>>536991Because my idea of fun isn't getting corpse camped by a level 60 for 30 minutes while complaining in localdefense to the other level 40s. Or playing a healer/tank spec and having no ability to play solo world content.
nor is my idea of fun corpse camping lowbies.
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I played the entirety of classic WoW with the same guild from the start until we called it a few months ago.
We fully completed Naxx (after a lot of blood and sweat and tears and cum)
Naxx was by far harder than any of the other content in the game, and it really stressed out a lot of the guild members, many of whom were ready to be done with the game (including me) but not until we beat Naxx.
Am I going to play TBC? No…
Raiding in classic/TBC WoW is nearly a full-time job if you don't buy gold.
>>536992Then your idea of fun is shit.
>>536994I played up until blackwing lair raided it twice and then sold my account. Got tired of the loot clique. I'd join trebor if my mom would pay for the boost but I can't get the money so fuck it………..
>>536995>Got tired of the loot clique.Our guild was EPGP, so none of that, if you got the points you get the gear.
The only problem with point-based systems is that you won't ever be able to compete with the old members who've been there from the start, I was one of them but I still recognized this problem.