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>>556390My favorite song from the game is FC world house. No.556458
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sold btc at 25k, bought doge at 0.58
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buttmin finally found his ebirl on /butt/ so he shut it down and its sister site /what/. if you want /what/ back you'll need to join our ragtag group of friends on zany misadventures as we try to split them up
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>>557991I'm sorry but no. It's sad for me when it's brought up and I think about it.
Not to be dramatic but I put it on the same level as a pet dying for me.
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>>558076Here. I wrote this entirely myself. I originally was trying to figure out how hard it would be to make an imageboard that uses text files as a database instead of MySQL.
I think it's actually clean af.
write.php No.558156
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Oh no no no kokbros this can't be happening noooo
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i hate tripfags and namefags so goddamn much
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whatmin and meromin are my bros
otamin doesn't know who i am
i have a parasocial relationship with trevor
>>560752 See
>>558156He already brought back secretly. There was a thread on merorin were it was revealed to be true.
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>>560754umm that's quite obviously just some joke edit of some random IB
this is actully what v2 and it's not even run by buttmin, and no, i'm not giving you the link, im hoarding all the soft squishy birls for myself~
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wow yummy nikker is literally me…