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You can't stop me and neither can puss jan
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>>7137That isn't me, retard.
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>>7139I won't stop until you're banned or you all leave.
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>>7143>>7143Like I said, I'll only go away once /ota/min bans you /gn/tards. I don't care if this is your "only outlet" or whatever gay shit you're trying to employ to make me feel bad for you, but I don't. I don't feel bad for you because you all have ruined this site for months.
>>7145woah this is just like the suzuki virus in bakuon.
Gnfriends are cool. Keep posting your politics threads are the greatest! I love milk blog threads! Trevor, you're the coolest keep updating us with the latest interesting daily occurences of your brother's inconsiderate abusive nature! Occult threads and suicide spam threads are so cool I hope you all are doing okay!
>>7146*slaps your face*
gnfos was more than that, and you know it.