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No. 547108

Did you know the Olympic ran for over 1000 years straight, they even have a list of all the winners of the stadion (a foot race that was the first Olympic event, and only event for the first 13)

share more interesting history stuff here!


thanks Gaia maybe some other time


Good thread idea, let's educate ourselves with interesting facts about the past!


Interesting information about Ancient Egypt, did you know that under the pharaoh Akhenaten, the capital was briefly changed to the city of Amarna, then quickly abandoned upon his death. This largely had to do with the advent of one of the first monotheistic religions being rejected by Ancient Egyptian society.



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On december 22nd 2010 snow halation was released and bolstered the fledgling love live franchise after its first lukewarm single(which only sold 430 copies on release) and the rest, as they say, is history



And this scum actually considers themselves to be on the righteous side of ota


henri is my friend


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please dont complain about other peoples fun history facts thanks

On june 9th 2018 at Aqours third live in Saitama anchan shocked the world by performing the legendary backflip from miracle wave live on stage! This event cemented aqours rise to fame and silenced any would be naysayers who questioned the seiyuu's dedication.



It's really nice how pumped the audience gets after it


There was a war in 19th century China that had 30-50 MILLION people die, and was caused by a man who believed he was the brother of Jesus Christ. That's a lot of people, for one country alone, in the 19th century.


During WWI, there was a battle between Germany and Russia for a fortress in Poland. The Germans launched a poison gas attack which took most of the soldiers in the Russian garrison out of action, but less than 100 of those who were still alive commenced a counter attack, spitting out bits of their own lungs and blood. The Germans were caught completely off-guard and retreated, scared by the sight of charging half-dead Russian soldiers.


So back in the 1920's there was a pharma company that shipped out a poison as medicine and it was up to the Food and Drug Administration to recover all 240 gallons of this poison that was all over the country thanks to unreachable traveling salesmen and stuff. The situation actually did not fall under the FDA's jurisdiction at the time, but because it was technically mislabeled as an elixir, they had the authority to recall it. In the end, it killed 130 people but they say with the amount that was shipped out, it would have been 4000 or something like that had they not been able to do anything.


After this event they passed laws that the FDA can oversee all food and drugs and cosmetics and this is why the FDA has so much power nowadays.



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