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Is it worth it to play the first Touhou game?


File: 1562779420723.jpg (650.32 KB,1440x900,1561602906790.jpg) iqdb

Yeah, I did.

It's not a normal touhou game.

I remember the bosses being extremely hard and Reimu has purple hair.


Yeah, kinda. It's like a wallbreaker but you have reimooo and you have her iconic yinyang ball that you need to slap around to destroy bosses and walls. It's kinda annoying because I kept dying just from trying handling the ball.
It did wake up the challenger's spirit in me to master it but it's also a timesink, soooo….
Prepare that Reimu and the crew won't look like the pretty late versions and fanarts you see around tho


anyone have a good touhou guide? i played the bootleg phone ones on my iphone and they were really fun so now i wanna play the real ones


zun needs to hire literally anyone else to do the art the nigga can't draw for shiu8t

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