videos of you playing piano?


File: 1459854533917.ogg (8 MB, substitute invansion.ogg)


My dog's dying I don't know what to do.


So is mine, what a coincidence!


That's what eventually happens, I thought about it before I got a dog. You comfort them and put them out of their misery if you have to.


That's just how it goes. I liked to cuddle my dog but I didn't get the opportunity to do it at the end because he died at the vet overnight while I was at home. Maybe you could spend time with your dog or perhaps it's in a lot of pain and you can't spend time with it.

i fucking hate that i couldn't be with my dog as he died but they don't really let you stay overnight at the vet like they would at a hospital or something.


I think i have a video of me playing End Theme from 5 cm/s but it's shit and I don't like it.
I was meant to record myself playing all sorts of things but i never got around to it and i've forgotten how to play everything anyway so it doesn't matter anymore.


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tfw I had a good night of rest, cleaned the house, worked out, jacked off, took a shower, now I'm drinking coffee and making pasta.

It's rare I feel this good.


Victoria II is such a nice relaxing game to play, I spend most of the time just staring at a map and seeing numbers change but I love every minute of it.


File: 1459870368720.png (6.76 KB, 584x41, 2016-04-05_16-32-16.png)



If it's alright with you I'd like to hear it.


so that's what that was


File: 1459872574784.gif (272.5 KB, 538x46, 2016-04-05_17-01-19.gif)


post gachiGASM


File: 1459872973285.png (3.75 KB, 228x34, 2016-04-05_17-15-14.png)


I'm really sorry


File: 1459873078545.jpg (737.54 KB, 1003x1310, kaname madoka (mahou shouj….jpg)

mighty kind of 'ya!


Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole? You post such a big announcement anonymously, so that no one knows if it's for real or just a troll, then you actually close the site, but then you go and reopen it. People care about this place, and you don't give a shit about that.


whatmin didn't make that thread though, it was just some prankster.


but /what/ really was down for a while


it was me, sorry


Don't hack me please!


File: 1459893324929.png (558.99 KB, 720x540, 0.png)



He must have his reasons, no need to be so aggressive.


What's the story behind this image?


File: 1459896348537.jpg (366.43 KB, 810x1126, 2015-08_1508-05.jpg)



they bullied that guy


what is this?


they killed miu


File: 1459915032697.png (42.56 KB, 250x250, 250px-151Mew.png)

You mean this thing?


File: 1459916663422.png (495.79 KB, 720x540, 1.png)

Stop the Bitch Campaign.

Two guys decide to stop "compensated dating" by fucking the girls, but not paying and being a jerk.


And how it led to that picture?


File: 1459929111659.webm (1.08 MB, 841x458, dog.webm)

Just remember the good times you had with your dog, where they were happy.


What was it from?


Ichigo Mashimaro


File: 1459963372122.png (2.65 MB, 1280x720, [DreamingRoses-Doremi].Pre….png)



ah right, thank you.


File: 1459982095710.mp3 (2.7 MB, 02 - Edward MacDowell - Wo….mp3)

Listening to classical piano music.


File: 1459984933858.png (3.1 MB, 1920x1080, nost.png)


Nostalrius is shutting down. It was a vanilla WoW private server that I had a lvl60 and a good amount time played on. Everyone flipped shit on the server when it was announced.


Everything dies


File: 1459987100555.jpg (38 KB, 300x528, death-tarot.jpg)

Death is but the beginning to a new chapter…


Any news on your dog's health? How old is it?


>Anno said the anime industry as we now know it will end in the next five to twenty years. Decline and “death” are unavoidable.

>“Japanese animation is in decline,” Anno told RIA. “It’s already peaked.” Next, Anno believes, is the inevitable death. “After it does collapse, there will probably be a new resurgence.”

I'm waiting for the death and renaissance of anime. The current state of anime is like tearing down a bunch of Victorian-era houses so you can build cheap cookie-cutter suburban clone houses.


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File: 1460066090961.webm (301.82 KB, 480x480, good-for-your-penis.webm)



anno is a hack


it's dead, he said so in another thread.


sorry to hear


Tfw no muscular buddy to wrestle naked in a sauna


I'll be your manly muscular oiled up friend.


File: 1460118247211.jpg (38.98 KB, 640x480, 04-08-16-1460102205.jpg)

Pic related it's me.


File: 1460118685863.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.12 KB, 400x396, seduction.jpg)

looking good there, this is me by the way, someone snapped it without me realizing (I was not posing I swear)


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File: 1460148446091.jpg (80.16 KB, 1024x576, [1111] Higurashi no Naku K….jpg)




I can hear it.


i had a really really lewd dream involving rika and later some other looli joined in. I don't want to go into the details though, it's far too lewd.


every part of me hurts my body feels heavy I'm nauseous I can't think I think I'm dying I guess this is it it was nice knowing you all


If you can't think then how do you think you're dying!


that was a brief moment of literary genius God let me have before he turned my brain back off


let me hold you in my arms


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Dammit dad saw me looking at men again, now I need to convince him I'm straight yet again.


It's the middle of the night and I just woke up because my pc was making horrible sounds. I hope it was just a cord stuck on a fan, I really don't want to have to replace my hard drive…


File: 1460276577301.jpg (45.12 KB, 670x479, 1406161503029.jpg)

Why do I watch videos of people telling ghost stoires at 4AM.

It's no wonder I have insomnia…


Were they good ghost stories?


Make sure you backup all of the cute bee pictures you got from /what/ otherwise you'll lose them because they're not on here anymore!


File: 1460316547410.jpg (170.71 KB, 600x800, 1325095287470.jpg)

Some were good and others were a bit hard to believe. I ended up switching to police 911 and EMT responese stoies and those were way scaryer…the things those people see.

One time I listen to blackbox recording of commercial flights right before they crashed. Huanting stuff…


File: 1460318624786.jpg (132.72 KB, 559x571, 2015-04-10 at 04.10.40.jpg)

Thinking of Canadian cocks again…


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File: 1460321029149.mp3 (391.8 KB, ratpolish.mp3)



File: 1460328025920.webm (5.65 MB, 640x360, 【第14回MMD杯本選】Touhou - Flan….webm)



i only like mexican 2hu MMD videos or ones that use dialogue audio from well-known movies, games, and videos.


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I'm thinking of getting a job at a recycling plant. I'd have to work Monday through Friday from 6 to 5.

Should I do it?


If you want to


I just want the money without having to work….


Unless you're retarded or disabled or have a rich family you have to work to get money.


55 hours a week is a lot


Just broke the roof of the house and nearly fell through it


r u ok


Yes but the roof isn't I shouldn't have been an idiot


Where you walking on top of the roof?



gooey will teach me how to not be gay for sure!


File: 1460421847116.jpg (138.56 KB, 1520x1080, 1427667802291.jpg)

I found this neat book on serial killers and the quotes on it and really something…

"The bloodstains… that happened when I stored one of the guys unside down… it usually ran out of his nose or mouth or something…"

- John Wayne Gacy

"She kinda wanted it, ya know, sex an' stuff like that. Then, I get started, an' she starts cryin' and wants her mom, so I suffocated her."

- Arthur John Shawcross

"Killing a woman's like killing a chicken. They both squawk."

- Kenneth Allen Mcduff

"I took her into the bedroom and killed her. She screamed for her mom and the last thing she saw was the face of her dead friend lying next to her."

- Kenneth Bianchi


File: 1460422661642.jpg (401.78 KB, 1373x1859, 1460354096230.jpg)

spoogy and disturbing


File: 1460422739648.mp3 (14.49 MB, Adoration For None.mp3)

Listening to prog-metal.


Those all seem like par for the course for serial killers, not that surprising.


File: 1460428619184.png (614.6 KB, 1024x768, mikes.png)

Look at this picture I took of lolmikes! He's upset that I caught him in such a lewd pose~


Why are you reading about serial killers, weirdo?


weirdos love serial killers

fake & gay. real mikes loves to be photographed in lewd poses


The imminent death of English language textboards is depressing me.


I've been meaning to ask about this on /neet/, but since you already touched on the subject might as well ask here
What are the biggest textboards nowadays? Which ones are still alive and relevant? I only keep up with tablecat and prog.


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Biggest is up for discussion considering none of them get many posts anymore. 4-ch is still alive and I think it might be the more active one, SAoVQ is also still alive. Other than that there are many fringe textboards still out there that get at most 1 post a week.

Here, this will help you: http://1ch.us/overtext.html


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This is familiar for some reason.


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File: 1460526892792.jpg (62.92 KB, 768x768, isis.jpg)



ISIS ww! but i like ISISlowWyA too!



File: 1460603235962.png (2.05 MB, 1920x1013, 2016-04-13-224524_1920x108….png)

I played a game of comp CSGO on Japanese servers.

Most of the players were definitely Japanese. What really surprised me is that they all spoke in English. All the callouts were in English, except "middle" became "middoru", and "many long" became "miny rong", etc. It wasn't just callouts though, they would say stuff like "nice shot", and everything in English actually, I heard no Japanese spoken.


these don't look like japanese names


It was a Japanese server, and you see their pings? They would at least have to be in Japan to get those pings.

I asked if they were really Japanese, and one guy responded "yessu I ama japoneesu". I was really surprised that they all talked in English too. Here's the steam account of some of the guys.



the iphone guy sure has lots of people accusing him of being a hacker


He wasn't that good or doing anything fishy from what I saw, but he was SMFC, and either the ranks are different in Japan and it's easier to be SMFC, or maybe he only cheats sometimes, who knows.

From the little I've seen of SMFC gameplay on US East after the rank update, they are really good and consistently play at a high level, much higher than what he was playing at.


File: 1460607448045.jpg (5.67 KB, 251x142, 1295213930808s.jpg)



zzz sounds like a yellow gook faggot name, lmao


one guy saying it over and over doesn't make it a meme




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So I thought I would study up on Satanism and found some nice personally bits about him:

- His Day is Monday.

- His Colors are Blue, Red, and Black

- He is the Sumerian God EA, also known as ENKI which means "Lord of the Earth." He is also known as Melek Ta'us.

- Animals that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven.

- His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]

- His Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. [The Age of Aquarius is the Age for the advancement of humanity]

- His Planets are Uranus and Venus [the Morning Star].

- His Directions are both South and East

His most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day, which should be observed by every dedicated Satanist. [This was dictated directly from him, personally].

Interestingly enough as a cusper [Scorpio/Libra] I'm totally compatible with Satan, Since one of the best matching signs for Scorpius is Capricorn and Libra being a good match for Aquarius.

Feels good…


That's cute.



heh heh……. his planet is uranus… hehehe


File: 1460657554539.mp3 (11.18 MB, 02. Floe.mp3)

I hope you know that it isn't pronounced "ur anus" anymore….

They had to change it because of that joke.


File: 1460675428688.jpg (72.1 KB, 500x568, Varg Vikernes.jpg)

Cute as fuck.


Fuck Varg and fuck his music.


You're just jealous that he has nice long Nordic hair.


Not anymore. Check out his YouTube channel, he is just a crazy old man now.


Just like bald-anon


You mean "Louis Cachet"

Except he's 43, and bald anon is in his 20s…don't bully bald anon


File: 1460827000512.gif (992.38 KB, 320x184, dark souls 3.gif)

So is it good?


I had a gay boi dream where I sucked a cock in girls clothes and then we cuddled. It was pretty ii ne.


want to do it in real life too?


Rolls are punishable with normal R1s. Whoever made that gif is a scrublord.


File: 1460866797029.jpg (144.17 KB, 600x600, 1611572.jpg)


I took this test thing and it told me I was the "Prophet (REOGS)" personality type…


File: 1460867023749.png (471.1 KB, 600x600, 1451576014796.png)


dont click virus


>25% emotionally balanced

i don't think so


File: 1460874734095.png (19.52 KB, 309x421, Untitled.png)

look at the question i got!


load of wank, i got "The Healer" which is "less prone to depression" and "arrogant" but i'm a depressed worthless piece of shit, i fucking hate myself, I can't even do a personality test correctly.


File: 1460875319523.png (17.84 KB, 767x292, Untitled.png)

the breakdown seems a little more accurate though.




personality tests are the same baloney as horoscope. they list random positive and negative traits then the person identifies with whatever they want and ignore what's completely wrong. even worse still there's a kind of person who sees the negative traits and casually accepts them while even putting an emphasis to act that way in the future. their logic is it was in a personality test so it's okay?

you do not want to identify yourself with labels other create to define something they imagine.


Hello there mister No Fun At All, it's an unpalatable misfortune to meet you indeed!


File: 1460905242507.ogg (70.27 KB, desu yo ne.ogg)



File: 1460909413446.png (525.64 KB, 1116x1080, 1443714367248.png)

Yeah, I tend to not take them seriously and I only do them out of boredom. A lot of them do make people fall for the Barnum effect….


where the fuck is the 404 you fucking broke it page?!?!?




File: 1460915782150.jpg (100.64 KB, 1261x440, buuu.jpg)

I'm a "Designer". Only things I design are shidbosts though!


File: 1460916105546.jpg (105.52 KB, 1276x506, buuuuuuuuu.jpg)

Looks about right


File: 1461000458048.png (88 KB, 907x332, he's right.png)



File: 1461077191489.png (2.65 MB, 1280x720, [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precu….png)

abunai taihen da!!!!!!!!!


File: 1461105846412.png (432.42 KB, 1163x761, gnfos.png)



File: 1461106241455.png (376.82 KB, 854x480, 1344254622491.png)



File: 1461119457298.png (792.64 KB, 1280x720, 1416677434.99605858.png)


File: 1461119912073.gif (Spoiler Image, 1013.77 KB, 500x280, pi5i8QH.gif)



File: 1461123878176.jpg (86.52 KB, 606x696, 1457280154334.jpg)

whatminb youre my boyfriend


File: 1461124284463.jpg (98.91 KB, 704x396, 1271874603853.jpg)

I'll be your boyfriend if you stop spamming


File: 1461124404092.jpeg (61.96 KB, 674x677, c278a1731528fb8b878ed167f….jpeg)

You're that easy, huh? I'm disappointed.


File: 1461124408316.jpg (46.64 KB, 238x291, 1458785211132.jpg)


all my boyfriends show me their cocks


In my dream my mom was watching the end to gopri precure, but it was a different ending where Haruka had to choose between her friends and I told mom she wouldn't choose any because this was a children's show, and she'd say she loved them all. Then the ED started playing, and I stayed to watch it without mom noticing it because I didn't want her to think I liked children's anime.

Then when it ended and my mom left, I put on another precure ED but for some reason this one sounded like an Anal Cunt song, and then it turned into Fuwa Fuwa Time. And then i woke up.


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File: 1461131142611.jpg (953.13 KB, 1000x1000, 1448102686214.jpg)



your mom was watching precure by herself?



File: 1461134777042.jpg (66.69 KB, 827x960, 1422365509680.jpg)

Dani smoking meth so he can stay up and spam multiple threads.


does anyone have the "wwww crazy" image that gooey posts? or instead if someone can contact him, maybe someone can message gooey and ask him to post it here.


What kind of lighter only depresses so far as to burn your thumb during regular use?

Ones drawn by retarded anibabe artists. LOL!!


Have you ever evenn seen a lighter before, cool guy?


I practice with my premium high quality bic lighter everyday so just shut your freakin' face.


/what/ - a bunch of bees


File: 1461168827536.png (152.91 KB, 336x400, wwww.png)


feeling gooey rn


File: 1461177757343.png (178.79 KB, 500x213, tree fiddy.png)

Canada just legalized weed and Harriet Tubman will now be on the US $20 bill.


Sigh why couldn't it have been Marilyn Monroe…


File: 1461189479398.jpg (26.14 KB, 500x380, 7febb8734ca1f1d43cad32b9bd….jpg)

I finally got a haircut, I tried to get it to look as close to this as possible and it turned out okay….

I've been using toner to even out my skin as well.


File: 1461189562281.jpg (10 KB, 128x143, 1372363894615 (copy 1) (co….jpg)



Good for you improving yourself, now start juicing and lift things up and put them down.


File: 1461190506657.jpg (706.76 KB, 800x800, 42031668.jpg)

I started cardio and some wight lifting at mid March. It's been really helpful, it's so much easier getting heavy groceries home now.


File: 1461191091671.png (246.91 KB, 458x485, 1461190746082 (copy 1).png)

gas this normie hwatmin


File: 1461192233567.png (259.72 KB, 572x510, 1461104125493.png)



i just realised i use burts bees chapstick


File: 1461192722956.png (208.44 KB, 560x560, 1442621678671.png)

Does it have any unique kind of taste…?


it is pepperminty


File: 1461195044898.png (3.09 MB, 1200x1691, 1412925055080.png)

I love peppermint…


Today I went to the dentist and while the hygienist lady was cleaning my teeth her body was pressing against my head and she was holding my face with her hands. It felt really nice not even in like a sexual way just felt warm and nice. Also my teeth are apparently quite healthy and they were impressed my gums didn't bleed at all. Too bad it cost $400 hopefully insurance will pay some of that.


File: 1461198516805.webm (16.27 MB, 856x480, JUST FLAN MY SHIT UP.webm)



i liked when i was 12 and went to the dentist and the 20-something hygienist onee-sans would lean in and brush their boobs and body on me. felt nice


File: 1461203307283.webm (11.64 MB, 856x480, GOD DAMMIT SHINJI.webm)

Why is this damn game so hard….


File: 1461265074418.jpg (289.06 KB, 800x800, Sun Devoured Earth - Sound….jpg)

If you liked Have a Nice Life you would probably like this.



Nice, I can link Giles Corey - Hinterkaifeck which is like that album. If anyone wants it…


I do.



I like it. Thank you.


RIP sweet prince


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Mega is shutting down by the way.


/test-php/ is way faster than /what/….


File: 1461410566722.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, kabaneri.png)



how hard is to process a credit card payment, it's almost entirely automated lmao site is run by /what/min-tier webchumps.


File: 1461411502625.png (395.25 KB, 600x657, whatmin and me.png)

whatmin is the cutest boy


/what/min is an ugly dork.


File: 1461413371184.mp4 (25.72 MB, 1280x720, 1.mp4)

You guys should watch Attack on Titan 2.


File: 1461438467232.jpg (106.12 KB, 512x709, 51895878_p0_master1200_.jpg)



I want to become girl!


I felt like this at one point to, but unless you have a body very suited for looking girly, which you probably don't, you should drop the idea and instead try looking more masculine, like a man.


File: 1461442700981.jpg (187.88 KB, 1266x1070, 1377059183610.jpg)

Just be a feminine twink….


File: 1461447596078.jpg (1.23 MB, 2400x1800, e5113895de1da3cd2bc40498d9….jpg)

I actually have a pretty feminine body and very weak body hair growth too, I think I might try shaving completely this summer just to find out what it feels and looks like


File: 1461448912131.gif (1008.59 KB, 497x281, 1418116407606.gif)

Make sure to practice proper shaving technique and to use moisturizer after shaving, to avoid red bumps….


File: 1461450679378.jpg (8.83 KB, 251x251, 1289506880389s.jpg)

i shaved everything except the mustache just for you whatmin


post pic


File: 1461451626847.jpg (Spoiler Image, 561.06 KB, 1600x1200, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


I like your hat


cool mustache!


File: 1461453603500.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.79 KB, 420x326, quim.jpg)

check this one out!


post the otashave one


File: 1461469344203.mp3 (9.24 MB, Mix_Chopin_-_I'm_Gonna_Get….mp3)

Well that sucks, I guess its back to dropbox I go…


File: 1461478475375.png (294.5 KB, 640x480, shot0002.png)

Well I found by far the most degenerate porn I've ever seen in my life. I'm serious, I've never seen ANYTHING more fucked up than this, and I've seen fucked up stuff.

They get this japanese girl to go to skid row in LA, and fuck homeless people and thuggish niggers without condoms. Yes it's real.


To clarify, I didn't jack off to it. I was just shocked that something this terrible existed.


File: 1461479722081.png (620.44 KB, 1008x720, 1427667581526.png)


Now that is fucked up…I honestly can't wrap my head around it or how anyone could think that was a good idea.

That girl had to be aware of the dangers…




File: 1461480846463.png (277.6 KB, 640x480, shot0004.png)

Yeah, I would be amazed if she walked away from it without an STD. They have an interview with her in the beginning, but it's all in Japanese.


Fake elsy, please don't impersonate her.


where do i start watching precure? i finished aikatsu!.


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There are ones where they go to India and African tribes as well. I don't know if they are actually real because I saw a post one time about all the things in the India one that made people think it was fake and actually hired actors. Unfortunately I can't find it.


whatmin? They should call him HACKmin because he's such a talentless hack!


what a complete lack of creativity


but isn't it exciting deshou ka???


File: 1461562023158.png (1.19 MB, 1003x898, pussy song.png)

Media involving zombies has been done a thousand times but it can still be done very well.

I Am a Hero is a zombie manga, but it's unique and one of the best manga ever made.


I didn't mean the zombie part, I meant how it's exactly like SnK but with a slightly changed background


File: 1461596631651.png (903.82 KB, 1280x720, munmei.png)

How is it like SnK except for the zombie/monster survival part? The art style/visuals is better than anything I know of that has come out for a while.


They use the same weapons and equipment, and the premise seems exactly the same. You said yourself it is "Attack on Titan 2"


>They use the same weapons and equipment

No they don't, there's no grappling hook jetpacks.

They use what I think is steam-powered guns of some sort, one guy uses a fucking katana, and the MC made up his own steam-powered drill of some sort. They mixed steam punk and Edo-era Japanese styles throughout the show.

>the premise seems exactly the same

Well yeah, the zombie/monster survival aspect is similar, we've concluded this, but:

>I didn't mean the zombie part


You're on pedantic, annoying little shit.


File: 1461599121436.png (745.7 KB, 1280x720, munmeii.png)

>You're on

Are you challenging me?


But he's right though, the equipment is nothing like snk. Not that I like kabaneri though.


File: 1461688262903.png (22.62 KB, 1276x146, 2016-04-26-122716_1276x146….png)

I like looking at the people downloading torrents from me sometimes.

This guy in LA woke up and decided to download K-On Season 2 at 9AM in the morning, what is this guy doing with his life? Who is he?


Creepy as hell, dude. I'm streaming all of my anime from now on.


leave him alone you fucking stalker


That's really creepy, and who are you to judge what other people do with their time


that's me


You guys act like you didn't know peers on torrents could see your IP address and general area you live in. It's nothing creepy.


File: 1461692056473.gif (777.72 KB, 600x433, 1401891818658.gif)

I always let my torrents run while I'm sleeping, also I always use a vpn so that creeps can't see who I am.


File: 1461692154131.gif (828.09 KB, 500x281, satan.gif)

sleepy Satan


File: 1461693097405.jpg (26.32 KB, 167x348, 2015-05-03--23.50.08.jpg)

creepy creepy!


leave him alone creep


File: 1461696006613.jpg (611.18 KB, 946x946, a2d906f234a0f7e8fdfe6916d9….jpg)


File: 1461724041825.png (55 KB, 210x273, 32467.png)

i try to do the same, but im lazy. hopefully at night less people are up to notice.


File: 1461727164983.jpg (98.12 KB, 1280x720, friendos.jpg)

>i always read those stories about people who had extreme challenges with their friends and rediscovered themselves and then i realize i've never had friends and the closest thing i've ever had was people who gay ERP on an obscure spinoff


File: 1461728318083.jpg (185.44 KB, 782x577, cock.jpg)

You guys on here and gnfos are my friends


File: 1461760840598.jpg (29.35 KB, 391x440, nd2.jpg)

so it's ok to consider /what/friends my real friends?


your my irl fren noodles!


File: 1461778447790.gif (2.45 MB, 420x380, 1437871888330.gif)

w r frnds nw


File: 1461782459733.jpg (20.9 KB, 225x584, hapynoodl.jpg)


File: 1461794831153.png (301.29 KB, 530x574, Loz_stinkbug.png)

I just found one of these things in my house.





gonna do big cum on noodle!


File: 1461797681101.jpg (139.5 KB, 450x600, 1418399379372.jpg)

I do that once in awhile…




with boys!





Finally, I can shave against the grain.


what does that mean?

I've been thinking about shaving all of my body hair off but I heard that makes you really itchy? how do you even do it down there….


I wish I could afford a steady supply of alcohol to get me drunk


You shave facial hair right? It's about as itchy as that if you don't shave against the grain. You have to be very careful when you get around "sensitive" areas though.


my facial hair areas don't get itchy but I use an electric razor so I don't think it's the same. is against the grain like the opposite direction of the way it comes out?


File: 1461807580134.jpeg (16.77 KB, 492x200, grain.jpeg)

It's not that different shaving from shaving your face it just takes forever since you have so much more surface area to shave.


Why not wax instead? You can even wax you face and it will last longer.


because I shave and have all the supplies for shaving


Waxing damages your skin and hair.


File: 1461820442253.jpg (269.17 KB, 960x1280, nanase yoshino (wake up gi….jpg)



what's a good razor to buy can I just use regular face razors on my everything? is gilette good?


The Gillette razors require you to replace the blades every once in a while when they get dull, and the replacements are quite expensive.

I should probably look for some kind of non-straight razor that you can re-sharpen.


I use a $30 CAD safety razor and buy 100 razor blades for $7. It's a very affordable way to shave.


File: 1461827863692.jpg (51 KB, 500x500, whatmin and whatmin.jpg)

hey /what/min you fucking faggot, why don't you repost this image everytime you fuck up lmfao!



File: 1461829119123.png (465.59 KB, 720x540, duhh.png)

Maybe I will.


File: 1461831001773.png (62.7 KB, 255x144, 1460261656731.png)

whatmin come to nor way


File: 1461837060049.png (221.34 KB, 397x480, duhh.png)

[b]NO [i]WAY!![/i][/b]






Thanks whatmin!



Sigh…. They only mentioned the primary reason once, and it didn't even really explain the whole issue. By far it has to do with the economy and money.

If you have no money and you live with your parents, a girl wants nothing to do with you. I'm starting to get a bit less sexually frustrated as time goes on, realizing how most women are trash, and that it's just the natural form of sexual selection adapted to fit the capitalist modern world. I don't have enough motivation to compete in this game, no matter how hard I try it'd be unlikely that I would get anything but a crappy consolation prize that backfires on me until my life is so ruined by divorce, separation from my kids, alimony/child-support, and betrayal, that I want to kill myself.


File: 1461862078120.jpg (131.44 KB, 600x800, amatsuka megumi (gj-bu) dr….jpg)



You have got to get a little self awareness and stop blaming everything on external factors. An unattractive person with no motivation to do anything would be unsuccessful under any economic system in any time period. Take some responsibility for the results of your own behavior.


>An unattractive person with no motivation to do anything would be unsuccessful under any economic system in any time period.

I'm not that unattractive, and there is many different time periods and places I would have been able to get a girl/wife 100x easier than it is here and now. Not only that, I would be able to get a good wife. For pretty much the entirety of human history up until now there has been laws and religious/cultural beliefs made to keep women from destroying civilization by being sluts. Those laws were in place for a good reason you know.

Even if I just lived in the 50s or 60s in the USA, I would have an immensely easier time getting a girl/wife. Let alone a village hundreds/thousands of years ago where fiat money didn't even exist, and arranged marriages were a thing.

> Take some responsibility for the results of your own behavior.

I explained to you the current problems I see, they are in fact not my fault. No matter how hard I work, those problems would still exist. Even if I was very wealthy and attractive, I would still complain about those problems and how they are hurting humanity.


>I'm not that unattractive
Neither am I but we are still unattractive and that does not help.

>there is many different time periods and places I would have been able to get a girl/wife 100x easier than it is here and now

Really? When and where were women flocking to unattractive, unsuccessful men?

>For pretty much the entirety of human history up until now there has been laws and religious/cultural beliefs made to keep women from destroying civilization by being sluts

The female tendency to vote and push for leftist ideals are what have caused issues in the past, not the fact that they can be promiscuous.

>Even if I just lived in the 50s or 60s in the USA, I would have an immensely easier time getting a girl/wife

How do you figure? They wouldn't like you if you didn't have a good job and couldn't provide for them.

>Let alone a village hundreds/thousands of years ago where fiat money didn't even exist, and arranged marriages were a thing.

In my mind, you'd want to marry a woman on your own accord because you love her. If you want to get married because your family has good life stock and your wife's has good crops then, yes, you missed your chance.

>No matter how hard I work, those problems would still exist

Real or imagined, these problems aren't what is holding you back. They haven't even had the chance to because you (I assume) have not gone out and pursued your goals. If i'm wrong and you've gone out and done your best, I apologize.


>When and where were women flocking to unattractive, unsuccessful men?

There was places and time periods where they didn't "flock" to the nearest silverback because there was laws and religious/cultural beliefs that kept women chaste. There was places and time periods where all you were expected to do was help out the community by doing things like agriculture and hunting, and you got a ((semi-)arranged) marriage.

>The female tendency to vote and push for leftist ideals are what have caused issues in the past, not the fact that they can be promiscuous.

It is both.

>They wouldn't like you if you didn't have a good job and couldn't provide for them.

In the 50s/60s I would have been able to get a job that pays enough to afford a family. There was still Christian religious/cultural beliefs about sex and marriage widely in place. The laws were also less hostile to men, for example the lack of new-age divorce laws that are strongly in favor of the woman and typically result in ruining a man's life.

>Real or imagined, these problems aren't what is holding you back.

I just told you that even if I was wealthy, attractive, and got all the women I wanted, I would still be complaining about these problems because they are destructive to humanity and civilization. You seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding me, I am not complaining because I don't have a girlfriend/wife. What don't you understand about this? How many times do I have to say it before you stop thinking that I'm just complaining about my own personal lack of a gf/wife, and not the current state of affairs regarding sex, relationships, and marriage?


take it easy nerds


>What don't you understand about this?
I don't understand the massive amount of autism it would take to come to a dead /jp/ spin off to complain about something no one would ever come to a /jp/ spin off to discuss.


File: 1461866597707.png (382 KB, 497x685, das.png)

These are barely even /jp/ spinoffs anymore.

I don't even know what the fuck they are, they're some kind of small communities that are only loosely connected by japanese media. You're pretty much deranged/autistic if you still post on these, I know you are because if you weren't you wouldn't come here.


Moot cracked down on all the autistic blogging on /jp/ and people came to these spin offs to do there autistic blogging. They still have a distinct /jp/ vibe to them.


why dont girls want to have sex with me? why wont they notice what a nice guy i am? those fucking sluts. *covers face with his fedora cooly*


moot and his janitard fucks always hated /jp/ and its culture, and did everything to stomp it out.

You can see the result of it if you go to 4chan/jp/ today; it's a sterile barren wasteland consisting of generals and imagedumps.

I'm glad the spinoffs exist; I don't want to go back to 4chan ever again.


It still confuses me to this day why the janitor was so hostile, and why it was allowed for him to be so hostile. There was nothing that would have stopped the "/jp/ culture" and the generals/imagedumps from peacefully co-existing.

4/jp/ is kind of depressing to look at today, but I have recently began visiting the JAV and Babymetal threads sometimes. It seems to be much more like some kind of bland Vbulletin forum though, rather than /jp/ or even 4chan.


>I have recently began visiting the JAV and Babymetal

those are literally the main reason why I stopped going there.


File: 1461871551124.jpg (99.6 KB, 1078x924, 1367993505775.jpg)

>It seems to be much more like some kind of bland Vbulletin forum though, rather than /jp/ or even 4chan.
moot generally kind of struck me like he wanted 4chan boards to be discussion forums rather than communities with unique cultures, which is odd considering how badly suited for this the imageboard format is.

I mean he created /jp/ in the first place to have a "containment board", because he didn't like the idea of /a/ as 2D/random.


From what I understand from one of my friends who used to be a mod on 4chan up until like 2013, (he's shown me pictures of /j/ and the panel so I have no reason to not believe him)
Moot didn't like /jp/ userbase from the beginning, but he's always been afraid of there being huge imageboards that challenge 4chan's supremacy. He used to not really give a shit about it back in the days of iichan, or even back when 7chan was at it's largest, but once 4chan became one of the biggest sites in the world, he became pretty paranoid about 4chan losing any sort of status and a new "chan" replacing it. This was also around the time he started becoming famous for being the "4chan guy", the time magazine shit happened and he was really liking the connections 4chan was giving him, so he didn't want to lose that newly found status the site had given him. (he became less paranoid about this and eventually deleted /r9k/ and /new/, but then when he saw 4chon had those boards and had a lot of activity he put them back up)

So he made /jp/ back in 08 so he wouldn't lose the users of /a/ that he hated. (this is also supported by the fact that he never went to /jp/ to makes decisions on it, he went to /a/ for some reason, like when he changed it to "Otaku Culture") He didn't want them setting up their own website and that getting big, so /jp/ was born, and from the start, nobody really volunteered to moderate it, since nobody either gave a shit, the new mods/janitors were either there to moderate the non anime boards, or just wanted to stay with /a/, and that led to a severe lack of moderation on /jp/, compared to the other boards.
so moot basically told the janitors to "do whatever" it took to moderate /jp/, at any time of it's life. this is common knowledge and you can basically ask any mod that was around then, but /jp/ had more reports than every other board, despite it being one of the smaller boards.
it frustrated the mods/janitors that they always had to check the report queue, and eventually they stopped, and then it morphed into what it was before the nuking of it, and then eventually it was nuked because the mods didn't understand the culture and now we have Japan/General back again.


Very good explanation of it.

I never really thought about just how bad Moot is.


remember bawson, japanese bird cooking spaghetti, and dedicated aya-sama fan? the old days sure were great.


I also think part of that was due that moot had racked up some 20 thousand dollars in credit card debt by mid/late-2008 , somewhat he wouldn't pay off for a few years. So despite hating what would become /jp/ he needed what scant ad revenue he could probably get back then.


meant "something"


i have a crush on dani and whatmin


I feel like there have been just as many unsuccessful losers who never meet girls in every generation, we're just finally able to easily connect with our rare breed so we seem more common than we are.


If the users of all the good spinoffs decided to band together and just post on one site, you could definitely challenge 4chan's /jp/ in terms of speed and userbase.
if you did enough to get on their radar, I bet they'd be pissed.


shut up, sean, the spinoffs are fine the way they are now.


File: 1461883337370.jpg (25.08 KB, 500x500, 41NRbj5kNcL.jpg)

Real men use one of these to shave.


These feel pretty good, when I go to the barber they always use of one of those and it feels really comfortable.


i'm not that illiterate weeaboo faggot
but what i'm saying is true


What Can only 1 人 do, however?
Yes, Its a common question.
"Am I a Small person? Am I an importance?"
"What reason Im born?"
"Am I only this insignifiancace?"

However……………….ITS A FUCKING RED HERRINGS………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because, if you are a MAN, in your soul you cna feel a YAMATO DAMASHII.
Its simple.
To be true True Otokorashii, this simple formula:

You will never surrender, if any aliens entity (for an example, a JANJAN) try to steal your identity.

Because, have some fucking pride as a MAN.
Have this OTOKORASHII BURN YOUR UFCKING SOUL…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet, I can't believe, this /jp/ is seriously cucked so extreme by JanJan, we allow this General Paradigm Shift? We serious live cucked? And your pride as a man?


wimmybun has THIRTEEN friendos now while i'm still stuck on zero because i'm retarded.


File: 1461949137730.png (59.54 KB, 179x180, 1458694871265.png)

why are you stalking me?


fuck off, you're not the REAL bun. RUDE SAGE


File: 1461956491013.jpg (60.81 KB, 455x491, burg.jpg)


I wish, I was just joking.



Well, if it's true it is a mystery. I'm just gonna leave me bitcoin address here in case some Nigerian prince with a great loan offer comes by.


Also Porchy I love you even if you're dirt poor, it's just that I don't really like to ERP or whatever. I don't try to come off as cold/angry.


I know sorry I'm just retarded and/or autistic


File: 1461976467232.jpg (71.11 KB, 560x420, 6e555e05147a07d9b8ed591f88….jpg)

whatmin doesnt know what roleplaying is hes just naturally erotic





what happened!?


Someone donated $5000 to Trevor.


where does porchy fits into this


File: 1461998831294.png (113.18 KB, 280x429, summer-outfit.png)

I'm so going to need to buy this for the Con in May I'm going too…


Are you going for the "fit guy with muscles wears girl clothing ironically"look?


File: 1461999472358.png (66.39 KB, 468x418, 1461021441710.png)




haha japan's so wacky >.<



File: 1462000461642.png (870.51 KB, 1280x720, hmph.png)

And you think you can pull it off?


File: 1462000550076.jpg (149.07 KB, 1920x1080, 1461998315322.jpg)

Whatmin I cummed


File: 1462000842670.png (382.83 KB, 378x552, yayo.png)

Anything is possible when you're FABULOUS!


File: 1462001008627.jpg (41.31 KB, 360x360, keep me posted.jpg)

Keep me posted


File: 1462036000659.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7.25 KB, 228x261, Bold jumper6.jpg)


File: 1462039491413.jpg (1.12 MB, 1280x976, Phidippus_audax_male.jpg)

Looks cute!


Hahahaha, look! It's got a funny face with a love heart mouth on its fluffy spiderbelly!


woah i didn't notice that, pretty cute



>it's still been more than three years since I went a full day without working

Honestly I don't know how this guy does it, he's not making this shit up, this one guy somehow finds a way to make multiple articles every single day on some kind of software or hardware, and those articles require him to be scrounging through other software development/news websites, mailing lists, changing out multiple different pieces of hardware and system configurations to perform benchmarks, etc. He's the only person who writes articles too. You would think he must be a robot.


he probably has autism but not the bad kind of autism the good kind that makes you super smart


File: 1462128020485.png (292.55 KB, 1060x1028, 48704187_p0.png)

Found this cute image of Peach. She's so adorable~♥


File: 1462128136092.png (235.03 KB, 355x470, mirai221.png)

wow so cute!


I kind want to get a gun and learn a bit about shooting and stuff but I also don't know if that is a good idea since I have periods sometimes where I have intense self hating and suicidal feelings and I'm kind of worried if I had access to a gun I might act on those feelings sometime. I dunno I guess I probably shouldn't get one.


File: 1462147670469.png (61.67 KB, 1301x268, 2016-05-01-194537_1301x268….png)

I think I found a guy from Johannesburg on a torrent for the new episode of Ra Zero. From what I've heard of Johannesburg, I feel bad for him. After the blacks took over, private security forces to protect the few white people left have become very lucrative.

>The private security industry in South Africa is among the largest in the world, with over 9,000 registered companies, 450,000 registered active private security guards and a further 1.5 million qualified (but inactive) guards. Many times the available personnel than the combined South African police and army

They're basically mercenaries hired to escort white people through niggers, and secure buildings from being destroyed by blacks when they started squatting in abandoned buildings, doing things like using the elevator shafts as toilets.


How are you this much of a creep?
The fuck is actually wrong with you?


maybe he's black, also the guy from Sudan probably has it just as bad


>The fuck is actually wrong with you?

I've been told this even on the weirdest places on the net. There must be I guess.

>maybe he's black,

Maybe but I really doubt it. Probably either white or Chinese.


Have you considered not doing creepy stuff?


You are disgusting


File: 1462197480717.jpg (313.16 KB, 600x600, 0be1e944642d5cb596f2127d4f….jpg)



Whitman deleted the board and now the thread we all archived our lewd images in are gone forever.

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