No. 578277
I used to say Japanese had bad taste but saying CSM is or close to #1 in the west this season and #8 in Japan, I am re-evaluating my own prejudices. It seems Japan actually has better taste than the west, and I thought they were all into only isekai and NTR cuck shit these days. Also CSM is native-isekai garbage anyway, just in a contemporary setting. Prove me otherwise, fuck you. How does it feel to know that literal autistic hikki’s from Japan who are greasier than a dominos pizza box and who’ve never known the touch of a woman have better taste than you faggots? Fucking hilarious. They are more laudable than you.
also before you say any meme shit like CSM mindbroke me or something, FUCK YOU. It was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, you faggots are responsible for putting filth on a pedestal these last 10 years and veering anime off a cliff. Anime should never have been made for or pandered to anyone outside of Japan. Fuck you, fuck weeaboos, and I hope Japan denies you entry when you inevitably go there because it’s just like muh anime (it’s not, and the Japanese hate you). One good thing about their aging population is their conservatism, I hope they don’t let you nasty gaijin rent, or even eat in their restaurants. No woman, let alone Japanese woman will ever touch you, even if you pay for it you rotten, festering blob, you disgusting, disheveled, and ungainfully alive false-personage of an actual human being.
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currently watching sketchbook: full colours
a nice gentle g-rated 'nime to lull me to sleep at night