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Kanye West just got banned from his bank (JP Morgan) for making an anti-semitic tweet.
Biden just revoked PPD-28 which allows for broader warrantless SIGINT/mass surveillance.
By 2026 all cars sold in America must have AI that auto detects impaired driving and shuts the car off.
How could things get so shitty so fast even compared to say 2017.
We're living in the dystopian future right now, you don't have to wait.
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Microsoft Pluton will be inside all new Intel and AMD processors indefinitely.
It verifies digital signatures and Microsoft will have full control over the keys.
In the future, you may go on a website and it says: "Cannot verify the digital signature of your Google Chrome web browser". You know, to ensure that you haven't altered your web browser in anyway that would prevent DRM video playback from working, or for "your security" on your bank website, etc.
Once there's wide enough adoption, you could see games with anti-cheat and DRM systems requiring it too, to make sure you are running a fully unaltered Microsoft Windows operating system, verified with remote bootchain attestation.
These are not concerns in the short-term, but the next 5-10 years.
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I am an incomparable homo
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>>575744Clearly it's not trained for the unorthodox writing standards of imageboards. I also try to minimize the verbosity of my writing.
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>>575749did you know this guy wants to get fucked by whatmin?
many people did actually, i never really understood that
does running a jp spinoff site automatically give you a bunch of thirsty gay orbiters you can use as onaholes?
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>>575711They used covid to prime the norm masses. They got them used to having their daily lives heavily restricted and ensured that even their fellow norms would browbeat the non compliers into joining in.
People are more likely to rebel if it's some ruling body controlling them but if it is their peers keeping them in line they will almost always happily comply and even join in on the shaming.
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>>575748Excuse me, but I politely ask you to cease your torpid attempts at manifesting versimilitude through your crude preferences of internet lexicon. My comprehension of the English language is brobdingnagian, effortlessly micrifying your picayune and odious disposition, of which has already saturated me with a pullulating impression of ennui coupled with execration.