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>>1245no migly gf
how kill this mockingfeel?
>>1251Guess what, otamin is DEAD
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>mfw people actually want to get with my ex-gf
I dumped her for a good reason, you know.
>>1255The most distressing part of it is, not that she went out with you but that YOU stopped seeing her.
But why, did YOU, Trevvy, stop seeing her? I've looked into your eyes; You're pure evil.
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>>1253this is milg's real gf, ban this >:)
>>1260>>1259 (You)
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>>1259Why is this guy pretending to be a drunk version of me?
>>1248Hard to say. Each of the 4 I was with fit into different catagories of what you think a Japanese woman would be like. Ypu've gor the slag, the short make up big smile business woman, the busty long haired kawaii college girl who tries to act cute at every turn, and then a forgien woman who actually wasn't even Japanese. She was from China. Idk….looking back it was great, but I only wanted one girl >>73721we actually went on a date, but it was pure. We talked about the future of when I come back to Japan. Sgeneral conversation. She was impressed by my new Japanese I had practiced. No one dumped me. We'll see each other again.
Those women….I only remeber 2 of their names. I met 3 of them in the club. I don't think I'll ever go back to a ,japanede club unless some Japnesea friends ask me to go. I met a girl there who is wife material. We talk still too. "Lets hangout when you come back to Japan next year" - wife teir boo.
I also went to Korea though.
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>>1271maybe you can relate to this one better?