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File: 1579468448306.webm (1.38 MB,640x360,gay cloud.webm) iqdb


>Honey Bee Inn will return in Final Fantasy VII Remake, albeit in a modernized form. Director Tetsuya Nomura has explained that the facility identical to the original game in the Remake would cause "physical unease."


What's the web m from


Final Fantasy VII Remake, obviously.

Cloud was gang raped by men in the original game at the Honey Bee Inn.

Not surprising they're not having that in the hyper-realistic HD remake, but Cloud is acting really gay now in this webm.


Where is it from though? What clip?


Gay now!? FF series has always been homoerotic with its themes and acting it's the gayest jrpg to ever come over shores.
Just look at Cloud he's dressed like a gay bondage lover and Lighting is just Cloud in drag.


I remember the complaints that FF15 was too homo for some people, the male characters were too cute, full of soibois, etc. I wondered if they'd ever played like any other FF game at all.


File: 1579558959156.jpg (129.3 KB,1920x1080,5cf7be62e8a2e19efb0dca9cef….jpg) iqdb

FF15's entire playable cast is a Korean boy band.

They have really cute girl's like Iris but no way fag





File: 1579566078860.mp4 (Spoiler Image,7.89 MB,848x480,e7baf1c1a476bab84a39ee1659….mp4) iqdb

This but unironically you sarcastic autist


She's so hot I broke free of my childhood sexual abuse induced femdom fetishf for a moment and felt clear headed


What in the actual fuck and yet even with that it still comes off gay as fuck girl has short hair and no boobs.


lmao your gay as fuck and full of cringe


Yeah the sex scene is fake and doesn't accurately depict her body she's a cutie hottie in the game tho


What's cringe retard


She's average in my opioion kinda looks like a black haired Heather from Silent Hill 3 sounds abit like her too oddly.
Your lack of self awareness also gets you a yikes.




What was cringe


What was cringe about me being raped


you can't rape a male


Why not


fuck off foid, men have rights




What is cringe about me being sexually abused by a female


your a sissy in denial and should start wearing skirts


That makes no sense


you pretend to still like women but really you just want a strong man to0 dominate you


I'm a male.

Ok I was wrong.
>“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
Only way a woman can rape a man is with a strapon.

Although before 1927 it was:
>the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will.


>before 1927
*from 1927 to 2012


Government isn’t God you stupid fuck


double think


Stop projecting freak tranny


This is the result of feminism.


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I'm a better candidate for that!
Nothing like living with a strong well off aniki while you live in easy mode only worrying about being cute.


Deal, but you have to keep your ass and legs shaved, and be willing to wear a wig and girl clothes in the house and let me fuck your ass or blowjob every day on command.


You're not really a strong sniki


What if I am


would you also like a warm meal when you get back from work anata?


Yes I want my tendies baked in the oven not microwave.

Mess this up and you'll be crying saying sorry with a red ass.


I always felt the diverse casts of characters in terms of their actual backgrounds and personalities was a big appeal of most the ff's from 4 onwards.
Then 15 just kinda had the same one x4.


File: 1579853718186.jpg (654.69 KB,800x800,illust_73447209_20200124_0….jpg) iqdb

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