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No. 6262
I have literally spent hundreds of hours trying to figure out this site, and after tonight, I can finally say that I have beaten you, Samachan.
I found the hidden board where all the Samachanners actually post. It seemed odd to me that the site had any activity at all, since it had just sprung up out of nowhere. With no event causing the birth of Samachan, I had to wonder why it was even around. And after all of this time, I still cannot answer that question. But what I do know, is that this whole board, frontpage and everything, are an elaborate front for the actual boards that have activity on them. They don't even use the same software that this board does, that's how deep this all goes. They've painstaking covered their tracks, even down to using complete different software for the actual site.
I didn't give out the link to the boards since it took me forever to find, the users there probably come here too, and most of all I'm going to post on those boards as well, so if I found them, so can you. If this is how new members are initiated, well let me tell you, it was a hell of a process.
Great fucking job, Samachan. You managed to keep me in the dark about the meat of the site for the past 6 months. But that all ended today.
To all my fellow Anonymous, happy hunting. You're all being decieved!
Posted here just in case its deleted by the Samachan mods before anyone can see.
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A cousin of someone I know has a sibling that wants to know why they can't post on /sama/ without an image?
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Sometimes I want to share my favorite /ota/ secret but I figure everyone that matters already knows
>>6272I know many ota secrets but now I'm curious that maybe there's a secret I don't know!
Please give a hint.
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>>6281Yea we're all waiting for you.
Come on let's go!
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Doesn't work. Doesn't exist.
>>6281Yeah, there's a "secret" board with 10 million posts.
How do you even know to breathe?
>>6280sounds like the anime threads on here
>>6281they have/had a board where they're running 4chan's old software
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>>6287Their threads are better than the /gnfos/ ones.
>>6293man if only i was some chink girl, i'd live life on easy mode, just go to cons and whore it up
but instead i'm on /ota/ telling you not to get mad and just ignore it while sitting in my underwear in the dark
>>6290>>6291it's just subhumans like dani and other banned trash terrified at the idea people will go to samachan. these scum get instant banned when they make a post at samachan.
anybody who was here originally actually feels bad that real /jp/sie are stuck around these meroin and dani subhumans on /ota/. we want you to enjoy life and wouldn't wish these things on even our most disliked foe from /jp/.
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>>6298I've never been banned there and I've been posting at 1 month before gnfos was hosted there….
>>6300say that in english
>>6299/jp/ has a long history of /v/ posters coming to it and making the worst topics until they're banned. dani copied people like squidy to pretend he wasn't some fresh /v/ scum and is only around cause the admin quit.
>>6302he doesn't have/want to spare time instant banning people like dani. i don't blame him either.
>>252475*scoffs* *points finger and laughs*
>>6300she did that to get them off /ota/, she even helped dontoon set up a site. that was the entire point, then she banned and deleted everyone. it was win win, got them off /ota/ for a day and she was able to make a list of a ton of shitty posters who had started to come over, which is probably why people get mad because they're already banned and can't shit it up. dont act like you didn't see people saying how much they wanted to rape or kill her or even spamming her anime board after the fact
>>6298i think its a nice site, i go on it and /nen/ occasionally when here gets bad
>>6306he literally posts screenshots of himself on /v/ and /b/ dude, you can't reason with him
>>252488samamin you never responded to my
email about me saying i'd like to get lunch with you
>>6321i'm as annoying as the guy who has spammed a thousand mind control threads?
are you even trying to pretend you aren't dani? you can't be uninvolved when your stance is so obnoxious.