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File: 1579677429454.jpg (84.84 KB,712x744,Familiar lucky kim jong un….jpg) iqdb

I just realize she's holding this sign up because she wants you to jack off to real women like her instead


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Why fda


because it you're selling something for consumption it needs to meet certain safety standards and be approved by the FDA. That's why all those synthetic drugs are sold as "incense".


I'm pretty sure she didn't sell it for consumption


Can you read?


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Just like these great bath salts aren't for consumption.


Just because it's in some retard meme doesn't mean it happened you fucking retarded loser incel


>>8965 was asking why the FDA was in the meme, i was explaining why it was in the pic, i never said it really happened, i don't even know if it's based on a particular ethot or not and i really don't care. If you're going to keep being an idiot do me a favor and do NOT reply to this post or you will fucking pay.


Sorry, I'm completely retarded and only read one post at a time and can't contextualize multiple posts at once.
Also I'm a moron.

Kind regards,
- that poster from before

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