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>ya hear
>ye ye
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How did this get past the ethics department?
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I used to think Project Diva F was so hard on extreme and how I'd never be able to beat all the songs.
But after beating all the songs on MegaMix on hard, I came back to this game and realized the extreme mode is basically MegaMix's hard mode.
I remember trying for hours to beat this song on extreme in 2019, and cleared it for the first time now second try.
Btw this game runs great on RPCS3, better than a real PS3 because of the 60fps patch. Enable 20ms audio delay or lower in RPCS3 settings.
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Saten is cute!
>>544937Wow your relationship with your mom is bad. I'm NEET but talk to my mom every day.
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>Lady Lunafreya… please cure me I have… ligma
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>Account disabled
>Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Did they died?
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>>546692you're important and i care about you
>>546694>What happenedShe died of COVID viral pneumonia.
>>546698>you're important and i care about youThank you.
>>546714>I'm sorry broThank you.
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stay safe
>>546791>How do you feel about the vaccineHonestly, I think it's minimally effective but if it reduces the severity of the illness in people of high risk groups, I'm going to get it. My immediate family is unvaccinated as it stands. Had my mom been vaccinated, she might have made it. What else can I do now but get the vaccine? I have to wait a few months because they don't recommend you get it right after having COVID or your immune system will be overstimulated and it won't work the same way.
>>546776>Sorry to hear that friend.Thank you.
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woke up back hurts daydreamed of getting a nice roflip then let the cat outside and mom said she wanted me to help some random invader norm and his teenspawn carry a washing machine out of his normobile told her no and put some frozen chkn parm in the oven
when I play this on my phone the hummingbird that lives in the tree flies down to investigate and hovers like 3 feet in front of me
>>548934It's a her and I'm giving her an unlimited supply of free sugar water
>>548935yeah I also saw these a while ago, I thought they were baby hummingbirds at first No.548938 feel so bad for young women imagine trying to have a good time at a pub by yourself and some loser walks up to you asks if he can join you while politely replying no in the nicest way possible yet the creep does not take that no for an answer not once not twice but three times
i just dont understand how some men feel obliged to harass women not at all respecting their will to be left alone
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learned that girls like being complemented on their bodies in certain situations
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Went for a 40 mile ride on my motorcycle this afternoon, I swung by the motorcycle dealer and had them order me two oem air filters and I really started to admire the two stroke YZ125s and YZ450Fs they had for sale. The frames of motocross bikes are so robust and cool, there's nothing on the bike that's unnecessary. They don't even have kickstands. If society collapsed and there were no cops to arrest me I would definitely be riding a YZ450F on what's left of the roads.
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Thank you Otamin I didn't know what I was going to do I was so scared now if you'd excuse me I need to celpost
>>548947Yeah only if it's a Chad doing it
>>548980He's over 6 feet tall white has two stem degrees and a decent face so long as he keeps his beard.
He was always able to get a neetgf he was just scared.
>>548990she's back for some reason
guess the secret was to be 6'1 all along
>>548990i made her go away again
fuck tshit
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Retroarch is on Steam now
>>549499Dying isn't the scary part.
The scary part is being ran over by some foid in her Nissan Juke on the way to Chad's house and being paralyzed from the neck down.
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gonna cop a new normphone tomorrow
had current one for 4 years and battery seems to be getting worse though otherwise still functions fine
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>>549625 from ota made this OC and it just got me over 35 replies on 4chan
>>549629There's even worse food in japan like bugs or 玉ひも. it also seems they love to eat not only fish eggs but fish sperm. Then there is all the fermented stuff like waste from sake mixed with other things that is known affectionately as 'cat vomit'
Such a diverse and rich culture
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went full haachama today
No.549697 it awaits its prey, it polishes its pendulum. If anyone comes by, Hypno will hypnotize them and eat their dreams. It carries away people having good dreams and is even known to have stolen a child at one point.
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wet shaved head and neck, flossed, brushed teeth, brushed tongue, mouthwashed w/gargle, showered with body wash, moisturised head and neck, expensive anti-aging cream on face, zinc and magnesium, and a high epa fish oil supplement
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got another deep tissue therapeutic today
old thai woman does a very good job
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I j/o'd to this video and just wanted to let ota know. No.550030
>>550029So that's what Italian girls look like. Do you think the Otamin has ever had a gf?
Who am I kidding of course he has he's the biggest Chad on the spinoffs by orders of magnitude.
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dont actually hear much about the old italianios
live with their mommies, dont work much, lazing around…
sounds like a neet paradise
perhaps we could come together and buy one of those abandoned italianio villages to live as celmonks making wine and studying the sacred scrolls
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Sometimes daydream about the Otamin inviting me to his old country villa and taking me on a tour around his vineyard and then he drives me up into the mountains in his F40 and owns some cyclenorms like this and then he shows me his secret spot overlooking the valley for a picnic and as he hands me a glass of wine I reach for it and he takes his other hand around mine and tells me I was always his favorite poster and how special I am to him.