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Did you know Project Diva is on PC now?
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I actually only have 3 perfects left to get in GBA, I got all the perfects in DS like a week and a half ago.
GBA went pretty fast in hindsight, I had only 4/48 perfects on May 29th, 4 days ago, and now I have only 3 left to go. Yesterday I got 10 perfects cleared in almost a row.
Incidentally, last I need to do is Remix 7, Ninja Reincarnate and Toss Boys 2. Other 2 should be quickly doable but Ninja Reincarnate is a tough one. Possible though.
Yeah, like said Remix 7 and Toss Boys 2 were easy. Toss Boy 2 was easier than I thought. It gave me a bit of trouble in the beginning of getting perfects so I thought it was hard, and so I basically put it off all this time which is why it's one of the last 3.
All that's left is the ninja…
>>567674I need real RHYTHM games, too visual.
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I've played Rhythm games since I was a kid.
Played DDR/Stepmania
Played Guitar Hero
Played Project Diva
Played Rhythm Tengoku
Played Taiko no Tatsujin
Played Osu
And lemme tell you no rhythm game is finer than Bang Dream Girls Band Party.
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Yay I did it I beat the ninja reincarnate game and got all the perfects!