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No. 543856

Why do you think that normal people are so mean, ota?

Every normal person I have ever met has always been very nice to me. Last year I tried to face my fears and go to a store, since I am very scared of socializing and going through a checkout alone is something I had never done before.

I got the items that I needed and I went to the register, but then I was very scared because I miscounted my money and I didn't have enough. I started crying and apologizing. The cashier lady gave me a hug, found me a place to sit down, and another nice employee brought me a glass of water. They were all very nice to me.


sorry that happened to you better luck next time


This is a good copypasta.


My coworkers are all really nice to me. I try really hard not to show my autism but sometimes it comes out and it becomes awkward but they've been understanding and patient. The fact that they're all at least 10-20 years older than me is probably a factor, because there are people closer to my age in other departments and I know they call me names behind my back and they always look at and talk to me in a sort of mocking way, surely you know what I mean.


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ran 10 km tonight in the rain and on my way down the hill in the woods an asian girl was coming up she waved and said hi to me


dog got skunked so i threw on my respirator and now my sister is butthurt because she has to smell it and i dont im not sharing


keep it in hima jogtron

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