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pooping on the what saturnday party


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It's sunday everywhere but west coast US


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>Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

And IPAs in general

Extremely accurate soy stereotype


I agree with the overall sentiment, but the author's almost reflexive gestures about how /they/ don't associate with Bad Stuff and don't kowtow to the norm is an almost obsessive, compensatory rhetoric that's inadvertently ironic in that the redditor straw man characterizes themselves by commodity, immaterial and material, and signals to their community, thereby (and all that paraphernalia makes a genuinely repugnant person), the author's rejection of that stereotype on the basis of said paraphernalia operates on that same premise of signalling with commodity.

But I agree with the whole message. Fuck bugmen. The whole mechanical keyboard industry exists solely so these rarts can take pictures and post them on imagereddits. I printed out a Pentadactyl and bought some breakout boards to hold the switches, because I wanted an ergonomic keyboard cheap and without giving any brand money, but now I glance at pictures of Pentadactyls in /mkg/, and it makes me insecure, that I'm a bug man who enjoys boasting to other bug men, even though I made it for myself for my own private pleasure.


>The whole mechanical keyboard industry exists solely so these rarts can take pictures and post them on imagereddits.

Bro it's not 2012 mechanical keyboards aren't expensive anymore.

The #1 keyboard used by a CSGO professionals (HyperX Alloy FPS Pro) is only $50 now (I paid $70) and it has cherry MX reds, slim solid metal base, removable USB cord, requires no drivers or software for anything, and it's a rock solid great standard keyboard that could last decades.

It may be the best keyboard that exists right now and it's only $50.


I get so annoyed by keyboards without numpads
how does anyone get anything done on them at all and they seem to be so popular.


I would literally never use a numpad if I had one.

Why don't I have one? Less travel time between the mouse and my keyboard, more comfortable arm positions, and less space taken on my desk.


Yeah, it seems to be you either like them or hate them, not much in between indifference. i think the people that don't like them simply never (had to) use them. Once I got used to it i could never be happy without it, hate using my laptop keyboard for example coz no numpad.

If you just don't type many numbers in your day-to-day (or maybe play loads of roguelikes) then you could probably go without a numpad just fine, for everyone else, numpad is almost essential.


I think a numpad's a little bit easier for people who don't know how to touch type. In one of my older jobs, I'd seen people who didn't touch type use a numpad proficiently. It's fairly intuitive, in contrast to the QWERTY layout, so, of course a functioning human being could intuit how to use one with their own devices. It kind of makes my wonder about whether, in a world with Dvorak, where people naturally gravitate towards the home row, or some kind of ABCDE layout, where people could anticipate where the keys were, whether there'd be so many computer-illiterate boomers and zoomers out there. It actually really depresses me how my nephews and neices will never what it's like to actually type and think about what you're typing, rather than being myopically fixed on the actual process of typing.

Notwithstanding, when I bust out emacscalc for arithmetic, conversions, statistics, I always use numrow. I might type a lot, but not that much in proportion to all the other stuff I type. But, I think it makes perfect sense why an accountant would use the numpad. Extending your fingers all the way out to the numrow, in my eyes, seems straining and un-ergonomic. I guess it just depends on the application.


touch typing is for dinos, swipe typing will be the future. unfortunately you can't really swipe type on dvorak or the other custom layouts since so many common words are close to each other


I actually just realized that I use the numpad for the direction keys, because I'm left-handed. Although, I notice other left-handed people just use their right hand for a mouse. I'm definitely a minority when it comes to using a mouse in my dominant hand. Granted, I could always just bind the keys on the right side of my home row to be directional, but I've always much preferred the non-staggered numpad, which is better aligned with my shoulder. Maybe it's just because I grew on games from a time when people don't really consider WASD to be the precedent.

I mean, keys are just keys, right? They don't really have any specific function. The letters are more a matter of convenience. It's just stupid seeing these "Insert" and "Scroll Lock" keys when most of those purposes are served perfectly fine with well-known keybinds. And not to mention, it pisses me off that nobody uses IBM standard bindings anymore. C-m is to RETURN as C-h is to BACKSPACE. Yet only Bash seems to care. Everyone else shits on basic bindings, like a big "Fuck you" to standardization of something that has absolutely no reason to be diverse. I can't even use "Alt" modifiers in XFCE terminal because it has its own shitty bindings. Cherry on top: SysrescueCD's default background preset for XFCE terminal makes orange text illegible, so I have to change the background setting to white every time. Everything is inconsistant, everything is horrible, yet many keybinds are hard-coded. Like C-c tells mpv to terminate, regardless of what I put in the triggers or in the config file. Why? Why would you hardcode the keybind that everyone universally considers to be "Copy"? What would possibly compel you to do this? Read a style guide or something. God. No one can behave themselves.


I wish there was something like Swype for f-droid. That legit looks cool.

But I honestly think voice control is the future. And audio desktops. Far, far future, sure, but it makes sense. No sense for screens, and still fairly efficient. Blind people process text faster than normal people, and I've seen people get, like, 40 WPM with voice interface.

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