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Is this the hardship that is fighting for your dream? Is the lonliness and deprivation of a womab's touch worth it? Do my friends I hangout with even consider me a real friend at all or is it all just a farce where they tolerate me rather than love me, like I love them?
I.said woman, woman being different.from a
loose girl…sloots that is.
File: 1407297003220.jpg (61.91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art O….jpg)

>>1363Purity can only be preserved via freezing, preferably in liquid nitrogen at 70K or less. Biological half life of purity under standard conditions is 32ms. Any girl who is exposed to the environment for longer than a minute is irrevocably turned into a slut by rays of the sun penetrating her skin, various gases entering her body, dust particles sticking around and so on, essentially deflowering her completely from all places.