[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1562825385891.jpeg (161.09 KB,827x1169,7bd9f56881699b99.jpeg) iqdb


do you ever just punch the wall in frustration


File: 1562825486587.jpg (356.36 KB,579x819,madoka magica 0044.jpg) iqdb

you need to have sex


File: 1562826101132.jpeg (126.18 KB,1024x852,84b6bd97a3cb2604.jpeg) iqdb

Maybe I do but I can't, I'm extremely poor


File: 1562835107781.jpg (595.22 KB,849x1200,madoka magica 0283.jpg) iqdb

Guys don't care if you're poor, just put on a frilly skirt.


I often wear my frilly skirt but no one has ever even slapped my butte.


*slaps your ass*


File: 1562861777838.jpg (338.23 KB,600x849,1560880057517.jpg) iqdb

Haven't since I was a teenbro.

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