File: 1666779174897.jpg (397.05 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-[Doki] Yosuga no Sora ….jpg)

File: 1666779279310.jpg (392.5 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-[Doki] Yosuga no Sora ….jpg)

File: 1666793872638.jpg (338.25 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-[Doki] Yosuga no Sora ….jpg)

H-hi, yuroshu one-
*faceplants into desk*
(everyone lols)
File: 1666794055984.png (891.71 KB, 800x1300, 08aa091549bc92908ff14485a8….png)

>>576291Super oldfag /a/ meme /a/roski
File: 1666802895501.jpg (9.89 KB, 300x168, index.jpg)

retard display?
File: 1666879265335.png (470.12 KB, 512x768, 1666780486812.png)

>>576315bird of prey on full display
>>576343guess what your player does in real time to the video when you go full screen?
the point is the 720p version would look the same
File: 1666887238189.jpg (187.44 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-[Doki] Yosuga no Sora ….jpg)

>>576361Bluray ships in 1080p even if it was upscaled from lower resolutions during production.
Encoder downscale to 720p -> Video player upscale to 1080p = Worse than 1080p encode from Bluray (with sufficient bitrate)
File: 1666890668024.jpg (417.44 KB, 889x1000, 7ea75eff05369a14e2d8397472….jpg)

>>576369You're wrong I'm right BTFO gb2 /a/ are you gonna cry?
File: 1666890953390.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.59 KB, 800x450, 1666730404935.jpg)

holy fukkk /what a smackdown ladies beware
File: 1666894100601.jpg (414.9 KB, 1920x1080, f34f730ff0994c27963f1a2cb6….jpg)

>>576370kill yourself whatmin
File: 1667716455736.jpg (224.33 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-[Doki] Yosuga no Sora ….jpg)

>>576373You know I do actually see a difference when I zoom in on your screenshot right? I would say it's less detailed, but that may be from different encoder settings or a denoising/debanding filter.
File: 1667716566091.jpg (1.27 MB, 2286x1306, 688ca1589c2a887ce8ece53c53….jpg)

File: 1667720582644.png (45.24 KB, 260x101, compare.png)

>>576948>You know I do actually see a difference when I zoom in on your screenshot right?as in, yours is full of shitty artifacts?
but yeah, thanks for proving my point that unless you pixel peep like an autist you won't be able to tell the difference