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>>548882Why, so he can post angry anime girls along with the same "I hate the norms because nobody has sex with me" post he's been making for 5 years with slight variations?
Why he wasn't banned earlier is beyond me.
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Wait was turtletron really banned?
Wtf otameal stop banning our friends
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>>548889>>548888I hope you are next
Otameal has been false positive banning a lot of people lately, every time this site slows to a crawl just think about all the friends he banned.
>>548891I was 99% sure this smug fucker was otamin.
He may just be hiding it by waiting to delete this
>>548894 though.
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Weird my image changed.
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Thank you Otamin and die idolcels
>>548868the answer, my friend, is oatin in the wind
the answer is oatin in the wind
*blows randomly into harmonica*
>>549001>>548883just go back to wherever you came from norm
its not your job to decide what should and shouldnt be banned or discussed on the literal 2d random board