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flippin love this saying
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started playing tetris again to give the ol' NEET brain a workout
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Tetris is pretty braindead. At least play a strategy game, and I mean a real strategy game, not some gook clicker.
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>>580212>>580211It's a fast problem solving game, they're the best for Prefrontal cortex stimulation. I'm also playing the difficult arcade ones and not the ez modo ones.
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I'm at the Royal-exclusive content/last palace.
Kind of been putting it off, got burnt out after completing all social links and the original game's last boss.
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Btw you Tetris otaku might like Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura.
Don't worry if you're EoP you can figure out enough to play the game.
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A gamer mu-
Wait. Hold on…
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>>585738Playing ALttP, usually at night before I go to bed. Never beat the game before.
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Please stick it in me
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what kind of gamer are you
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>>590377Just build a mini-ITX PC. It's not one monolithic thing where if one thing breaks you're fucked out of a $3000 laptop.
i5 12400F is $160 and you don't need more for anything even high-end emulation.
6650 XT is $260 and good enough for anything at 1440p at decent settings, about the same power as that 4070 laptop GPU.
You can get everything else for like $400-$500, so around $800 to $900 total for the PC itself.
A good 1440p IPS monitor like $250, good mechanical keyboard $60, Zowie FK2 + superglides + logitech g440 mousepad like $80 (you need to try glass/sapphire mouse skates on a polycarbonate pad it's fast you'll be a pro gamer)
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>>590381Bring your ultra thin low powered laptop then, don't game or only play light/retro games or stream.
>I leave my house nerd>lugs giant RGB Alienware brick like Sheldenkek
>>590382it's not purely a matter of weight
a laptop is something that is self-contained and as such is obviously easier to carry around than a freaking monitor and pc case retardo
you're literally physcially incapable of conceding literally anything are you
>>590380i might do this
was never gonna buy it dont even need portability
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I fly at least 4 times per year if you think I'm going to carry a case, a monitor and the rest every time and waste precious luggage space you have another thing coming. Besides I am never 100% certain where I am going to live next and for how long. How do I justify buying a $2000 mini itx lego instead of a $1600 laptop that works twice as fast as your ayymd emulator (lol buy a fucking switch)
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1 shinkansen ticket to okinawa please
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I fly
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>>590434Windows 7 makes up 0.05% of Steam users according to the hardware survey., I've seen so many complaints on /v/ about this that I believe Windows 7 is far more common among imageboard users, possibly even 3%.
I think this is mainly an older group who have been using the same Win7 install for nearly a decade or more, to the point that migrating to another OS is seen as a monumental task and causes anxiety.
My advice to these people is buy a second drive and install Linux on it, you can keep your Windows 7 install and access the files from it during this transitional period, there's no need to delete your old Win7 install.
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Us gamers huh
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did you play the street fighter 6?
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>>592177No I'm not particularly interested in fighting games in general.
Too much of the skill is based on remembering thousands of moves (not just yours but all the characters), frame data, combos, etc.