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No. 545935

So the Taliban is now the official government of Afghanistan.

Many countries are ready to recognize them as legitimate, including America itself, as denying it would just be denying the reality of the situation.

They've reached Kabul and are awaiting a peaceful transfer of power, which will happen because the ANA (Afghan National Army) was just a puppet regime of the US, they are nothing without the US pulling the strings and have already surrendered. The US embassy has been evacuated by air.

They banned the COVID vaccine and women from colleges though which is pretty based.


That's actually unbased.


The foids getting their just desserts


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I have to hand it to the Afghans, the beat the Soviet Union and now they beat the US.

It took them 4 decades, but they did. A story of rebels beating evil empires despite their military disadvantage.

They will be a thorn in the flesh of the international globohomo agenda. A reminder that other ways of life exist than modern western social ills and decadence.


Afghanistan has practically no oil. They're for all intents and purposes, not even an oil-producing nation, they don't even make this list.


So… It's not about oil? (change goalposts to "it's about poppies" next)

No, it was simply to stop the Taliban from taking over, which would lead to more Islamic control in the middle east, which the US sees as a threat to America and Israel. That's all.


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It's the precious metals
(and poppies)


I thought Zunbar was supposed to be a war hero who bravely slaughtered would be child soldiers when he was in the army.


What is the supposed to be happening in this picture?

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