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No. 12251
So should I go to: or: since ota is never going to stop being shit now?
>>12253otamin is still here and deletes spam though. He can't be here all the time.
qa actually has zero moderation. nen would be just as terrible if it got spammed.
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>>12254>otamin is still here and deletes spam thoughHe's not deleting anything. He has been gone for over a week already. Post porn and then report it to test it. It's not going to be deleted.
>>12258Cute image.
/qa/ only works if you have 4chanx and sort by creation date,
but it's being targeted by a raid group nowadays so it'll probably be mostly just spam threads from off season university teenbros.
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Nen just got 10 times faster than usual after I made this thread. Holy fuck. Looks like I'm posting there then.
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>>12277Stop adding slashes for no reason. There is no board named like that there.
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bye ota
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Everyone is waiting for you on the nen!