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Hi whatmins


Hate the sleep meme we hardly understand why as humans we even need to do it.


File: 1579049010266.jpg (584.71 KB,1280x1828,MJK_18_T874_0021.jpg) iqdb

Science literally doesn't know why we need sleep.


What I hate the most about sleep is rapid eye movement. Have you ever looked at someone's eyes while they were sleeping? It's really creepy. It's like looking at a malfunctioning robot.


wow, what? you think I've slept with someone and woke up early before they did and watched them REM while they're snuggling up to me and then i give them a quick kiss on the forehead when they wake up or something??



When we were kids I opened my little sister's eye while she was asleep and it was freezing freaky as fuck


did you fuck her


Sick fuck!


no, no, it's sis fuck


Subhuman scum


True, but did you fuck her?

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