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It's a 20th-century made up label that became a viral meme in the 21st-century.
It's so vague and unscientific it could mean both a brain-damaged retard and someone with nothing wrong at all, depending on the individual psych's arbitrary interpretations.
So-called "high-functioning" autists would have just been called odd or eccentric in the past, not implied they have a disease.
I would really love to see a society hundreds of years from now discussing our early 21st-century pseudosciences that have widespread legitimacy even in government and academia.
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>>592055they turned her sharp elven nose into a tumblr pigger nose
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>>592059This is true girls have highly tuned norm detectors its a safety feature to keep the tribe safe by not mating with the freaks even if you mask away your autism and think you're doing great with your body language and dialogue her foidbrain is zeroing in on every microscopic error you make and subtracting it from your looks score with extreme prejudice and as soon as you go over the limit you are permanently deemed unbreedable and considered subhuman she will even inform other females in the area to avoid you as a mate this entire process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on how severe your awkwardness is it is so over
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>Why don't you ever talk?
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>Why do you always play as female characters?
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>>592157when I speak, nations march to war
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Violynne is cute, she plays the Violin.