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meow meow idols
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Don't think I would like the part of a gf that involves her sweating all over my bed or having to eat out all of the time or having to worry about buying gifts or being harshly judged by her friends or having to worry about rival mates seducing her or having to be worried that I might stink whenever I'm near her or having to worry about her getting fat or having to look like some sort of expert superchad sex haver so she doesn't know I'm a virg or having to listen to her dumb opinions on politics or having to see her wear things I don't like or having her bleed all over the place once a month or getting shit tested several times a day or having to see her staring at her phone 90% of the time she's conscious or getting mad and clobbering her over the head due to all of the above I just want to know I could if I wanted to.
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one time I was in bed with a female friend and I put my hand in her underwear and touched poosy while she was asleep, but thinking back she was definitely only pretending to be asleep. Anyway she smelled really good.
>>544682I'm not poor
>>544683It was probably just another bullynorm the basedmin sent back home
>>544800i remember quit distinctly
hanging out with a friend as a teen
his sister had a friend around also who must of been on her rag
it was such a strong smell
literally wafted into your nostrils as she passed
that acid fish smell
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>>581666Not all girls smell great.