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File: 1580672927286.jpg (1.68 MB,1400x1751,9f77573467107d810d73ac96e9….jpg) iqdb


Depression is cured by eroticism


File: 1580675540251.jpg (115.14 KB,720x747,1580355838671.jpg) iqdb

But after you cum that's all over for a while and you'll have to find something else.


I was gonna post about my issues but you'll just laugh at me and tell me ty kill myself I will soon I will


I would marry the first girl who looks like this


but she wouldn't marry you bro HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA


You're safe here. What's bothering you?


you are just trying to get me to open up so you can laugh at me and tell me to kill myself you fucking sociopath i hope you get your face skinned by mexican drug lords


I'd rather you just share dick pics



That's not true, I'm really concerned about you!


leave me alone i feel like throwing up


sounds like you need some cummies owo



There are a lot of mean people here, but I want to know what is making you sad…


I want to fuck Whatmin but he refused me! WILL YOU POUND MY CHOCOLATE HAIRY BOY HOLE???!!?


See they're already doing it you're one of them


I'm sincere!!!! I want the hear your true feelings.


Please stop you psycho


I just want to be your friend! Please talk to me!







Cuz you're jealous of me




Cuz you're a loser incel



Because you're ugly, creepy and stupid







Don't laugh at him !




Laughing is good for you.


i don't laugh


Maybe should, no wonder you're miserable.

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