[ what / sjis / test-php ]

/what/ -...

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But fuck them and their polygamy, it literally hyper escalates and guarantees a larger divide between incels and men with multple wives.


i would rape the grape girl


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grapist raper


she's sexycute



That looks like it was drawn in 2007


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why do s4sers type like their mentally retraded


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You must have never browsed /jp/


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one for the americans


i dont remember much from /jp/ but i probably said the same thing about people purposely spelling poorly back then


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I feel like wojacks were deliberately designed to be as ugly as possible. It's as if someone combined fimation cartoons, wikihow, and rage comics. Why it caught on is a complete and utter mystery to me.


Fuck this thread
Fuck everybody who posted in this thread
Fuck /v/
Fuck 4channel
Fuck every other image board
Fuck tripfags
Fuck namefags
Fuck everyone who complains about tripfags and namefags
Fuck anonymous
Fuck shitposters
Fuck ironic shitposters
Fuck janitors
Fuck moderators
Fuck Hiroshimoot
Fuck retarded newfags
Fuck oldfags that jumped ship
Fuck GoofyGoobers
Fuck these shitty rules
Fuck normalfags
Fuck everyone who calls normalfags normies and claims they, themselves, aren't failed normalfags
Fuck all of your shitty, unfunny memes
Fuck Wojak
Fuck Pepe
Fuck pink wojak
Fuck boomer wojak
Fuck zoomer wojak
Fuck doomer wojak
Fuck bloomer wojak
Fuck every other wojak edit
Fuck moot
Fuck all this blatant reddit shit
Fuck the le epik rusemen XXDD
Fuck OH NO NO NOposting
Fuck coomposting
Fuck any word ending in -oom besides boomer
Fuck seetheposting
Fuck rent freeposting
Fuck copeposting
Fuck cringeposting
Fuck yikesposting
Fuck have sexposting
Fuck trannies
Fuck faggots
Fuck niggers
Fuck redditors
Fuck leftists
Fuck stormfags
Fuck rapefugees from other sites
Fuck the person reading this
Fuck the person scrolling past this without reading
Fuck everyone that uses sage as a downvote
Fuck everyone that uses greentext as le epik meme arrow
Fuck the internet
Fuck this gay earth

inb4 >LOL butthurt
inb4 >u mad bro?
inb4 >underage b& detected
inb4 >check em
inb4 >see you tomorrow
inb4 >guaranteedreplies
inb4 >0/10 made me reply
inb4 >sent ;)
inb4 >uh huh honey ;)
inb4 >open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosuar
inb4 banned
inb4 404
inb4 >>>/pol/
inb4 >copypasta
inb4 >tl;dr
inb4 >put me in the cap
inb4 /r/4chan
inb4 >zoomed words


Fuck Whatmin
Fuck Frozentard
Fuck Simpsons spammer
Fuck Dani
Fuck remi anon
Fuck gooey
Fuck the birthday guy
Fuck every poster on /t-p/
Fuck Otamin
Fuck Henri
Fuck Gladiator spammer
Fuck Lolimo
Fuck flower anon
Fuck Sean
Fuck Kissmin and the rest of /qa/
Fuck Trevor
Fuck Milk
Fuck Pygma
Fuck Meromin
Fuck Nenmin
Fuck Himamin
Fuck Warosumin
Fuck Eksopl
Fuck Anonymous Jones
Fuck ZUNbar
Fuck Sion
Fuck Sudo
Fuck wtH
Fuck Currybutt
Fuck Arc
Fuck Nagi
Fuck Siztra
Fuck Mugen
Fuck White Ren
Fuck Taiko
Fuck Suigin
Fuck AoC and all of the other jannies


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>Fuck Pygma



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I'm honored


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>Fuck Kissmin
please be gentle, it's my first time


Gonna devastate that teens boyhole and give him a bitchs orgasm.


*doki doki*


Bitch ass nigga


He'll get all doki doki while my cummer goes throby throby while inside his cute virgin butte shooting warm love juices.


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you sound pretty cute. If i were gay i'd definitely call you up


Faggot ass nigga


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What do you mean "if" ? You come off so gay that you might just sweat rainbows of excitement from the prospect of being railed, sad I can't believe kissmin just friend zoned me…


are those both boys??


Yeah, their buttons are on the right side of both of their coats.


Why are girl clothes like that though? Why they button up on the other side?

What if it's a girl wearing boy clothes?

What about boys that wear girl clothes? How could you be sure just based on the buttons?

I've seen boy clothes that button up like my girl clothes. What if it was a girl that was wearing girl clothes but it buttoned up like boy clothes? How could you tell in that case?


Then you just tell them to pull their pants down for an inspection.


its not hard just ask their pronouns




do drugs

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