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>>592980no but my female relatives like to loudly mention their friends who came out when i enter the room especially around this time of year or how its a different time and its best to be yourself
think they just cant comprehend that im too autistic to have a girlfriend not that im in the closet
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>>592977The new left-wing meme is that good aspects of the past never existed.
Like you're a nazi for having nostalgia over "a past that didn't exist".
There was no such thing as high-trust little Ghibili villages or towns, chuddy.
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>>593000Double trips omg btw Nijika is the kind of girl who would camwhore with that drunk sake drinking bassist
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>>593013she relaxes by playing with the stray kitties near her house not doing any of this bad stuff
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Its not fair I want to flip let me flip
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New day. New love for women.
>>593026A biological female said these things a couple weeks ago
"Why can't men just be attracted to girls their own age"
and then, five minutes later
"I can only be with older guys"
Conclusion: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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>Average ota chat