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No. 569759

America is collapsing. Do you think we could still have a viable future if we learned Japanese and moved to Japan? Things would get rough there as well but at least you'd be in Japan where your hobbies stem from. There are a lot of benefits already. People in general are nicer there, it is cleaner, there is a good public transportation network. It's impossible for a regular sub 8 male to get a gf in America but in Japan the native men look weird and are just as meek so we might have a chance. But even if you don't Japan is the land of the virg so you wouldn't be considered subhuman scum for being cel you would be among your celbros. The obvious downsides are you'll always be considered a foreigner and their work life is supposedly really bad and you would have to learn a stupid language. Also you'll probably never see your family again and it is cramped in the cities if you move there.
But it still beats staying here.


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>if we learned Japanese

haha yeah imagine learning a dying scribble language just to watch anime and listen to idol songs haha wouldnt that be weird


theres no viable future for me anywhere in this universe i dont think the usa is gonno collapse but if it does ill have probably roped already


But it makes me mad when I think about roping I shouldn't have to be put through this


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NA anons can either buy land, or take a plot of unused private or state-owned land that you won't likely be bothered on.

Build a small house (Can you nail some boards together in a frame? Can you stack cement blocks on top of each other? And then put a metal sheet of roofing on top? Then you can build a small house/cabin).

Solar panels and batteries for electric. Rainwater for water. Wood stove for heating. Starlink or 4G for internet. Hunting/fishing/farming food even if it's not your entire diet.

Boom, extremely cheap living you can retire without much money.


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>Japan where your hobbies stem from

its escapism and mild entertainment not a hobby
anime is something i watch in bed to make me tired enough to fall alseep

i also like looking at pictures of cute anime girls to trick my brain into thinking im fulfilling some biological requirement


You seem to be getting confused.
Merely living is pretty easy, figuring out a life worth living is exceedingly difficult.


as long as new anime airs every season life is already worth living


anime is not that great


ding dong you are wrong


Wish I was low IQ enough to live for toons


you are


Trust me it doesn't work


works for me


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wish i was low iq enough to post amongst cels on ota


your celbros are here


die failednorm


live successfulcel


Sounds like a username one of the chinks on lncels.is would use

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