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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.215[View All]

This is the official (0%) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
305 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I also think part of that was due that moot had racked up some 20 thousand dollars in credit card debt by mid/late-2008 , somewhat he wouldn't pay off for a few years. So despite hating what would become /jp/ he needed what scant ad revenue he could probably get back then.


meant "something"


i have a crush on dani and whatmin


I feel like there have been just as many unsuccessful losers who never meet girls in every generation, we're just finally able to easily connect with our rare breed so we seem more common than we are.


If the users of all the good spinoffs decided to band together and just post on one site, you could definitely challenge 4chan's /jp/ in terms of speed and userbase.
if you did enough to get on their radar, I bet they'd be pissed.


shut up, sean, the spinoffs are fine the way they are now.


File: 1461883337370.jpg (25.08 KB, 500x500, 41NRbj5kNcL.jpg)

Real men use one of these to shave.


These feel pretty good, when I go to the barber they always use of one of those and it feels really comfortable.


i'm not that illiterate weeaboo faggot
but what i'm saying is true


What Can only 1 人 do, however?
Yes, Its a common question.
"Am I a Small person? Am I an importance?"
"What reason Im born?"
"Am I only this insignifiancace?"

However……………….ITS A FUCKING RED HERRINGS………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because, if you are a MAN, in your soul you cna feel a YAMATO DAMASHII.
Its simple.
To be true True Otokorashii, this simple formula:

You will never surrender, if any aliens entity (for an example, a JANJAN) try to steal your identity.

Because, have some fucking pride as a MAN.
Have this OTOKORASHII BURN YOUR UFCKING SOUL…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet, I can't believe, this /jp/ is seriously cucked so extreme by JanJan, we allow this General Paradigm Shift? We serious live cucked? And your pride as a man?


wimmybun has THIRTEEN friendos now while i'm still stuck on zero because i'm retarded.


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why are you stalking me?


fuck off, you're not the REAL bun. RUDE SAGE


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I wish, I was just joking.



Well, if it's true it is a mystery. I'm just gonna leave me bitcoin address here in case some Nigerian prince with a great loan offer comes by.


Also Porchy I love you even if you're dirt poor, it's just that I don't really like to ERP or whatever. I don't try to come off as cold/angry.


I know sorry I'm just retarded and/or autistic


File: 1461976467232.jpg (71.11 KB, 560x420, 6e555e05147a07d9b8ed591f88….jpg)

whatmin doesnt know what roleplaying is hes just naturally erotic





what happened!?


Someone donated $5000 to Trevor.


where does porchy fits into this


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I'm so going to need to buy this for the Con in May I'm going too…


Are you going for the "fit guy with muscles wears girl clothing ironically"look?


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haha japan's so wacky >.<



File: 1462000461642.png (870.51 KB, 1280x720, hmph.png)

And you think you can pull it off?


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Whatmin I cummed


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Anything is possible when you're FABULOUS!


File: 1462001008627.jpg (41.31 KB, 360x360, keep me posted.jpg)

Keep me posted


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File: 1462039491413.jpg (1.12 MB, 1280x976, Phidippus_audax_male.jpg)

Looks cute!


Hahahaha, look! It's got a funny face with a love heart mouth on its fluffy spiderbelly!


woah i didn't notice that, pretty cute



>it's still been more than three years since I went a full day without working

Honestly I don't know how this guy does it, he's not making this shit up, this one guy somehow finds a way to make multiple articles every single day on some kind of software or hardware, and those articles require him to be scrounging through other software development/news websites, mailing lists, changing out multiple different pieces of hardware and system configurations to perform benchmarks, etc. He's the only person who writes articles too. You would think he must be a robot.


he probably has autism but not the bad kind of autism the good kind that makes you super smart


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Found this cute image of Peach. She's so adorable~♥


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wow so cute!


I kind want to get a gun and learn a bit about shooting and stuff but I also don't know if that is a good idea since I have periods sometimes where I have intense self hating and suicidal feelings and I'm kind of worried if I had access to a gun I might act on those feelings sometime. I dunno I guess I probably shouldn't get one.


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I think I found a guy from Johannesburg on a torrent for the new episode of Ra Zero. From what I've heard of Johannesburg, I feel bad for him. After the blacks took over, private security forces to protect the few white people left have become very lucrative.

>The private security industry in South Africa is among the largest in the world, with over 9,000 registered companies, 450,000 registered active private security guards and a further 1.5 million qualified (but inactive) guards. Many times the available personnel than the combined South African police and army

They're basically mercenaries hired to escort white people through niggers, and secure buildings from being destroyed by blacks when they started squatting in abandoned buildings, doing things like using the elevator shafts as toilets.


How are you this much of a creep?
The fuck is actually wrong with you?


maybe he's black, also the guy from Sudan probably has it just as bad


>The fuck is actually wrong with you?

I've been told this even on the weirdest places on the net. There must be I guess.

>maybe he's black,

Maybe but I really doubt it. Probably either white or Chinese.


Have you considered not doing creepy stuff?


You are disgusting


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Whitman deleted the board and now the thread we all archived our lewd images in are gone forever.

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