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every time I look at whatmins torrenting history it keeps getting gayer and gayer




How are these people on every torrent in existence







you should cosplay this




they clear the data after a while. I had torrents on my IP that aren't there anymore


He's on a downward spiral. Soon he will start cross dressing


He comes off more of the type to Dom over the cross dresser rather than crossdressing.


They all do, it's denial and insecurity


You sound like you want to wear a schoolgirl outfit while getting fucked


That's called projection


Have you thought about wearing girl clothes? I bet they'd bring out your curves


Kill yourself tranny


I bet you'd look good bent over a desk in a short skirt


Disgusting faggot


Please, I want it to hurt.


Seek professional help


id chain your feet to the floor and your arms would be chained to the sides of the desk


I have better ones to wear.

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