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No. 15202
Hi /ota/.
I've taken LSD for the first time in my life: Kinda regret not doing it with you sweeties, but /ota/ is way too slow of an imageboard to do it live.
Any psychonauts or druggies in here? Share your experiences with drugs.
>>15203>drugnormyou're talking to someone who has been a NEET for 3 years, has no IRL friends, stays in his room all the time and is suffering from diagnosed mental illnesses by a psychiatrist (although they've been quite under my control for some time, and I got better compared to years ago, so I don't have to take drugs for them anymore)
I get my drugs from TOR.
>>15205You are probably a teen.
Taking drugs as a truNEET is part of what it means to be one. I don't know any NEETer beyond the age of 25 who has NOT taken drugs.
Drug taking was part of /jp/ culture since ever, just look for "silkroad" on warosu.
>>15206>>15207look, I just have a very intense phobia of mind altering substances, okay?
>>15209according to that logic everything's otaku culture 'cause literally everything can serve as escapism
>>15211That's fine. Just don't go around calling people like you norms just because they take drugs. Norms breathe, doesn't mean we all are oxygennorms.
Seriously there's no one here who took psychedelics of any sort?
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the last two times i did lsd i had really bad panic attacks and i feel a lot more disconnected to people than i did before so i'm not doing it again
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/ota/ lost about 10-20 posts per day relative to a half a year ago. It's because Trevchan reopened and there's less trash.
>>15229gnfos is back to no-you levels of activity so that doesn't make much sense…
I'd say the post rate really declined after we had those really big funposting threads that had like 100 replies each in quick succession a few months ago, it was march, I think
maybe I'm just imagining things
>>15228those boards were always dead teen
never once did they receive more than a post or two in a day
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post 500000 is due in september but at this rate we might not get there until 2020.
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We need to increase the rate of incelposting to get there faster
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>>15234The answer?
More LL posters. More im@s posters.
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>>15232/2d/ has 5700 posts over the last five years, that's averaging THREE posts per day.
3 is literally more than 2.
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Everyone makes LSD out to be some great spiritual door opener that will change your life. I took it several times and although it was a lot of fun I never came out as a different person or even with much of a different perspective on things.
I guess it's the kind of thing that is only amazing if you weren't redpilled to begin with.
>>15240discussion veered into meta
can't have that